Telepathy to Make Your Crush Go Crazy Over You, Works Even When Away + Subliminal Affirmations

Published 2020-10-15
Telepathy to Make Your Crush Go Crazy Over You, Works Even When Away + Subliminal Affirmations

Scientists have known for decades that the conscious brain is highly "sales-resistant." But when subliminal messages are flashed quickly enough to avoid conscious recognition, they go directly to the subconscious, which has no inherent sales resistence. This is what gives subliminal affirmation messages their amazing power to retool the brain. And remember: the subconscious is the real driver behind our personality, our desires, our fears, our self-image, and everything we dream about.

How It Works?
Subliminal messages are affirmations that bypass your skeptical awareness and go straight to your more receptive subconscious mind, which produces thrilling improvements to your mind, your attitude, your self-image, your habits-whatever you've chosen to heal or help.

Subliminal Messages : An audio or visual messages passes or transmitted by subconscious/unconscious mind

Instruction: it is best to listen with headphones on moderate to weak volume – the sound should be easily heard, but not loud.

The music/audio is produced by the Relaxing Music Heaven team, and we are the owners, as well as the exclusive rights.
Copying or re-uploading is not permitted.

#telepathy #crush #subliminal

All Comments (21)
  • this is perfectttt he’s obsessed with me! literally worked right away! have faith guys were hanging out a lot and talking and wow🥰
  • If you're reading this I'm praying for you to receive the highest form of love. You deserve the best.🙏🏼💗
  • This one worked better than any other subliminal i ever used. He came back and with a totally changed and loving attitude, im in shock. It just works temporarily tho, like all subliminals. They work for a moment but eventually things seems to get worse. Important to realize this. Ive been using subliminals for years and the results have always been temporarily.
  • @milanaru777
    IT WORKS!!!!!!! we didn’t text for 5 weeks but the day after i listened to this (once) he texted me :P
  • @anu6222
    i listened once and he came back- this really workds
  • @janetortiz4037
    This definitely worked. I was so relaxed while listening to this. At some point I fell asleep. When I woke up he sent me two messages. This works!!!
  • @tseerezy
    From blocked to unblocked 😂🙏🏽😍 this is so effective and amazing
  • @c-rawtalks4213
    I listened to this last night. Had not heard from him in 4 days. Right now I just got off the phone with him. He told me he misses me 🥰🥰🥰😘
  • @maleahxamour
    He’s thinking about me He’s thinking about me constantly He’s thinking about me obsessively He’s thinking about me and smiling I’m on his mind I’m on his mind I’m on his mind He’s texting me right now He’s calling me right now He’s sending me a voice message right now I’m in his dreams I’m in his dreams I’m in his dreams I’m on his mind 24/7 He’s looking through our old messages He wants to hear my voice He wants to hear my laugh He wants to see my smile He misses me He regrets not talking to me He’s obsessed with me He wants to talk again He wants to apologize to me He wants to be with me He wants to be with me He wants to be with me He loves me He loves me He loves me
  • I don't comment easily but this really works !!! I listened it only for 5 to 6 minutes but still it worked for me ❤ thank you so much universe 💞 i claim all the positivity ❤
  • He just confessed his love to me, he told me that im the only one for him. He's in love with me Ahhhh
  • Wow.. can’t believe how fast this worked! 🥰 Sit back and let the universe work 😌🌎✨
  • @Jdy_565
    Hey everyone! Keep in mind it’s YOU that makes this work. You make your own magic. You just have to believe in it! Don’t let doubt take over “it probably won’t work” etc. change that into “I believe my SP loves me” you gotta believe with all your heart. I might not work straight away, it could take a while, but if you keep believing, it’ll come faster. Believe me!
  • @AlexandraB123
    IT WORKS!!!!!!! I played in once every day for 2 days ! I received a text of him saying that he is sorry and showing that he cares <3
  • @cate5503
    I trust this, i trust the universe and i trust my desired person will make his way to me
  • @jazzbenliro5998
    While listening to this, I was looking at the sky with sea of clouds... I ask for a very clear sign if he is really in love with me and serious about our relationship... The sea of clouds suddenly disappeared and showed me very clear sky with lots of stars... I believe this is the clear sign that I was been asking... ❤️❤️❤️
  • @user-ps9zj1lk8g
    خداوند همه ی کسانی که این نظر رامیبینند به عشقشون برسونه مالایق عشق فراون وشادی هستیم
  • He texts me saying that he loves and misses me a lot. This really works. Thanks universe