"I Have Seen a World that We Cannot Imagine Here" | Antonia Maria Albanese's After-Death Contacts

Published 2024-05-02
Antonia Maria Albanese (Italy) experienced several impressive after-death contacts with her husband, who died suddenly and completely unexpectedly of cardiac arrest.

00:00 Preview
01:13 After-death contacts – a big taboo
02:55 Suddenly my husband died – the funeral
05:08 Farewell and grief: I grieved for 23 years
06:43 After-death contacts with my husband
12:32 Another after-death contact
22:53 The most important things when dealing with grief

Interview: Werner Huemer
Director: Heike Sucky
Translation & Voice-over: Amira Weiss, Werner Huemer
Original subtitles: Heike Funke
Piano: Ingrid Weindel
Editor: Werner Huemer

℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2024 Thanatos TV EN



All Comments (21)
  • @E-Kat
    Some people have been really awful to me because I'm still upset because I've lost my darling husband of 40 years. They say unkind things to me just because I don't want to go to caffès or aimlessly walk around the shops. I was caring for my husband in hospitals, slept by his bed, provided all of his care, did his physiotherapy and it had been such a traumatic time for me. Following this I cared for him at home for a long time. People want me to erase this from my memory and start looking for a new husband. So, these people are no longer my friends. We were married when my husband died; we never got divorced, so I consider myself still married to him. Love him forever, and still in love with him. I just need them to respect how I feel.
  • @holly_kay5570
    Thank you for sharing this story. My Son passed away a few months ago. Right now, I'm still living it every moment. I asked him to let me know if he was okay and then I had 3 dreams about him. The message I got from the dreams is that that he hears me, and he's content and at peace.
  • @kittylove208
    Thank you Thanatos TV for making these videos available to the English speaking world, they are a great comfort to many 😊
  • @LittleB612
    My son passed nearly one year ago 💔 I pray every day that one day he will visit me ❤
  • @justagirl5593
    My partner of 24 years died 6 months ago. I’ve had 2 dreams about him. Each time he was smiling and glowing and looked beautiful. The first time he was smiling looking at me and said ‘look at you’ I’m not sure what he meant….the second time he was holding me and looking into my eyes and smiling. I’ve felt really alone since he died. These dreams helped
  • I just want to see my grandpa again.😢😢😢 died unexpectedly in 2017 from a drunk driver. Please protect my grandpa lord thank you.
  • I still grieve the loss of my two beloved daughters, so young and beautiful. Your story is a soothing balm to my heart and I realize we all suffer from the loss of pieces of our hearts but must continue on.
  • A sweet and lovely story. And what a lovely woman, with light in her eyes!
  • @Dion_Mustard
    I have been watching these NDE videos for a while now and could never relate to them UNTIL I had my own experience. It wasn't an NDE, but an OBE, which I guess is one element of many people's NDEs. But mine was simply during a "sleep" state experience. I was able to make my awareness leave my body, but also remain in my body, so there was a sort of "split" of my awareness. I became aware of a large field with animals which I was flying above like Peter Pan. It wasn't an illusion. It felt MORE real than current reality. yet at the same time I could feel my physical body lying on the bed. It was by far the most MIND-BLOWING experience I have ever had. I did not use drugs. I was just relaxed and was able to travel away from my physical body.
  • @ksjanna
    So many chills. What tragedy she went through. But what hope she gives that we are immortal
  • @BayanOrumbayeva
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! I was 5 times in coma and what I saw made me believe in God and become happy forever! Every hour is a blessing for me now no matter what is going on. May all the worlds be happy! May our love for the Creator, God grow stronger every passing moment!
  • @denzoil
    Thank you kindly, Antonia, for your honest heartfelt sincerity when describing your experiences. I have gone between grief and gratitude in dealing with the loss of my little boy in a drowning accident almost 50 years ago. I have finally found peace even though I had no spiritual experiences to help me get through it, except for a few dreams many years ago. I know I will see him again, along with many other loved ones, when it is time to go. Thanatos TV continues to assure me of this beautiful life on the other side. Thank you once again!
  • Antonia''s closeness to and her belief in, our "other world" has kept her sound to stand the pain and sorrow in this world. An extremely touching account from someone who knows what she is talking about. Thank you so much for Antonia's tale.
  • There is so much wisdom there, and it's wisdom born through loss and grief, with the ultimate knowledge that death is truly not the end of life. I hope that the remainder of her life is filled with joy.
  • A wonderful gift of an interview full of love and openness to possibility. Thank you!
  • @E-Kat
    Oh, I had very similar experiences after my darling husband's death. On one occasion I'd asked him what was he doing in heaven, to which he had replied " I'm mostly travelling ". My daughter had an identical dream, when he also said that he's mostly travelling. We weren't aware of each other's dreams at that time. My deceased mum spoke to me one day, when I was very far removed from even thinking about her, and it was so real, that I completely forgot that she's no longer with us! She ordered me to do something, just like she did when we were living together, so I got up, proceeded to the kitchen and only then, I remember she's died about seven years ago. I've had many more experiences, so I do believe the departed can see us when they want to. Thank you for sharing this. 😊
  • @jeromebarry1741
    Antonia Maria Albanese is by no means unique. My first wife died July 15, 2022. On her birthday later that year, she began contacting me through dreams, signs, knowings, help, and answers. In all her activity after death I am certain that she was leading me to my new wife. You see, in her living life, she had often expressed her wish that I marry again if she should leave first. I always said I would not marry again. I was 59 when she died. She continued in her afterlife to arrange for me to recognize her, trust her, and take her suggestion. She even influenced another woman to speak to me, and it is that woman I married in July of 2023. After I married my new wife, my first wife, along with the first husband of my new wife, expressed their wish that we newlyweds enjoy life together. Since then, she's stayed on her side of the grave. It was truly a miraculous and beautiful 10 months.
  • @Mary-ff6is
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I have never thought of death that way in which we should be grateful for the time we have spent with those who have died instead of grieving them. You have opened my eyes to another perspective. Thank you.
  • Grazie ....una delle testimonianze più belle e toccanti che io abbia mai ascoltato. tra le più belle in assoluto....e Antonia Maria è una donna meravigliosa....grazie...testimonianze come questa riempiono il cuore, completamente, di tante cose belle...di tutte le "cose" più belle della vita umana......
  • Grazie per questa incredibile e commovente testimonianza. La vita può essere molto dolorosa e potremmo sentirci soli, ma in realtà i nostri amati sono sempre con noi ❤🙏