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Arnie's Tech

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Arnie's Techの説明

This channel is all about giving tech enthusiasts like you and me a platform with focus on education and entertainment. By switching to GNU/Linux I learned a lot about the deep world of hard- and software, FOSS-projects and the philosophy behind numerous foundations worldwide. Since it helped me improve a lot, I want to share my experiences and knowledge with you. But I am also eager to learn from you! Feel free to comment and discuss with me and fellow enthusiasts. For more specific information, please visit my free website. A link to the exact section will be presented under the respective video.

Your help and support is highly apreciated. You can support this channel financially by sending donations or by joining the services beneath. Your non-monetary support is welcome just as well. If you find the content useful, feel free to share it!

But now it's time to go out and do good things :)

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