I Cant Believe I Found this, and Junkyard WLA Problem finally Fixed

Published 2022-04-05
-M1 Moto Gloves, Tank Straps, and Bikes and Beards Apparel: bikesandbeardsgear.com/

to see the progression of this bike start here
I Bought a JUNKYARD 1942 WW2 Harley Davidson to Ride HOME
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Restoring the JUNKYARD 1942 WW2 Harley Davidson(Part 1)
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Restoring the JUNKYARD 1942 WW2 Harley Davidson(Part 2)
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New Problems w/ the JUNKYARD WLA Restore(Part 3)
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My Junkyard WLA Engine is a Rare Goldmine apparently
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The TRUTH about the JUNKYARD WLA's Parts and metals
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Big Announcement on the JUNKYARD WLA Rebuild
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How much it actually Cost to Restore 1942 Junkyard WLA
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Everyone Doubted that we could Fix this: WLA Junkyard Rebuild
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I Cant Believe I Found this, and Junkyard WLA Problem finally Fixed
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The Junkyard WLA Transmission gets finished and we Sponsor and old friend
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All Comments (21)
  • @ethanh3421
    Hey man, just wanted to say obviously I love the videos but more importantly I love the Bible verses you put in and how relevant they usually are! You’ve gotten me to “get back into my faith” so to speak. I’ve always been faithful and have devoted my life to Christ but watching your channel has gotten me more into it than I have been growing up, thank you guys for that.
  • "That's not a motorcycle, it's a stick with a horsehead on it." 🤣🤣😂😂 The parts bath triggered a memory for me. The smell... not a bad smell, but a unique smell. I went through a couple of engines with Dad and I spent many hours/days cleaning parts. Every time I see your videos with this, it takes me back. 👍👍
  • With tools like vises, anvils and such, I recommend keeping a running wish list and reading up on quality older models, adding notes to your list as you learn more. The quality of older American made pieces is usually superior to new (usually imports) and they are often much less expensive. When you go to a swap meet or flea market, you can check your list and be ready for a great deal when you find one. The Northeastern and Midwestern US have strong manufacturing and machining history. As the old pros retire (and, sadly, pass away) those tools come up to serve another generation. While it makes sense to not buy everything you think you'll need up front, waiting until you need something can limit your choices and lead to a purchase under some level of duress. I recommend acquiring and setting aside the money and knowledge so that you can seize upon the opportunity to buy the best.
  • @Nxt2nothing3133
    "Throw nothing away" is good advice. I got a box full of random original parts from my sportster 1200s that are going to come I'm really handy when something breaks, or make someone's day when they need them the most. Plus if I ever sell it, those parts can really sweeten the deal.
  • @tuckerwise7308
    Are we all gonna ignore the fact that there was a pulse autocycle in the movie "free guy" it was meant to look futuristic.. it's from the past. Beautiful machine.
  • @paddyskull
    Irishman living in Germany, loving everything you guys do. I reckon you've got the pace just about right, as any shortcuts in a project like this will bite you later. As they say in far eastern countries, "Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey!"
  • I've never understood how anyone who rides a motorcycle can have "hate" for other motorcycles. I'd rather ride ANY motorcycle than ride NO motorcycle. Riding is riding -- you either love it or you don't.
  • @pebear
    I feel ya. I didn't start riding till I was 7 on a Honda 50 that I bought from a customer on my Egg route. I saw the bike under a tarp and I asked them what they planned on doing with these bike since it never left the tarp. They were like, it's for sale and I was like I got 35 dollars and they took it. Their kid who was like 2 years older than me broke his leg on it and they wanted the Honda 50 gone. I'm 57 now and in May I'll be 58 so that will make 51 years riding motorcycles. I have ridden bikes from the 60's on up to bikes from the 2000's ....
  • @boostedKTM
    It's so cool to watch the progress and great to see that beautiful machine make it back to the street
  • @eirikauster
    It makes my day when a new video from this build appears. Great stuff
  • @theone2be33
    I started watching this channel when Caleb got into the fight with a dump truck. Haven't stopped watching. Better than mainstream TV! And Craig is hilarious. In a fun way
  • Thank you guys so much. You were my inspiration to buying a project. I just picked up a 1985 Honda v65 Sabre on Sunday, I scooped it up for $1500 and only had to put a battery, intake boots and a turn signal on it. I can connect to no being able to ride with someone who inspired you to ride. My Grandpa passed away in September due to Covid and I remember riding with him on his retired police Harley as a kid. Again I just wanted to thank you for helping to inspire me to get in 2 wheels again and use the ride as an outlet.
  • @Nug-one87
    Sean please don't let your hands soak in the parts cleaner. That stuff can mess with your nerves later in life. Remember how all the mechanics back in the day used to use thinner as hand cleaner?
  • @jbezel7249
    Wla’s are so beautiful. Loving this build guys thanks for sharing.
  • @colinmiles9390
    Looking forward to the ongoing saga with this rebuild. Glad your taking your time and explaining on throwing away nothing. You never know what can be saved in the long run 👊👍💪
  • @Souperkire
    Loving this project you guys are awesome...inspiring me to dive into dreams thank you
  • @Fezzler61
    Two takeaways. 1) Non-bike restorers, notice the elbow grease. Huge part of any restoration. Get good at it. Patience. 2) "Never throw anything away." I bought a bike in boxes that came with 5 sets of carbs in varying condition. I told my carb rebuild guy, make me two good sets. You can keep extra parts. A few years later, doing another project, the carbs needed some parts. Yup. I should have kept them. Lucky I reminded my carb guy and he did have them in his stash.
  • @davidgreve2181
    Working on a wall has to be the best part of reworking an old bike!! All this details down to a fine tooth comb!! I love it! Love watching your work. Love seeing your progress!!
  • @nastyogre
    Puts a smile on my face each time a Bikes and Beards video shows up on my feed. 😇 Keep the verses coming, people need to hear the gospel more than ever in this world. Blessings to you guys, and your team is on my prayer list. 🙏👍
  • @Error-br5zt
    You guys are so awesome. This is like watching a humble version of American chopper, top gear and a restoration show. I love it!