Silent Hill Downpour - What Happened?

Published 2019-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • @Ironman1o1
    "We don't wana play a criminal!" You guys do know what James Sunderland did... right?
  • @metademetra
    "We don't want to play a bad guy" Didn't James Sunderland murder his wife? Also I thought the whole point of all the monsters was that it represented all the figurative demons the protagonists had.
  • @Bryntwulf
    I think the game concept of "like silent hill, but with guilty convicts" was done much more competently by The Suffering, especially in the area of Monster Design.
  • @DieLobsterguy
    You know what the worst part about Downpour was? Not only was the HD Collection also released in 2012, but so did Book of Memories AND Revelation. Four critically panned installments into the Silent Hill franchise in just a single year. Silent Hill wasn't just killed, it had its heart ripped out in the middle of the street and had its body set ablaze, and all we could do was watch and shake our heads.
  • I like Korn. I like Silent Hill. I like steak. I like chocolate syrup. Two good things don’t automatically mix well.
  • @NitroRad
    It's a shame what happened to Downpour. I thought the game actually had some pretty decent ideas, and I actually did kinda like the story. A lot more than Homecoming at least.
  • Aaah this brings backs good memories... I still go back to watch the LP every so often :)
  • Great, all this talk of Silent Hill, survivor horror games, and Konami goofs just made me remember Metal Gear Survive. I hope you're happy, Matt.
  • @Filmsmith129
    Tomm Hulett's kind of a tragic figure. Matt talked about this somewhat, but basically, he jumped into Silent Hill because he was a massive fan of the first three games, and he stayed because he wanted there to be SOMEBODY on these projects who understood the appeal of the franchise, but it seems his lasting impact was to have the franchise die a slow and lingering death instead of just crashing into the ground like Final Fight or other once-famous IPs that vanished. He was barely able to talk Konami out of having a big DBZ-style energy duel between Alessa Gillespie and Joshua Shepherd in Silent Hill Homecoming, to give an example of how bad it was. And because he was the self-appointed face of most of the post-Team-Silent games, fans sent all the hatred and harrassment his way, blaming the guy for everything that went wrong in the series. Guy had to quit because it was all too much.
  • @BigEOT3
    “Konami, we’re the Pro Evolution Soccer Company now.”
  • @_Font_9787
    12 of august 2019 marks the 5 year anniversary of the silent hills reveal
  • @Evil_Noah
    Thank you for not shitting all over Tomm Hulett. He did the best he could with a bad situation.
  • I know a guy that got fired for being in the same room as this during testing. Wasn't even on the project, but happened to be in the room when a crash was found late into production and the QA director fired him and the tester that found the crash to appease the developers. Also one of the developers cussed out a tester because they suggested another crash that was found might be due to a memory leak. Good times at Konami.
  • @Solid_Steak44
    Wha happun to the axe that was thrown off the cliff?
  • @suraventri2544
    Daniel Licht did Dishonored 1 and 2/DOTO music too. DOTO was dedicated to him, since he died in 2017.
  • The Mummy movie with Tom Cruise should be the next Wha Happun?, it was the perfect example of how not to launch a Cinematic Movie Universe. Vote this up the world needs to know.
  • @GenerationWest
    Ah yes, Silent Hill: DOWNCOMING (That LP was 7 YEARS AGO now... damn) I can't believe this is final Silent Hill game, that isn't in a Pachinko machine game.
  • @TeepoST88
    Despite all it's problems, Silent Hill Downpour was still a decent game, if Konami had given the developers a bigger budget and a few more months, it could have been great. The Evil Within 2 feels like what Downpour could have been.
  • @jwnj9716
    Its a decent game, I mean its a step in the right direction, it just needed more. The story is not that bad, pretty good. The enemies are not special, only 2 boss battles which are short as hell. It reminds me of the Silent Hill movie, decent but it just needed more.