10 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Movies

Published 2024-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • I’m surprised you didn’t mention “The Lobster.” That was some WTF disturbing stuff.
  • @Terastas
    Paprika deserves a nod. Even for an anime movie about dreaming made by the same guy behind Paranoia Agent, it gets pretty crazy pretty fast. The third act cranks the WTF straight up to eleven when the dreamworld denizens invade into the real world. Which doesn't happen gradually -- it happens right the hell out of nowhere. Two of our protagonists are just walking along when suddenly they lock eyes with a giant porcelain doll staring back at them through the window. You've got about five seconds of just the characters looking at it going D8 before the doll starts cackling and destroys the building. And that's how the what-the-fuckery starts. It just gets crazier and crazier after that.
  • @SewerTapes
    I was tripping balls when I first watched Beau is Afraid and wasn't ready for how weird it got. People talk about the paint drinking scene, which is wonderful, but the scene where he thinks all the weirdos are invading his apartment when he goes outside is one of the greatest things I've seen in any movie ever.
  • @epalmerbright
    I feel like Everything Everywhere all at once belongs on this list, I loved it but damn that was a trip.
  • @Mad-Bassist
    Naked Lunch comes to mind--rented that on VHS back in the day and felt pretty lost.
  • @stevemonkey6666
    My favorite weird surreal film is the 1978 (79?) Japanese film "House"❤
  • Meet the Feebles is brilliant. If you haven't seen it before, you are in for a deranged treat !
  • Sometimes, throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks can be good. In the case of most of these films, one thing that sticks to a walls is S**t. But Meet the Feebles is gold and an absolute must see film.
  • @EmmaFrostRules
    Boy does Greener Grass belong on this list. I scratched my head for 2 days.
  • If anything convince s you that Peter Jackson is a genius it's Meet the Feebles. Absolutely hilarious.
  • @trimdos
    It's already been mentioned, but The Lobster is a bloody weird film.
  • @fngkestrel
    I saw Takashi Miike's Dead of Alive in the theaters. After the first 10 minutes, I was like, what did I get myself into? And after the last 10 minutes, everyone in the theater was stunned silent.
  • @LiviaD34D
    Love Lies Bleeding. Didn't see that one listed here. I didn't even realize what kind of movie I was watching until it went batshit crazy suddenly toward the end. lol
  • @elrojojp
    Watching the second half of “sorry to bother you” felt like watching a live action episode of South Park I saw “smoking causes coughing” at the Cannes Film Festival 3 years ago and it was a wild ride, highly recommend it
  • I love Meet The Feebles. It's brilliant. It's basically The Muppets on crack.