20 Questions on Concussion with Dr. Robert Cantu

Published 2020-04-20
Concussion Legacy Foundation co-founder and medical director Dr. Robert Cantu, answers dozens of questions on concussions and Post-Concussion Syndrome. Viewers learned effective coping strategies and helpful tips on managing symptoms while social distancing.

Dr. Robert Cantu is Medical Director and Director of Clinical Research at the Cantu Concussion Center at Emerson Hospital in Concord, MA.

0:20 — Can you improve your PCS symptoms even 5 years after injury?
2:00 — For long-term PCS patients, is it normal to feel like a different person?
2:50 — What should my expectation be for returning back to old fitness routines?
4:12 — How often does pituitary damage get overlooked and misdiagnosed as a mental health condition and at what point should you have neuroendocrine testing?
5:40 — For neuroendocrine testing, what kind of doctor should you see?
7:30 — Jumping/running might not be a good exercises for PCS recovery, what about weight lifting?
8:32 — How can you lower the frequency of headaches even while increasing work-related activities?
9:32 — As someone in my early 50’s just experiencing my first concussion, will my recovery time be longer than someone younger getting their first concussion?
10:14 — Can you explain what you recommend to parents of athletes that have sustained a concussion in a contact sport where they will be likely to receive another concussion. Can you explain in terms of the risks and benefits to both the athletes and the parents?
12:05 — What is the best way to stimulate neuroplasticity?
13:01 — My son died by suicide shortly after his concussion. What is the connection there? Is it possible that the hit to his head made him lose his memory and he didn’t know what he was doing?
14:25 — Can you develop ADHD after a concussion and does having it before a concussion delay your recovery?
16:08 — What has a bigger impact on behavioural, emotional, suicidality type symptoms? CTE, PCS, or concussion?
17:13 — What are some interventions for chronic sleep disturbances due to PCS?
18:37 — How are nightmares connected to brain injuries? Tips to stop them?
20:17 — Do you see many patients that suffer from dysautonomia after a concussion?
20:49 — How does POTS work into those autonomic symptoms?
22:03 — My daughter faints everyday but only after reading/doing math problems. Any advice on what I should do for her or where to look?
23:20 — What do you recommend to those struggling with double vision, blurry vision, or someone seeing shadows?
24:28 — Any advice for building up reading tolerance?
25:28 — What are the recommended settings for cell-phone screens to prevent the triggering of a migraine?
25:51 — What are some strategies for creating a new career path if skill sets and interests change after experiencing PCS?
27:30 — How do you know when to push yourself?
28:40 — Would you recommend biofeedback to any patients?
29:25 — Can you comment on the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy? Is that something that you would prescribe?
31:13 — We hear a lot about the study of CTE, but what about the study and treatment of PCS? Any promising treatments on the horizon for PCS?
32:00 — Diet tips
32:35 — Any tips for prioritizing therapies? How do you maximize the benefit of each therapy while still pacing yourself?
34:06 — Do you have any thoughts as to how patients can tease out whether the symptoms they are feeling are due to this new trauma or due to PCS? Do you have any self-care suggestions to help patients navigate this new trauma?
35:25 — Do you think pediatricians and primary care physicians are being advised to do telehealth concussion assessment and diagnosis?
36:33 — Can you give a short answer on the differences between PCS and CTE but also elaborate on the scenario where someone with a single concussion has new symptoms a couple years after that injury?
38:07 — What is the best way to image the brain for damage?
39:17 — What kind of things can be done to improve memory problems with PCS?
40:20 — Is there any concern that someone would not get back their long-term memory after a concussion?
41:15 — Do concussions, prime someone for existing familial dementias?
42:12 — What role does inflammation play in concussion?
43:10 — Do you have any advice for coping with sporadic crying in the business world?
43:58 — I’ve had a fractured skull and six concussions, lately experiencing short-term memory issues and I’m 70 years old. Is this expected and does it get worse?
45:07 — I now have problems with speech and headaches. Can that be from a concussion that was many years ago?
45:33 — What is your professional opinion regarding brain waves analysis for concussion or PTSD?
46:28 — Any thoughts on supplements to improve cognitive energy?
47:42 — How often is it okay to have caffeine and alcohol with PCS?
49:02 — Why is baseline testing not the standard anymore?
50:25 — What is your favourite concussion related book?
51:00 — General message of hope to anyone experiencing PCS?

All Comments (19)
  • @raychinga
    Concussion management and research has come a long way as a direct result of Dr. Cantu's dedication and long hours of sacrifice. THANK YOU Dr. Cantu!!!!!
  • @pd9971
    Before you jump into serious medical treatment for PCS (Which you very well might need) try the holistic stress relief approach first because these should help. 1. Get a deep tissue massage especially on the neck and back. 2. Get a chiropractor to give you a full body adjustment. 3. Do a session of Yoga with the yoga music 4. Meditation. I really hope these help you out. Signed someone that has had way too many concussions.
  • @ddrsi4663
    Thank you for posting this webinar.
  • @jmclaughlin3728
    Thank you for interview. I am suffering now. I have been in lock mind and shutdown for 4 weeks. I don’t think many people understand the frustrations involved.
  • @RaneBane
    I am on year 3 with bad PCS. One thing that helps me excersize is recumbent bicycle. The blood isn't fighting gravity to get to my brain on it. Its the only way I can get my heart rate up without feeling like I'm going to have a stroke.
  • I’ve seen every specialist and have tried every modality of treatment. Have I reached my maximum recovery?
  • @marilouremo1738
    My issue with my concussion is that after I take Tylenol pm I sleep more than 10 hours and after sleeping I get confused and my vision is not good.
  • @zoobear84
    I just discovered that I have pcs. My mother accidently dropped me when I was 2 months old and that my face was blue and that I didn't open my eyes for a day. Back then especially being in a different County they probably didn't even know what to do. She never told me about this until and a few weeks ago. I'm turning 39 in a few days. I've lived ny life wondering why I have such issues where as my twin brother and younger sister don't. I feel devestated and feel as if I missed out on alot in life since this has effected me horribly in all aspects of my life. I guess now it finally makes sense why my family always thought that I didn't try or put in the effort when it came to my education or career, I have an anxious attachment style (go figure) along with an addictive personality who only attracts Narcissist as my partners. Painful migranes which have recently stopped but headaches everyday along with neck pain and especially the constant fatigue. Is there any way I can become normal? I can't believe that this has lasted for nearly 40 yrs. My twin brother and younger sister both are married and doing well in their careers, I on the other hand am unemployed for the last 8 years.
  • @JunkJordan
    I just went to the website you mentioned, concussionfoundation.org/pcs and it said the connection was not private and that hackers might be trying to steal my information.. you guys might want to try and get this fixed.. thanks
  • @kirkgahley6761
    What therapies are recommended?  it is coming up on 4 years and still do not feel I have seen the correct doctors.
  • @Girlslover1237
    Hi dr. Cantu Im'ma from (MIT) university freshmen. I've encountered a recent incident that has left me in need some advice . I wanted to share that I recently experienced a concussion 3 days ago, and unfortunately, it has occurred again in the same right side. I'm wondering, would a sudden sideways motorbike collision with a cycle at a speed of 30 km/hr., causing a forceful movement of my torso to lurch and my head in relative (lateral flexion) in the same area of the first concussion ,can it potentially cause damage to the previously concussed neurons ? very worried since i am difficulty speaking like finding right words and articulating fluently and even slight difficulty understanding words and its been 1 month no recovery? i initially have no symptoms after the incidence like nausea or dizziness , does it cause any permanent deficits or it is just temporary ? and Does this injury lead to the diminution of a handful of neurons?