Conservative Comedy Destroyed My Life

Published 2024-04-02

All Comments (21)
  • @BigJoel
    Here's the link to my Patreon, if you want all my monthly bonus videos! Nostalgia Critic, Horrible Netflix Avatar, I've got it all:
  • @mickeynotmouse
    "we wanted to make a doc about how easy it is to join womens basketball as a man but we couldnt do it because it wasnt easy at all" WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THEN
  • "Your gender is: 'Get a job!' " is the most singularly distilled line of boomer comedy I have ever heard
  • @ihswap
    "We are being censored and silenced because everyone is a snowflake!" says the conservative comedian in a sold out venue for his 5th Netflix special.
  • @gwenyy794
    Fun fact... i was homeschooled my whole life, conservative religious household, and didnt get access to the internet until i was 15..... and guess what... figured out that im gay.... almost as if you cant teach kids to be gay...
  • @sabalos
    I feel bad for the little girl who had to learn pages of dialogue about how she's inferior to boys
  • @DarkMatter2525
    I remember Shapiro saying that the whole inspiration behind producing movies was to remove politics from them. As predicted, "removing politics" just meant "inserting politics we like and being about as subtle as a sledgehammer". They WANT to be what they think Hollywood is.
  • @riffler24
    I'm fascinated by the skit about the conservative teacher. When he says the line "You have objectively weak parents..." and it cuts to the woke SJW looking shocked, I was expecting him to finish the line by going "But I can help" or "but that doesn't mean you have to be weak" and he'd then inspire the kid to be a cool strong traditional American or whatever. But no, he just goes "You're also weak and I hate you" and it made me realize, he doesn't want to "correct" the kid or take them under his wing and show them how to be a "strong" person or whatever, it's just time to shit on the kid. He doesn't want to improve lives or help kids like a teacher might, he basically is just there to roast all of the students and make them sad. That's all he wants, that's all his audience wants, they just want to bully those nasty woke liberals
  • @ryanbowen4526
    Re: Ladyballers, that scene with protagonist and his daughter highlights the absurd reality of misogyny that would exist if shapiro and ilk had their way. Imagine having that talk with your daughter and earnestly telling them how second class they are?
  • @AhSawDood
    Roseanne Barr just yelling "Stalinism" and "Communism" reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Lois Griffin is running for office and just says "9/11" to get cheers lol
  • @billclockwell
    "I was a weird chubby dweeb" Shows three pictures of himself looking exactly the same
  • @DanielTaber
    Amazing that Doug Walker spent the entire Wall review calling Roger Waters whiny for making a concept album/film partly about the physical and emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his teachers during his childhood when he has complained extensively and earnestly about how awful it was for people to make fun of him as a kid for sharing a first name with a popular children's cartoon character.
  • "I hated lockdown because I had to spend time with my spouse/family" is peak sad boomer humour
  • @lupusgirl64
    Ben Shapiro's idea about making Ladyballers a documentary, but not being able to do it because it's very premise just doesn't exist is endlessly funny. Instead of making up a guy to get mad at, he made up an entire reality.
  • @YTqb
    idk about you, but itts kind of gross how the writers made a little girl act out a line where she describes that essentially men are better than women at most things
  • @rollpack89
    The attempted joke about "no one watches women sports" is hilariously ironic given the fact that the recent NCAA women's basketball tournament outdrew the absolute hell out of the men's tournament -- including it being the first year where the women's final outdid the men's. So clearly people are watching women's sports, tho it’s also clear that conservatives don’t pay attention… because they don’t actually care about “protecting” sports and more so want another boogeyman to scare people.
  • For fucks sake, the 'joke' about the sea levels rising would be so easy to do as an actual joke. "I moved to California and went straight to the sea and the levels were LITERALLY rising before my eyes! Halfway through the day they went back down again but THEN came right back up that very evening!" Yeah you could word that better but 'person who believes in climate change confuses the tide with sea levels rising' at least has an actual joke in there somewhere.
  • @legoinsomniac
    Sorry but the Rosanne joke "Mom, what is my gender?" "Your gender is, get a job, that's your gender." got a full belly laugh out of me for the sheer ridiculousness of it. It's genuinely like a parody of what someone her age would say, it's incredible.
  • @Alenthas
    bro wanted to prove how easy it was to join the women's basketball league but couldn't, reminds me of that one always sunny episode where dennis is trying to prove how easy it is to buy guns but he's acting like a lunatic so no one would sell it to him
  • i reacted to you appearing dressed as nostalgia critic like a jump scare