2025 Could Be The Biggest Wealth Transfer In US History

Published 2024-06-05
We’ve been fed a huge lie that cutting taxes for corporations and the rich is good for everyone.

We can thank Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Art Laffer — who concocted the scheme over oyster stew.

Their theory became Reaganomics, and then Trump’s tax bill.
And we’re all paying the price.
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All Comments (21)
  • I've got a great joke about trickle down economics but 99% of the people won't get it.
  • @Monotremata
    For every loophole in the tax code, there is army of lobbyists ready to defend it.
  • The economy is grappling with uncertainties, global fluctuations, and pandemic aftermath, causing instability. Rising inflation, sluggish growth, and trade disruptions need urgent attention from all sectors to restore stability and stimulate growth.
  • @WAL_DC-6B
    That "trickle down" is yellow in color.
  • @JETAlone12
    What conservatives tell us tax cuts will do: "Oh boy, I have more money! Now I can pay my employees better and invest in better facilities and hire more people and-" What tax cuts actually do: "Oh boy, I have more money!"
  • @SteveDutton-v
    In these uncertain times, it's more important than ever to have a solid understanding of how to manage your finances, invest wisely and navigate economic downturns. But my primary concern is how to grow my reserve of $240k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains, sure I'm all in on the long term game, but with my savings are lying waste to inflation and my portfolio losing gains everyday, I need a remedy.
  • @tonysilke
    This is quite educational. It's crucial for newcomers to keep in mind that the financial markets are highly irrational in the short run. You should constantly be ready for the unexpected. That is how chance operates. Because of the inherent risks in the market, I always favor long-term investments.
  • You're not counting out 50,000 beans? That's exactly the kind of poor work ethic that keeps you from being wealthy. Now Jeff Bezos would count out 50,000 beans... well actually he'd pay someone below minimum wage to count them for him and wouldn't let them take a bathroom break until it was done.
  • @xlerb2286
    Trickledown was a crock in the Reagan years, it's a crock now. Only difference is then people knew it was a crock. Today they cheer for it.
  • @micheal_mills
    Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Instead of trying to predict and prognosticate the stability of the market and precisely when the change is going to happen, a better strategy is simply having a portfolio that’s well prepared for any eventually, that’s how some folks' been averaging 150K every 7week these past 4months according to Bloomberg.
  • @NAC_Exec
    Anytime I hear companies say that cutting 'their' taxes will allow them to pay 'their' employees I would have them immediately thrown out.
  • @atticstattic
    Wealth doesn't trickle down - it gets sucked up...
  • @kortyEdna825
    Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies.
  • @roberthoople
    It's pointless to make arguments for who to *not* vote for, because there's not a single argument to be made for who to vote for anyways.
  • @crisdekker8223
    Wealth trickling down only happens when you squeeze hard.
  • @jackaboyx3
    The issue isn't that corporations aren't being taxed enough, it's that they are able to avoid taxes. You can tax them all you want but unless you remove some tax loop holes, nobody is going to benefit from any policy
  • As an investment enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing. I do have a significant amount of capital that is required to start up but I have no idea what strategies and direction I need to approach to help me make over $400k like some people are this season.
  • @flemmingbrooke
    I have an Investment portfolio that's worth $1million, I don't think that'll be enough for retirement. I need an average risk investment strategy in stocks that'll give me more yield.