Why You Should Be More Pretentious

Published 2023-05-05

All Comments (21)
  • @mattmann1623
    I think pretension, at least in the layman's understanding, is more about affectation than anything else. People associate the word more with an air of hautiness and self-aggrandisement than with the sort of foundationalistic aspects of art to which you refer.
  • @ellisfmorton4086
    I think being pretentious is more associated with an attitude of looking down on others.

    It’s fine to like a niche thing, but if you think you’re better than others and laud it over them then you would rightfully be called ‘pretentious’ in a pejorative sense.
  • @cito2820
    Whats frustrating for me is that I always considered pretention to be a mix of "snobbiness" and "arrogance." For me it was always how you feel about yourself vs others. My friends warned me I could at times be pretentious, so I asked them how, and they were like "oh, well you like 19th century literature and classical music" or something (those are just two things I enjoy, I also enjoy sci-fi/fantasy and hip hop lol) but I've never considered myself BETTER than others just bc I like reading old ass books. Its just a hobby, its really not that deep. Yet when people said that kinda thing I just felt like there was a self-pretention, where people think themselves higher than someone else because they DONT read old books or something. Its weird.
  • @Daniel_WR_Hart
    I think the difference is that some people actually try to do creative things, while others only pretend to, but we don't necessarily see the difference at a glance
  • @vivandefuncti8991
    This isn't really what 'pretentious' means, it's more how it is misused. 'Pretentious' actually refers to pretending to like something to be associated with the status, rather than genuine interest in that thing. Those people quickly give themselves away.
  • @I_am_et
    Embrace the cringe and embrace the pretension. Absolutely Loved it.
  • @0zer0ne1
    The problem with never taking anything serious is that you make other people feel bad for actually being serious, or wanting to show true emotion
  • @TKDB13
    Pretentiousness isn't just ambition, or even just ambition without sufficient talent. It's ambition *without counterbalancing humility*. Someone trying to elevate their standard of living or push the limits of an art form or idea is not pretentious. Refusing to acknowledge when such an attempt has failed, and/or lording such an attempt over your peers as if your newfound interest or novel creation makes you better than them is.
    "I've been getting into trying fine wines lately. I've found some really good stuff, you should try it with me sometime!" - Not pretentious
    "I've been getting into trying fine wines lately. I feel it adds a certain classiness to my evening, you should try it sometime instead of that piss-water you're always swilling." - Pretentious
  • @aerocyte3359
    as someone who has spent a lifetime worrying about being seen as pretentious for having pretentious interests, this video really hit the spot. also, your art is really awesome, just needed to point that out
  • @mariokarter13
    Actual definition:
    Claiming that or behaving as if one is important or deserving of merit when such is not the case.
    The root of the word is literally pretend. It's not about striving for greatness, it's pretending you're already great.
  • @BobyTechno
    That made me think a lot. I'm always worrying about my work being "honest" and I'm always scared of being pretentious. This video seriously challenges that mindset.
  • @spamreplyer2601
    I personally believe ambition is when someone yearns for greatness, while pretentiousness more when someone claims greatness without really striving for it. Of course, to distinguish the two as an audience member is where things get very tricky
  • @MohammedMuaawia
    There's a lot of self hatred when it comes to labeling something pretentious, it usually stems from an inferiority complex, or basically a "You think you're better than me?" attitude. When insecure people see others doing things that they deem beneficial, or are passionate about the things they love; whether it be a creative or educational pursuit, instead of internalizing that feeling to and self-reflecting to better themselves, they turn to the easier option, which is to ostracize the person they have now falsely labeled as being pretentious solely for being in their element. I have been guilty of this before, but once you jump past it you unlock a whole world of self betterment that was once hidden due to the fear of being seen as pretentious.
  • @greenvelvet
    Pretentious is one of those words that really messed with my head for a long time.
    It felt like just attempting to do anything was "pretentious" and it really hindered my creativity even to this day.
    Thank you for addressing this.
  • @wizardworld420
    thanks so much for this, it was very validating. growing up, I was always called "pretentious" by peers because I enjoyed classical music, art museums, etc. I just genuinely love those things...obviously biased here, but I think you're right that it's only harmful to call someone pretentious
  • @bijucii266
    This is such an important message. Because of my taste and interest I find myself disconnected from my demographic because they’re so trapped in the expectations that is projected into then. other peoples interests and interpretations of art is what helps me to become more empathetic and appreciative of works that I would usually dismiss. It helps me become open minded to different ideas and art. Just because you don’t understand does not mean you shouldn’t try too.
  • @user-ib2bt4ck7y
    I once had an entire group of people imply that im always "trying" to be different. It was so incredibly hurtful as someone who is neurodivergent and trying very much to express myself while also watering myself down so i dont overwhelm everyone.
    Sometimes you are more pretentious when you're actually fitting in honestly. I am wildly creative but i dont have the artistic skill so my art never looks how i envisioned it. But i could sulk over it, or i could keep trying.
    And i understand and grasp concepts easily, but communicating them to others is very difficult for me.
    So i really, really never liked the word pretentious- Its actually funny to come across this video because I've been saying this stuff for years.
  • @alexiryo
    this channel is such high quality in its production but what sets it out more, i think, is how useful its ideas are and how easily understandable they are in the way theyre explained. I think everyone, or atleast people like me who have been overly cynical due to insecurities, needs to hear this
  • @gTr4yr4y
    I was just finishing up my fencing tournament about to board my yacht when I found this video. Thankfully, I can enjoy my imported cheese in peace, and in fact, feel good about it.