Still Don't Know: A Song for Tourette's

Published 2021-11-18
Rising star, Jenna, has seen a huge turn-around in her mental wellbeing since working with us on #Focus5. When she started on the project she was feeling isolated and upset, however, thanks to her hard work and the support of her Key Worker things are looking a lot brighter for her.

Jenna has written a song about Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) and how it has affected her. She returned to the studio in order record it which she had hoped she would do.

Jenna is keen to raise awareness of TS as people don’t yet understand how severe the condition can be and a lot of people tend to make fun of TS due to their ignorance; either because they find it funny, or they don’t know what TS is. So, Jenna hopes that others who suffer with TS might find comfort in the words of her song.