Biden Hosts Summit of 49 African Leaders to Counter China & Russia's Growing Power Across Continent

Published 2022-12-13
Leaders from 49 African nations are in Washington, D.C., this week for a three-day summit organized by the Biden administration. The U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit comes as the United States is trying to counter the growing influence of China and Russia in Africa. On Monday, national security adviser Jake Sullivan announced a pledge of $55 billion in economic, health and security support for Africa over the next three years. President Biden is also expected to express support for the African Union to join the G20 and to push for the United Nations Security Council to include a permanent member from Africa. The summit in Washington comes as parts of Africa grapple with crises including the climate emergency and political instability, with the past two years seeing coups in Mali, Sudan, Burkina Faso and Guinea. "China is definitely looming in the background" of the summit, says Lina Benabdallah, an assistant professor of politics at Wake Forest University. We also speak with anthropologist Samar Al-Bulushi with the University of California, Irvine, who notes that Biden's summit comes "at a time when Africa's geostrategic significance is on the rise and at a time when U.S. influence on the continent is on the decline."

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All Comments (21)
  • The objective of this summit is not to help Africans, but only to ensure US's dominance of Africa, by countering Russia and China!
  • As an American of African descent. My instincts lead me to say, that you can't believe what people say because what they are doing and have done...speaks too loud. Brothers & Sisters BEWARE of empty promises..
  • Well said Samar, our hearts are bleeding for the role US, UK and France played in destroying Africa. We are not fools any more.We the youth are willing and ready to go against any Africa leader that may attempt to dance with our oppressors. Let them leave Africa alone, and am sure what they've stolen brutally is getting finish that's why they want to come again in another form to do us the worse. Our fore fathers are crying,we can only dry their tears if the identity of Africa is brought back. CEO JohnNal TireLess.
  • @emmanuel1226
    The U.S. and China are doing totally different things in Africa. While China is helping Africa catch up on its infrastructure, the U.S. is trying to use Africa to maintain its power in the world. While China wants to see an economically independent Africa, the U.S wants an Africa that depends on the outside world.
  • As Africans we need to realise who is with us for them and who is with us for us.
  • @kenrie20022
    Why always to counter China and Russia. That means it wasn't US policy to develop and assist Africa. Another problem is that, US only support in promoting weapons sales while China build infrastructures.
  • Great video if you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life, Successful people don't become that way overnight. most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life too 🙏🙏🙏
  • @csting9738
    Africa you are THE SUPER POWER! đź‘Ś
  • "You can fool some people sometime but you cant fool all the people all the time" Legend BoB Marley
  • The entire world eye is on precious, Africa. African leaders are united like never before, and the people of Africa are with them. Africa will not be treated by any other country the same way Africa was treated before. And it seems like the world starts to understand that.
  • Thank you so much ❤️🥰 I hope your broadcast reaches the masses
  • @johno.9185
    One thing for sure is Africa is rising, fast! And that’s a good thing for African people!
  • @seanjames6879
    Africa, please don't let them bully you into who they think you should be friends with. They don't really want to help you, but is looking for political and imperial gain. Stand firm my African people.
  • The track record of the past 100 years of relations between Africa and Europe is embarrassing. Great global awakening has occurred and cannot rewind this awakening. 🙏🙏🙏 from Ethiopia
  • The biggest handicap whenever the West is addressing African leaders is that they always talk of China,China and now Russia but never deliver anything to develop the continent or parts of it. The problem in Africa can’t be solved by more democracy, dictatorship or alignments. Africa needs investments not lectures or handouts.
  • What exactly is China doing in Africa that needs to be countered? Building railroads, ports, power plants, things that contribute to economic development. Meanwhile the US has built 29 military bases in Africa and given IMF loans with Neoliberal conditions.
  • @ligotv6029
    What was the agenda for the meeting again?
  • "To be an enemy of America is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal." - Herny Kissinger
  • @tnst7243
    No matter what the US does, America's bullies one nation after another around the world will never help. SHAME ON America, period