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Información sobre Sissi

Welcome to my Channel Sissi. It's my childhood name, that I had growing up in Austria.
Update 2020: I now upload videos on Bitchute Channel Sissi Langstrumpf, due to YouTube deleting videos of Epidemiologists, Virologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases who oppose the Government Corona measures.
Among them were Dr Bodo Schiffmann, Prof Martin Haditsch, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr Heiko Schoening, Dr Eifler, and many more.,, (The Great Barrington Declaration).
German legal investigative team led by Dr Reiner Fuellmich:,
2023 update: German/American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich's new site:
Update 2024: Dr Reiner Fuellmich, in prison as a political prisoner, in Germany. The judge in his case, Carsten Schindler, putting shame on his name.Where is Schindler's list? Reiner doesn't seem to be on it?

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