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Animalmon Inc.

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Información sobre Animalmon Inc.

hi! welcome to Animalmon inc.! I’m mr J and you can call me Jon. I’m he/him. And btw I’m also a voice actor. :3 if you are willing to hire me please may do! and besides as you can see Animalmon is a English teenage sitcom gacha club series and franchises as appearance to be a animal version of Pokémon like taking away from the creatures and then turn it into animals and yep that’s animalmon! Rules of my channel: no mean stuff, no hate stuff, no sexual stuff, no weird comments and stuff, no rude and hate comments because if it was there then hate comments will as mind as will leave to the garbage dump, and this channel is rated PG - 13 and tv 14. And if you’re not a teen or up then you will mind as well leave right now! BTW videos will be uploaded everyday! Someday! Later! Thxs!

Genre: #HorrorComedy #Musical #Horror #Comedy #Adventure #Mystery #Sci-Fi #Ghosthuntingtypeofanimeorshow

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