Nomad of Nowhere Season 1 SPOILER Review

Published 2018-10-05

All Comments (21)
  • @saltytoast9551
    Rooster teeth shows in a nutshell: First few episodes: shits and giggles Anything after that: VIOLENT CRYING AND DEATH
  • @0er069
    Unpopular opinion, I think Nomad of Nowhere is better than RWBY.
  • @kutalyl7153
    The Nomad is not the only one who lived long enough to tell, El-Ray and the governors have also been there and I'm looking forwards to see some of their point of view as the show continues.
  • @WilliamBeasley
    I'm curious if Nomad will ever find out what happened to Melinda since he apparently rgained his memories
  • @breeka1483
    I think Toth will likely have a similar story to Zuko’s story from Avatar. She has a goal that she is desperate to achieve and to do it she must capture the good guy and bring them to the bad guy. Likely after what happened with Red Manuel she will try to go against others also trying to capture the nomad so that she can be the one to bring him in. I imagine that she will have a revelation (perhaps realizing that El Rey is ultimately the reason why her people are suffering in the first place) that leads her to help the nomad overthrow El Rey and save her people that way. If this is the case then I wouldn’t mind it because Zuko is my favorite character in animation and to see a character inspired by him would make me happy.
  • @Mark-fc7tu
    I first started watching Nomad of Nowhere because the premise was interesting and I wanted to learn about the story and its mysteries. After watching the full season, I can confidently say that Rooster Teeth actually delivered a good story, and more. The characters were interesting, and it was nice to see the writers convey information through subtle questioning and flashbacks, and not by gathering everyone around a table (cough RWBY cough). I greatly enjoyed this show, and I am sincerely looking forward to a second season.
  • I think that is the point of having a silent protagonist, they want to work on showing not telling and they did great maybe they can add it to rwby
  • @novawriter8649
    I like Nomad of Nowhere but Camp Camp is a terrible example. Camp Camp isn’t simply a straight up comedy more so it’s an interaction based show that explores the characters through comedy. In no way is David, Max or Gwen the same character without growing and having slight changes after the seasons. Max went from wanting to leave Camp in Season 1, to being bored and not trying to escape in Season 2 to actively helping the camp while denying his own love and attachment to the place in Season 3. He may have the same personality but he is not the same and many Camp Camp watchers find themselves committed to his story as he learns how to be a better person and how to accept these new feelings of happiness and attachment. I get what you mean but you made it seem like Camp Camp is a show where you can’t care about the characters and that they never change when that’s just wrong on so many accounts.
  • @seandabest6353
    Kind of annoyed you didn’t got further into Red Manuel. I would love for him to have a redemption arc based on him trying to earn respect by being deserving of it, because that conversation he had with Skout would probably be really important for him later on. Then again, what with Skout and the Nomad going to another zone, he probably won’t appear. Kind of reminds me of Pokemon that.
  • @xf5293
    This is such a good series! I love the genre crosses and characters!
  • @skyrogue1977
    So what is El Rays plan when there is no more magic? His source of power is finite, and he doesn’t seem like the type to step down gracefully.
  • @marksokka
    I'm glad rooster teeth never made a season 2 of this show cause you know they would just ruin it. as far as I am concerned this was the only decent show they made.
  • @sheenguns
    I put it off until its full release (or when the episodes started again from the break) and thoroughly enjoyed it,
  • @argenisraul8111
    RvB went from my fav RT animated show to last and NoN went from last to second to Camp Camp. Third being RWBY. I don’t know what NoN has that makes it so familiar to when RVB started having a plot, that alone is enough.
  • @xavier8951
    If I were to compare this show to an actual manga/anime, which a very different series, it would be One Piece of because both comedy and drama are a big part in it and that had a lot of heart in them, and it tackles similar serious themes mentioned.
  • @haileykai2556
    That 1 dislike is El Rey those +3 dislikes are El Rey's guards
  • @ZeroUs30
    It’s a very good show so far, I really liked it
  • @basstrammel1322
    I dare you to watch all episodes and not cry when the end scene rolls. I fucking dare you.