Why Is This So SCARY | The Mandela Catalogue

Published 2021-12-13

All Comments (21)
  • @nooblerr2917
    “If you see a person identical to you, run.” Twins: Well shit.
  • @lil_boi_sev3586
    "If you see another person who looks identical to you, run away and hide." Looks at twin suspiciously
  • The Angel Gabriel being an Alternate makes Mark's praying even scarier. He mentions in his journal "Just who have I been praying too this whole time?"
  • I wouldn't have been able to watch this on my own without Sean's commentary. I have trouble sleeping already when I'm not watching shit like this.
  • @glamourchick21
    “Be aware of any presence in the house.” My cat: comes tearing through the living room
  • “Don’t just continue to watch this through me, go to the channel” Jack I don’t think you understand that the only thing keeping me from checking every closet in my house is the fact that you are also watching this with me.
  • @navc8522
    I've seen a lot of comments drawing attention to the fact that Cesar doesn't seem terribly concerned about his mother apparently being attacked. I can sort of understand this, though it could also be passed off as Cesar doing his best to stay calm in a tense event such as this. Mark's underwhelming reaction could simply be a result of this-- emotionally detaching from an already delicate situation. What is even more of a dead giveaway, however, is the fact that there's no noise in the background. If Cesar was truly on his way to the ER (presumably with his injured mother), then there would be background noise-- the whirr of a car's engine, or even the wail of sirens and the voices of paramedics, if he was accompanying his mother in an ambulance. Noise filtering exists for some phones, of course, but these things tend to be rather hard to drown out, or at the very least, some indication is given that said sound is being filtered. All of this simply serves to cofirm the fact that, yes, "Cesar" is indeed lying in wait in the silent house of the real Cesar to ambush his hapless friend.
  • @Gbaby_1241
    My professor once told us that true horror is that which alters how you go about regular activities. For example, I don't go on Rollercoasters because of Final Destination and drivers don't drive behind trucks with logs. I agree with it wholeheartedly
  • "shoot the alternate identical" Twin siblings: There's not enough room for the both of us.
  • @OGrupxe
    Mandela Catalogue: Do not speak too much. You might reveal your fears. Jack: Y'know, i really hate knocking, also fast footsteps that get closer to you..
  • Hey Jack! I just wanted to say why I appreciate your videos so much. As someone who lost their sight around 7 years ago but has loved your videos for much longer, and has always loved video games and videos like this, the fact that you (probably unknowingly) describe everything that's going on on screen and read out every little bit of text that pops up really helps people like me enjoy your content even more as not every YouTuber does that simple extra step. Your videos have gotten me through a lot of hardships over the years so I simply want to say thank you and I hope you have an amazing christmas!
  • @LetsGoGetThem
    There is a real medical condition where something in your brain glitches, your recognition or something, causing you to get a super uncanny feeling seeing a particular loved one (usually). You both recognize them as someone you love, but also see them as a stranger. This causes sufferers to adamantly believe their loved one has been replaced by a clone by some force, usually aliens, and this triggers a fight or flight response. Paranoia and such soon follows and the relationship breaks down. It's actually super sad, and almost always leads to divorces etc. I dont think this is based on that, because that would be kinda messed up, but I am super reminded of that from this. EDIT: It's called "Capgras delusion"
  • @princessgotchi
    i think the most disturbing part of mandela catalogue is how the police are trained to lie to emergency callers. for a brief moment, these victims would've felt some relief at the thought of rescue until they slowly, slowly started to realise that no one was ever going to help them.
  • @akiramakara2062
    Can we talk about how fucked up it is telling someone you're sending help, but you're really not, because there's nothing you can do to save them. If nothing else, that is genuine existential horror.
  • @klarnetci
    Why analogue fear is scary: Analogue fear mostly use sounds and pictures to make us fear. Most important thing about pictures are they make you feel like they are old. With this way your brain convinces it self it's real and also because pictures aren't very clear it makes you disturbed of the unknown fear. Also pictures we see (alternates faces etc.) Are not natural. As you can see video informs us that alternates can look different than normal humans. This makes us fear since we don't know what to see when we are going to face an alternate. At this point your imagination makes you fear...
  • “if someone comes at me upside down” bro, come on. don’t be so mean to Australians, they’re humans just like us.
  • @izzyf1736
    Jack: don't just watch these videos through me Jacks commentary being the only thing stopping me from shitting my pants
  • @hectichive889
    Ahaha, I love how when he went “These alternates use psychological warfare to take advantage of their victims,” Jack was just like, “That’s so cool!”
  • “Make sure your doors are locked.” Me who’s outside: I AM IMMUNE TO SUCH CALAMITY
  • @g.brooks5866
    Doppelganger story, here goes. I was 16 working my first job in the mall. Ppl around my age kept coming up, approaching me by another name. After the fourth or fifth person told me we look exactly alike and asked if we were twins, I knew it had to be true but wasn't too obsessed with it. I just knew it was another dude who looked like me, was the same age, and the high school he went to. One day, I looked across the mall and spotted him. Immediately knew it was him. He was talking to some girls and I can't remember why he approached the counter I was working at, whether I motioned him over or he came on his own, but he approached and the resemblance was uncanny. Like looking at an extremely precise rendering of yourself. It was awkward but we both played cool, saying that we knew each other's names and how so many ppl had told us about each other. We asked questions trying to figure out if there was maybe some relation but nothing added up. It was like looking at yourself, not a twin, a slightly different version of yourself. We had our hair the same length, very long. We dressed basically the same. I felt like I was the dominant, more "confident" of us two, for all I know that's how he felt. It was weird so we pretty much wrapped up the convo and he walked away. Didn't give it much thought or tell anyone after for a long time. The weird thing is I never heard about him or saw him again. I did some searching over the years, but nothing, no online accounts or anything. It's been decades since then and never heard another thing about him. But the craziest part, that hit me later on, my mother would tell me one of those mom stories about when I was born. My birthday coincides with a specific name, and she was gonna name me after it. But near the end of the pregnancy she chose something else. His name was the one she was going to name me. Can't make it up.