What we really think about Physical vs Digital Games. VR to MetalJesusRocks! 😆

Published 2024-03-22

All Comments (7)
  • @elvisperri99
    Those sellout big YouTubers just want the gravy train to keep running for them making a living off it. I agree
  • @shaolingamer7316
    The problem I have is that you can't re sell a digital game, sometimes it's nice to re sell a game you don't want anymore 🤙
  • @redstratus97
    AAA games I agree with you. But non AAA games are all on the disc easily.
  • @leydeplomo
    No PS4 Xbone and current gen games will be collectible, you're not buying a game, you're buying a license! Look at what happened to Scott Pilgrim, it went away for years, new games get patches up the ass to fix and in many cases remove content, censorship etc, Disney owns Fox, I bet they dont air the Family Guy episode where they make fun of Disney! If you don't own the original DVD prints from 2003-04, that epiaode is lost forever, same with videogames, only the old stuff is worth getting in physical format, new stuff not so much.
  • @Ed_13_R
    Modern physical media is pretty much an access disc when it comes to games. Digital doesn’t bug me but if there’s still gonna be future consoles, hopefully they invest on larger SSDs for storage. Have a good weekend. Enjoy the awesome Canadian weather lol.