Would you buy this Italian Property in Piemonte/Piedmont?

Published 2024-06-27
This is the first in a series of three properties that I visited in the Piemonte (Piedmont) region of Italy in June of 2024. This two bedroom one and a half bath property was for sale for €42,000 at that time. Would you pay that much for this property?

All Comments (21)
  • @monicaberola2285
    45.000E are too much for this house in which you have to change not only the roof but even the electricity ( this one is too old) the windows ( that are the originals but don't through them, you can build new forniture), the balcony and the place over the garages (there you can build a small little apartment), the bathrooms water tubes ... I don't offer more than 20.000 E...
  • @savr4est
    I have cousins who build near Torino, have you noticed weather differences from Piedmont to Puglia? We have been leaning to the south.
  • @EddieDBama
    Too much work for me, but looks great for the price. Lots of potential. Great views!
  • @spot7006
    This is a decent place for the price but you can get rolling hills views in Abruzzo or Molise and be in the 7% tax areas. Likely for a lower cost. If I were buying in Piemonte I would want a mountain view.
  • @marlashurn8612
    Love the location and that it is private with the courtyard and garage. The house is a little weird as far as layout, but could be made into a beautiful home.
  • @mariaeugenia7599
    Hi Mike! What a beautiful landscape!I agree the Windows are too small, and I don't understand why someone could Block a window. It's a shame the balconies face into the courtyard instead of the valley! Can you put the link to the realtor? Great video!
  • Nice property with potential. However, potentially having to replace the roof was a No for me. That can be very expensive and add that on to renovations I would do, I don’t think it would be worth it.
  • It has a great view. But, the cost of renovation (roof big bucks) (electrical, plumbing, heating and a/c). All that could cost 3 times the asking price.
  • @maryfrench9757
    A lot of potential, perhaps the upstairs bathroom could somehow be reworked, a wall moved? so you could install a shower? Can changes be made to the exterior, any way to make any window larger to take in the beautiful views?
  • @nycborn9032
    Beautiful architectural views of Prague! ❤ I see your enthusiasm peaking for the hilltop 2B, however, the roof repair or renew will cost you at least 5K euro, the adjacent wall btwn the kitchen and the living room / dr will need to be removed if it’s not load bearing, all windows need to replaced and I agree: too small. If you want to make a modern window for both rooms — like a wall to ceiling sith — I would consider that heavily bc of that stunning view, not enough sunlight for a garden, and extra reno will cost at least $10K euro, so nah. Not worth it. Unless you’re pretty sure it will AirBnB for the price you want and then some, hand over fist. Also, no roof terrace.
  • @vm9019
    Prague is it!!! One of the most beautiful places my husband and I have ever visited.
  • @alfypierri8022
    Hiya. Been following you lately. I'm also a motorcyclist looking for a house in italy. I'm also italian and lives it italy for over 20years and now living in the uk. Anyways it's so hard to find the right house in italy. To many beautiful places. Do you have a specific area you would like to buy ?
  • @llew-AZ
    Only one I've seen so far I would even consider. Be interesting to know how much to replace the roof.
  • @LuciaTului
    I know in Italy you can make an offer up to 10% lower than the request...houses 600 year old are better than leaving money in the banks!
  • @viscontialice
    I am from Milan, I know and love that part of Piedmont. In which town is the property?
  • @Dr-Red-Duke
    Looks beautiful but I think too cold for us. Ground floor a plus. Since on edge of city, it's got privacy, views and quiet !
  • @Kim-J312
    1st !😊 Prague is very beautiful 🇨🇿 🇺🇸
  • I think this a good property, good location, views, not such a bad condition, maybe bring down the price to 32.000, and for someone who wants to use it as a base to travel around, not having a garden can be a bonus. Depends on your lifestyle.