Multiplicity- Enter Mr. Four

Published 2018-02-20
In this clip, from the movie "Multiplicity", is an example of why it is so important for everyone to complete their education.

Here we are introduced to the character, "Four", It is assumed that he, as a copy, has been brought into existence with all the life experience Doug has, but it seems like the public education system has failed this man. He struggles to count to his own name! This can be seen in the clip as Doug counts out loud, "one, two, three ..." and Four incorrectly answers, "Twelve!". And he further demonstrates the incompetence of his education by then incorrectly guessing, "Seven?".

I laugh to the point of tears watching this and so I can share this joy with everyone free of persecution I HAD to explain why this clip is an example of the importance of public education.
None of the following has been independently verified, nor is it a matter of fact and it most definitley is not my personal view, it is a formality. Sorry

During our education students learn basic problem solving skills, develop social skills, and build the foundation for personal relationship growth. As part of our education in the United States we are also given the required to attend state funded schools from the age of 5 to 17. The grades offered are K -12, however 16-17 year old students legally can decide to discontinue attending public school and "drop out". Typically dropping out is taboo and frowned upon by society, however there are people in the US of the opinion that the state funded public education system is broken in its current state. There are opinions that claim the "system" is flawed and does not benefit students as reported.

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