All Tomorrows Audiobook (Full Reading)

Published 2021-09-08
A full audiobook reading of the 2006 ebook 'All Tomorrows' by C.M. Kosemen.

"Love today, and seize all tomorrows!"


00:00 Intro
00:18 To Mars
02:17 The Martian Americans
03:47 Civil War
06:45 Star People
08:40 Colonization and the Mechanical Oedipi
10:23 The Summer of Man
12:20 An Early Warning
14:38 Qu
16:29 Man Extinguished
18:25 Worms
19:59 Titans
21:35 Predators and Prey
22:50 Mantelopes
24:42 Swimmers
26:37 Lizard Herders
28:23 Temptor
30:07 Bone Crusher
32:19 Colonials
33:47 Flyers
35:30 Hand Flappers
36:46 Blind Folk
38:52 Lopsiders
40:19 Striders
42:25 Parasites
44:26 Finger Fishers
45:50 Hedonists
47:40 Insectophagi
48:56 Spacers
51:08 Ruin Haunters
53:15 Sentience Reborn
54:23 Extinction
55:23 Snake People
57:55 Killer Folk
01:00:46 Tool Breeders
01:03:20 Saurosapiens
01:05:54 Modular People
01:08:29 Pterosapiens
01:11:19 Asymetric People
01:14:03 Symbiotes
01:17:06 Sail People
01:19:52 Satyriacs
01:22:22 Bug Facers
01:24:52 Asteromorphs
01:27:28 Second Galactic Empire
01:30:53 Gravital
01:33:18 Machine Invasion
01:35:13 When Considering the Invasion
01:37:46 Subjects
01:40:15 The Other Machines
01:41:58 The Fall of the Machines
01:45:04 The Post-War Galaxy
01:47:20 The New Machines
01:49:40 Second Contact
01:51:51 Earth Rediscovered
01:53:26 Return
01:54:16 All Tomorrows





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This reading is officially approved by the author.

All Comments (21)
  • @BewareCast
    Hello and welcome to my All Tomorrows audiobook reading! Just a quick disclaimer: 1. I now know that "Oedipus" is pronounced "Ed-i-pus" and not "Oh-ed-i-pus". 2. I do make a couple of small mistakes in my reading, mispronouncing the odd word, like "schism" and a couple of others. 3. Occassionally the audio in some sections may go a little bit quieter than others, I have tried to normalize it all to the same level, hopefully you don't find it too distracting. Thank you for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe!
  • @chercineaste
    this was written 15 years ago but it feels like the writer came from the future and released this as a warning to humanity
  • @billbadson7598
    I was thrown for an absolute loop when the Qu showed up and did their thing. Everything up to that point was kind of what you expect from a sci-fi story about early space colonization. And then it just goes all “Humans lost. Humans lost HARD.” It’s one thing for a people to be enslaved by alien invaders for generations, even for hundreds or thousands of years. But just this scope of time, where the species was tortured and genetically mutilated for a vastly longer amount of time than Homo sapiens itself had even existed as a species, put the power disparity into clear focus. By the time the Qu just casually decided to leave, “mankind” had existed as mutant descendent species longer than they had ever truly existed as “mankind” as we know it.
  • I think I will always respect the colonials the most. They held off two waves of QU which is extremely impressive. I wish the book added more detail into what happened during those battles.
    One thing I love about AT is how although it's full of body horror and humans being twisted into strange forms, they never lose their humanity. It's a grimdark setting, yet one where good is ever present.
  • @DyxoXinoro
    I feel fortunate that, after trying to explain All Tomorrows to a friend last night, I realized I could just throw this video at them since they love audio books. Thank you for your service, ser.
  • @turnkey-p8643
    Speculative biology always interested me, they give a slight sense of dread and curiosity. I only wish their were more books like this.
  • @noaboahQR
    I've tried two audiobooks for this and I didn't like any of the voices and pacing, you are easily the best one so far! Amazing voice can't wait for more
  • @Caratrox
    The qu: we do a little trolling around here 😂😂
  • @bobrbw
    I love this book, but it’s a real shame that it’s never been made in print. I’d pay $60 just to own a physical copy of this
  • @reallyrealraven
    Best date ever. Just sat around the Bluetooth speaker lost together in billions of years of horrific, amazingly complex evolution.
  • @rangergxi
    I have no doubt that the author had fun writing this book and that you had fun narrating it. I appreciate both of you for your effort.
  • @Jaxymann
    The most chilling part of All Tomorrows is the body horror of cosmic biology - it makes perfect logical sense that beings on worlds with different gravity, suns, atmospheric compositions and resources would evolve drastically differently to each other over millions of years, and yet the fact that all of them have at least a perceptible resemblance to Humanity in them is so jarring that you oftentimes forget the beings in All Tomorrows aren't aliens from other galaxies: they're our direct descendants.
  • Whoa. What the heck did I just listen to? I came into this one blind and didn't know what to expect. This was pretty amazing.
  • Perfect narration, and the way you said "Love today and seize all tomorrow's" Sent chills daown my back
  • The final line of "what you do today influences tommorow, not the other way around so love today and seize all tommorows" hit me hard for some reason, this is the kind of book that I can't explain but I know will stick with me for a lifetime and your voice has forever been cemented as the narrator of this book in my mind, absolutely incredible work
  • @chucheeness7817
    This book really needs personalized stories like Man after Man. In entirety, the narrative was dark and depressive but that's because we, as an audience is viewing it with millions of years in passing. I wonder how a day in one human subtype goes, like the hedonists/hippies or what the leftover star people do in their freetime within the asteroids
  • The most terrifying thing of all tomorrows is not how the human kind got twisted by the Qu, is the sheer amount of time in between events.
  • The second I heard your voice at the very beginning, I shouted to myself, "HELL YEAH! Perfect narrator!"
  • @Wistahl
    As someone who doesn't often venture outside of the more tame and lighthearted fiction, I almost found myself putting it down after being so disturbed I nearly lost my lunch. I'm glad I stuck it through though. It is a hard and grim story, but by latter half I was very compelled and found the closing sentiment inspiring in a way.