#migraineawareness #vertigo #migraine #pppd #vm #inflammation #neuroplasticity #vestibular

Published 2024-06-25
The age old question - exercise vs. rest. How do I know which to prioritize?

Unfortunately, the answer is typically “it depends” (I know, I know...annoying, right?). My opinion is that exercise should only be attempted if you’re experiencing interictal symptoms and NOT during attack of something like vestibular migraine (VM) or Meniere’s Disease (MD). I think it’s typically safe to exercise at any point with PPPD, but check with your vestibular physical therapist.

My opinion is that exercise is a very very important part of the treatment puzzle and is so important for many things - cardiovascular health, mental health, vestibular conditioning and compensation, inflammation, etc. BUT, it needs to be timed appropriately and should never be at the expense of sleep (meaning, don’t get less sleep than you need just to fit in exercise). I’m a big fan of killing two birds with one stone and trying to fit exercise in while you’re engaged in another task. Chatting on the phone with a friend? Do that while walking. Watching tv? Throw in some squats.

How have you managed exercise with your vestibular disorder?

I’m so thankful to be part of this community and love engaging with you all! However, with the growth of my private practice, it’s become difficult for me to respond to all comments and DMs. As such, I am opening limited availability for those who want to meet with me as a one-time consultation (rather than ongoing therapy) in my private practice, The Vestibular Psychologist. If you’re interested, complete the form at www.thevestibularpsychologist.com. Thank you!




Disclaimer: This is not therapy and does not replace therapy. Interacting through this medium does not constitute entering into a therapeutic relationship. This is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose or treat any medical condition.

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