Did Russia build the best attack helicopter ever?

Published 2023-08-29

All Comments (21)
  • @daemianbox
    To be fair, the war in Ukraine is something of such scale that the Apache never had to face.
  • @wilbert2347
    I think one of the reason why the ka 52 suffered more losses than the apache is because it is facing a modern nato backed army armed with many air defences and manpads while the apache did not face much or any modern aa weapons in the middle east. Nonetheless both are incredible feats of Engineering designed to fit each of their own country's doctrine and it's unfortunate that they are designed and used to kill.
  • @konrad9240
    The different is, Aligator K52 has to fight in really war, against well equiped army with the newest modern weapon. Apache helicopter so far, fought against people from so called 3rd World with sandals on their feets. The same situation with mighty Leopards, Bradleys finally Challengers etc. These fantastic war machines, never fought before against also fantastic war machines.
  • @tnminhkhoi1398
    Ukraine literally has the second largest military in Europe after Russia. The KA-52 is fighting a massive air defense system and did so well.
  • @mrhoneycutter
    Don’t worry about the politics when it comes to enjoying this or any other Helicopter/Aircraft. To tweak to a popular US saying, “Helicopters don’t kill people, people kill people”. As for the KA-52, it’s genuinely an incredible Helicopter, both in terms of engineering and aesthetics.
  • @rauldelvillar374
    The US suffered 50% helicopter losses in Vietnam. All helicopters are extremely vulnerable in contested airspace.
  • @ManteIIo
    You can't compare Apache to K-52 Alligator - they both were built with different purposes. Apache has nearly no armor protection and is supposed to be used only in air-superiority situations, whilst K-52 is build like a tank to absorb the damage and operates at front lines on its own.
  • @radomirjacek9577
    KA-52 losses are actually not as high if you consider how many operations they fly a day. They are deployed non stop during day and night. Percentage wise its pretty decent considering how effective the nato systems that they are facing proved in other conflict. Theres no equivalent comparison since conflicts like these are luckily rare, but lets not forget how vulnerable were the american machines in vietnam or even in somalia... The important aspect tho is their impact on battlefield which proven to be devastating for their oponents.
  • @srki8231
    This helicopter is the best, and if you're wondering why it has so many losses, it's because it actually faced a serious opponent and a modern defensive weapon. Unlike the Apaches who met the Taliban in slippers
  • @Shattered3582
    thanks for reviewing this helicopter. i have always loved the Kamov Ka-50's double rotor design. i do have to point out that the ka 50 and Apache have fought very different battles. The Apache fought terrorists with limited anti air capabilities, while the Ka 50 is fighting in a more balanced war with more anti air capabilities.
  • @user-co3uc8vt7e
    "A beautiful helicopter that has an awful purpose" - not different from any warmachine, really.
  • @thisisafact9181
    My favourite one for sure. People talking about hi losses but what other helicopter faced this kind of war contested by dense air defences and Manpads ? Helicopters meant to take the risks. They are made to support groud troops by giving close air support taking a huge risk of getting shot down. Really amazing design , money invested well paid off and most importantly performing well as expected
  • @hollowsilver1739
    Saying it's an excellent aircraft does not mean it's been used 100% perfectly (or well at all) in the war in Ukraine. Any aircraft used improperly in a conflict will suffer high casualties especially against a nation that has thousands of MANPADs and an incredible air defense system. In the early part of Ukraine's offense near Zaporizhia, the KA-52 was highly effective against Ukrainian armor.
  • @user-pc2kn2jm5k
    In Ukraine, I remember for a long time a rumor spread that a Ukrainian grandmother threw a jar of pickled cucumbers into a helicopter and shot it down. In principle, people in Russia laugh at this, but in the West and in the USA they take it seriously.😄
  • The difference is, the KH52 has been used in a real war, not a counter terror operation.
  • @Chimpunk729
    Ka 52 are quite success compare to her arc rival Mil Mi 28. You can see it from how often Russia deploy them in the frontlines.
  • @wormyboot
    The KA 52 is one of my favorite helicopters, aesthetically. You did a really nice job modeling it.
  • @user-oi5lg6im7j
    Отличный вертолёт сделали, самое удивительное что вся серия самолётов Ка, долгое время уступала серии Ми, потому что конструктор Миль был более влиятельным в советском руководстве, чем Камов. Сегодня сложно найти на войне экипаж К 52, который уничтожил меньше 10 бронированных машин.