Essential Tremor is more than a tremor

Published 2013-04-30
The International Essential Tremor Foundation provides a voice for those with essential tremor (ET). We hope that this brief video will help you, as a member of the medical community, begin to better understand the ways that tremor affects the whole person—physically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally.

• Tremor at any severity level has the capacity to affect livelihood.
• Tremor can impede ordinary activities of daily living, stealing a patient's dignity and independence.
• Tremor can prevent a person from pursuing hobbies and activities that are dear to them.
• Tremor can lead to depression, isolation, and humiliation.

Please don't be unaware—be mindful. Learn about ET. Learn about the research, the available medications, and the surgical options. Be prepared to offer your patients the information and the empathy vital to establishing appropriate treatment.

LEARN MORE ABOUT ESSENTIAL TREMOR:, [email protected], or (toll free) 888.387.3667.

All Comments (21)
  • @mynameisjosh83
    Breaks my heart that the lady said she was useless. I wanna hug her.
  • I am 15 , I have it !!! I cry day and night , I find myself useless !!! But you know anybody reading this , I send you a virtual hug . We are in this together and remeber God gives tough questions to intelligent students !!! We are in this together , you are not alone my bro , sis !!!
  • @MilesLover03
    its nice to know theirs other people out there like me
  • I am 15 years old, I noticed my hands would shake when I tried to do certain things such as eating or texting at the age of 13. I was diagnosed with Essential Tremors at age 14. It is very stressful at times, and EXTREMELY annoying. It is extremely embarrassing when people stare at you while you're trying to eat or holding something. It's even worse when they ask. Glad to know there are so many others who feel the same way as I. 
  • @kalvarez247
    Gets me mad when people ask me "dang stop shaking"
  • To that lady who feels she is useless -- and anyone who feels that way about yourself -- please know that you are not useless! You're not just a body, but you are a heart and soul with plenty of wisdom and kindness to give. You're full of grace and love and you can share your thoughts with others who may need some of your insight. Stay strong and know that you are so much more than you realize.
  • @deborahmay618
    I have lived with this since I was 14. I didn't know there was a group and I am not alone. Hugs to you all.
  • This video actually brought tears to my eyes. I have had essential tremors for some years now an have always felt so insecure about it. Im happy to see that I'm not alone. May God keep us all strong in the face of this difficulty.
  • I’ve dealt with tremors my whole life. Teachers would call my mom when I was in elementary school asking was I scared or cold. People would always ask what I was so nervous about. The worst thing happened last week when I drove to the store I got pulled over by police for my expired tag. My hands were shaking so bad the cop thought I was on drugs. Next thing I knew there was 4 more cops searching my car and making me do a field sobriety test. I tried to explain that I have tremors but I guess they didn’t believe me. Glad to know I’m not alone. Hugs!
  • @TheConglomo
    "I had it all in my head, I swear, but it just didn't want to come down to my fingers." ...Well said
  • @ajb3983
    Aww I want to hug that old lady so bad. She’s such a sweetheart
  • I'm 16 now.I had it since i was 13 years old.The best solution is to sleep on time.Always sleep 8 hours a day, avoid stress and anxiety.Besides, you could also do some excersises like going for a walk or jog or maybe go for a massage to make you feel more relaxing..
  • @ongmyat8583
    I have essential tremor symptoms since I was in high school . Now I am 23 years old and I have learnt to live with it.. people notice and ask me about this whenever I do some stuff like holding a cup of tea or using my cell phone. But I never limit myself because of this. I love myself and I love the way I am , it's ok to have some problems as we all know nothing is perfect. 🙌❤️
  • Love seeing all these other young people with ET speaking out in the comment section. I'm currently 20 and was diagnosed when I was 14. I remember being in chemistry class freshman year of college, and I was so anxious and nervous that I could barely write. To all the other young people out there I just want to say, don't be afraid to talk to your teachers or professors and ask for accommodations. Many are willing to give extra time or even give you tests in alternate forms like typed. Don't worry about inconveniencing them or blah blah blah. Take care of yourself, and set yourself up for success. Much love to everyone! Remember I believe in you!
  • Thank you for posting this video. I'm 60 years old and have had essential (familial) tremor in my writing (right) hand since aged 19. There was no help in those days - a doctor even referred me to a clinical psychologist. I studied at Oxford and have had a successful career - but the confidence sapping tremor has always been there, progressively worsening until I couldn't write at all with my right hand. In desperation I taught myself to write with my left hand in my late 20s. Not elegant but it worked for most of my working life. The tremor has now spread to my left hand. Thank goodness for computers! Videos like this have actually brought tears to my eyes as I see a shared experience in others. I have read about a new curative ultrasound technique but not sure that it's available in the UK. I just wanted to chip in with a bit of mental support for anyone with this condition. It can make you feel utterly hopeless, sucking energy and focus out of our daily lives, but you are not alone.
  • @lmay007
    Exactly. I've had Essential Tremor before the car accident I was involved in that made it much worse. I play piano and join in competitions, however, with piano, you get marked down a couple points for looking nervous (shaking, looking down, rubbing hands together, etc). My scales is good and my songs are great (as they'll ever be with Essential Tremor) but I'm always marked down for something I don't have control of. A few weeks ago, I felt like I was so close to winning first place for a scholarship but I missed it by a lot because I was shaking before, during, and after my songs. Having Essential Tremor makes me feel judged and vulnerable when it comes to competitions, group discussions, speeches, and even writing my own name. Anything that makes me just a bit nervous makes me shake all over my body uncontrollably. I also have a competition tomorrow in which I definitely do not feel ready or confident in my songs nor scales but as always, I will do my best. Wish me luck🙂
  • @leesey55
    Mrs Raun, your life is not useless. It must be terribly frustrating and discouraging, but not useless.  You can share love and compassion--even more so because of your own suffering--and there is something special about you that no one else has.  You are a lovely woman and worth everything to God!
  • @space_cadet04
    My heart just broke when she said," I'm just useless." Oh God, I know that feeling. I was afraid I was showing signs of Parkinsons. I guess that's why they say don't self diagnose. My head started shaking about 20 years ago. I would notice if I drank a beer or two real fast, they would go away, so I made that a way to fix it and actually became an alcoholic to control my head shakes but they always came back. Yes, certain emotions can make it worse. Anger, embarrassment, anxiety, but my head will start shaking while I'm doing my makeup so it's not necessarily emotionally triggered but it happens. I had to quit my piercing job due to my shaking. Ppl made comments and I would lie and say I took cold medication on an empty stomach.
  • @jtridexter
    4:34 What she said here made me feel really sad for her.😢