How To Make The Best Vanilla Latte You’ll Ever Have

Published 2024-06-07

All Comments (21)
  • A tip from a baker for vanilla syrup: a lot of the flavor compounds in vanilla denature in heat, so for a more complex flavor, add the vanilla after melting the sugar and removing from heat!
  • @punishy
    I'm Persian and mom has a homemade spice shop, we have saffron and orange blossom and never knew you can make that amazing syrup with it, tastes very refreshing ... thank you!
  • @lkeasbey1
    I like the format, it reminds me of Binging with Babish. It also lets you focus on making while also getting clear commentary on what's happening. You don't get any stumbles or pauses of voiceover while a tricky or involved physical process happens.
  • @giveemmadog22
    This would be a fun series for all popular latte flavors. Mocha, caramel, etc!
  • @dmckim3174
    Your videos always make me crave a fresh cup of coffee. I really appreciate how you are unintentionally helping me build a little tiny coffee shop in my apartment. ❤
  • @what_homework
    4:59 the accuracy and confidence for pouring the hot syrup into the smallest opening does not go unnoticed (and ending the pour without spilling a drop OH)
  • @zachary20XX
    we were in very good hands with Voiceover Morgan! i think it worked really well for one with detailed explanations on technique and such
  • I like this! It reminds me a bit of your older videos when you did all voiceover and made the recipe or technique in “silence”, per se. Now it feels like watching a longer reel! I do like the “normal” videos for lack of a better term where you talk to us while creating, speaking for myself it feels like having a visit with a friend while doing a project, but I’m happy to see more videos like this in the future too! 😄
  • @cheshkat6321
    Wow. I just made the first one, then saw this video listed. I'm cheap and most of the time when I want a coffee drink, I want it now and without a lit of fussing. So this is my go to coffee drink made at home. On really hot days I make some strong instant espresso over ice then add a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
  • voiceover Morgan is subtle and soothing to listen to; a great video nonetheless! <3
  • I dont drink coffee but love brewed cacao. I watch you and James Hoffman for tips on drink building/brewing and apply that to cacao grounds as best I can. I love your enthusiasm, matter-of-factness, and detailed explanations. Thank you!
  • My vote is to make the style of video that inspires and makes you the happiest! We will watch them all regardless. I will be trying your best vanilla latte recipe!
  • @AwfullyAverage
    Excited to try making some of these with my own tiny spoons and feeling whimsical to start the morning
  • @rather-reverend
    Love the format. The beauty of the drinks and the preparation steps really shine though.
  • @stonebear
    I like the bookended format. Slide in, live intro, VO for the assembly steps, and then live outro... it's also gotta be easier for you to do all the cookery VO, you can take as many shots as you want (pun not intentional!) and then take as long as you need to get the VO right... which means a less frustrated Morgan which means a high probability of better content! AND we still get to have slidey!Morgan! (Though pop-up!Morgan isn't bad either... but I just love the look of glee on your face when a slide goes right. :D ) Oh, and I love the beehive backsplash. That just rocks!