New York Senator Michael Gianaris…SCORES WITH ACTIVISTS -violating Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

Published 2022-12-10
This ban legislation imposes a very serious threat to the public health and safety of New York citizens by MANDATING the sale of animals from an unregulated source, while banning legal, licensed sources of pets to sell.

This ban legislation advances the animal rights agenda to create a monopoly on sales from state-sponsored shelter-rescue pets over pets from breeders in the private sector.

This ban legislation is not about protecting Consumers. There are sufficient laws already on the books that protect Consumers from fraudulent sales tactics.

This ban legislation is not about protecting animals. There are more than enough laws and regulations surrounding the care and welfare standards of breeding animals all over the country.

This ban legislation is about attacking small business, and is yet another attempt to create a monopoly for Shelters and Rescues.

And, finally, New York citizens should be extremely concerned that if this ban legislation is signed into law, it would make animal rights organizations' biased opinions law, forever targeting legal, licensed business owners and prohibiting a business model that makes access to purpose-bred, health-tested pets for consumers who prefer to purchase their pets from a retail pet store while negatively impacting the New York economy.…

As a consituent of New York, I urge you to please VETO S.1130, the ban on retail pet sales sourced from licensed, regulated breeding kennels.

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