Published 2021-12-13

All Comments (21)
  • @dv3083
    She's probably just pissed off that his decision not to go to college ended up paying off and she couldn't say "I told you so".
  • @MintyMinho
    Nothing hurts more than the feeling of your parents giving up on you. You try to make them so proud with all the pressure and high expectations and they suddenly just cut you off
  • @gibbylibby3022
    It hurts more when you relate to wanting affirmation from your family. Even just a small pat on the back or a “Good job” is enough to send people over the moon. I am proud of him and I hope he’s doing ok. I know he’ll get to the top one day.
  • @bcp092980
    Sometimes parents are the most toxic thing in your life. They fail to realize you are not born to live their dream. You are an individual that has your own dreams.
  • @bennbanes6359
    All kids deserve decent parents, not all parents deserve kids.... Wow. Bro, move on.... Much respect to you. Keep following your dream, keeping pushing forward and leave the haters behind. 💯💯❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍 Edit. Wow. 7k likes (ish) talk about restoring faith in humanity. Good work guys. Truly humbled. 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
  • @noobkiddo6522
    That's a wrong parenting. Good parents should be proud of their children and respected their choice. In the end, it's their life, not their parents', they already had their own life
  • @thelaw557
    Dismissive, neglectful, and narcissistic parents are the worst. They just devastate your self esteem.
  • @manofmemes7315
    Whenever parents are proven wrong they most of the time do stuff like that, the other most of the time they're very supportive and cool
  • @jellyspl7277
    Context for anyone who doesn’t know: this guy is called FearsomeFire, after he got the donation he pretended to call his mum, but it was his friend on the other end. He set it up because it would be funny
  • @davebryan1890
    Sometimes it's hard to admit to ourselves that not all family members have our best interests at heart , once you walk away from them you realise how toxic they were
  • @SleepyBoi11
    If i had a donation like that and called my mom she'll scream her lungs out lmao
  • @qioz6607
    A lot of parents are focused on forcing their kids to attend college cause they think they’ll live a better life. I say you should pursue your dreams, if it’s from being a doctor to being a school janitor, pursue that dream. People focus too much on getting money than actually being happy in life. Live your life the way you want it to because you only get one.
  • His mom might not be proud of him at all but the chat and myself are super proud of this streamer
  • @ryan-fl4ne
    Even if he disappointed her by not going to college, she should still be proud of him for being successful
  • @cloudm5338
    As the mother of 4 men idc what they choose to do for a living. I do care that they are kind, humble and HAPPY. I don't know what best for them. They know what's best for them💗
  • @kuroo372
    Let's think about how heartbroken the streamer is for a second, the person who brought him into this world and raised him and showed him lots of love in his childhood (hopefully) just says "I don't care" and hangs up to him getting 5000$, imagine that happening to you. edit: welp, I and pretty sure a lot of other people got jebaited, this shit was staged lol
  • @BelieveIt0226
    I get the feeling like she is so salty about him not going to college that when she just got evidence that it could work for him, she couldn’t handle that his instinct was right. And as a mother, if I felt like my kid wasn’t doing the right thing, but they were happy and finding success, I would be stoked! Because my kid worked for something and someone thought he was worth it. Why can’t parents be supportive? What is she doing? Being butthurt? Go get that car!
  • I remember growing up I just assumed everyone had loving, supportive parents like mine. Man was I wrong :-/