This Company ALLEGEDLY Stole Marques Brownlee's and LTT's Videos...

Published 2024-07-26
Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at AI companies once again, in this case Runway. Training data is the lifeblood to standing out amongst the crown and it appears that allegedly this company was using YouTubers content without permission all while raising millions of dollars. Thanks for watching!
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All Comments (21)
  • @Vociferous
    In the 2020s, "In a revelation surprising no-one, machine-learning projects used unlicensed training data" will be a headline as omnipresent as late 2010s "Social media and ad company unlawfully collected user data".
  • This is one of the few times I'd want the Nintendo legal ninjas to pop off.
  • Pirate websites getting pirated themselves is peak irony.
  • The AI rush is just further proof that copyright laws, as they currently exist, only serve the interests of corporations. Why is it that any AI startup can essentially pirate any and all content me or my friends have uploaded online with basically no way to fight back, but my ISP will throw a hissy-fit if I torrent one (1) game or movie by a multibillion dollar corporation? Greed. That's why.
  • @KingJojoB
    I’m not shocked at the fact Ai is fully taking over and stealing peoples videos.
  • @EtopiasCorner
    Ai companies need to be held accountable for this bullshit
  • Incredible how these AI companies can get away with such unethical practices. They should either pay for the training data or shut down.
  • When they said you’ll own nothing and be happy did you assume IP wasn’t included?
  • "His channel got absolutely fucking scraped ALLEGEDLY" LMAO Muta got the lawyer speak on point
  • @dooorrr
    When Muta chuckles right at beginning of the video you know it's gonna be good
  • AI is going to go up in price or drop off hard when the law catches up. I can't deny its useful in some scenarios, but off the backs of hard work and time of others. These people need to be compensated and opt into training. The data itself is everything and these companies need to pony up if they want to use their content. Some method to authenticate what data an AI has and whether or not people were paid or asked it could be used needs to be put in place.
  • @Sem5626
    i love how this super smart "AI" BS just can't work at all without plagiarism and then even when it does work its terrible
  • @sabokizi
    time for nintendo to have a redemption arc and actually go for once after someone that deserves it
    It's shocking how these tech giants irresponsibly exploit content creators' hard work for their own gain.
  • Artists have been vocal about this for years, and it kind of saddens me to see that it takes YouTubers being affected for people to start asking these companies to compensate those who's training data they steal, or ask for consent in the first place (f opt out, opt in should be the only legally viable way).
  • @Aezetyr
    Generative AI is the death of creativity.
  • @MinnieKenny
    I'm grateful that Muta came straight from bed to record this video
  • @benchno5366
    im calling it: now that big companies are getting content yoinked itll have repercussions. its okay if its us average citizens having our ideas and concepts stolen for profit, but when its big IP then theres an issue
  • It's baffling that there's no laws against this. It's so easy when all they gotta do is write something like "if the work they use isn't Royalty Free or have free use permission from the owner, they will either have to pay a fee or not use it"