Classification of Numbers (Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational, Real) - Nerdstudy

Published 2017-02-11
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In this video, we go over a topic that many people graze over but don't really conquer. What in the world is a Natural Number? What's a Whole Number? We say Integers all the time, but how do they really differ from Rational numbers? And what in the world is an Irrational Number?

We find out in the end that these number classifications sometimes wrap around each other (as larger classifications of numbers altogether). Let's learn about all the different types of classifications of numbers for the Real Numbers

All Comments (21)
  • I wish my math teacher talks like you, calm and very understandable not like him rapping a song that he only knew😂😢😭
  • @reese8050
    Is it weird that Math Youtubers can explain the topics in math more specifically for only minutes? While my math teacher explains for an hour and yet we can barely understand because he/she is not being specific
  • @sl1003
    Me: Holy cow, I actually understand all of this. Brain: Not by tomorrow you won't.
  • @Danyai333
    Natural Numbers 0:31 Whole numbers 1:14 Integers 2:42 Rational numbers 3:20 Irrational numbers 5:50 You're a goat thanks for the vid❤❗
  • @mp_decarvalho
    Who's doing this for online schoolwork during Corona?
  • @KBhunterx262
    I love how im supposed to be paying attention to this but all im focusing on is the editing, i keep thinking "Thats an interesting effect, wonder how you do that"
  • @AA-jc4cu
    You are better than my teacher,thank you very much❤️
  • @unclebob456
    finally i found this, when teacher was teaching this i can’t pay attention so i didn’t understand the lesson. and we have an exam tomorrow about this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
  • @sophiecruz2868
    I feel smart cause I really get all what you've said in this content,keep it up!
  • @drizzyd7294
    I'm a sophomore in college and helped me reviewing tremendously! You did an amazing job of simplifying it by using the Japan example. Great Work!
  • @HollyWzy
    The reason this is better is that: When we don’t quite understand, we watch the video again. But with the teacher, he won’t repeat everything. Also, this is so much more specific than my teacher.
  • @mr.nobody2917
    You uploaded this in 2017 Comments are 2019 And you responding people comments So you still active Nice video.....
  • @isaac-qn6qb
    U deserve a medal for all the people you’ve helped
  • @ninadenise734
    Omggg this man is a life saver and I'm not talking candy...I went to all his videos and it's like he's re-teaching all the things we didn't understand in high school and is helping us after years and years going to YouTube and searching up my math subjects I've finally found a phenomenal thank u so much💯
  • @Princeoftale
    You should pay attention on some question traps: √9 looks like Irrational. actually is not because √9 = 3 . So its a rational. π/π also looks like Irrational. in fact π/π = 1 so its a rational too.
  • @mattcall90
    excellent presentation and graphic design. video deserves much more views
  • @jazztiger07
    I have a test tomorrow thank you so much you saved me