Father's Attempt to Distract Mother at Marathon Finish Line

Published 2024-05-21

All Comments (21)
  • @beepbopboop7727
    Donā€™t you think its crazy that women help men get promotions but men stop women from achieving their accomplishments.
  • @OGfromQueens
    Someone said this was a physical representation of how men use kids to try and slow women down... And I agree
  • @blyndeaf8503
    The fact her put his kids in possible danger just for the CHANCE of sabotaging her success. Truly disgustingā€¦
  • @turnthepage867
    Only a narcissist pushes his kids onto an athletic field during the competition.
  • @MackerelCat
    This is why we must resist any legal and political attempts to complicate divorce.
  • @stephe1506
    The fact he doesnt even follow over with the kids immediately AFTER she wins to celebrate speaks volumes too
  • That woman is a great example of not letting men and children stop you from reaching your goals.
  • @msj793
    Weaponize incompetence: my exhusband use to let our baby cry historically when I was studying for a test when working on my masters. He would pretend he didnā€™t know what the baby needed. Yā€™allšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø that divorce was the best decision ever.
  • @lily942
    She won first place and he was the first one to be unhappy with her. Isn't that crazy? SMH
  • @ButterflyBree
    I'm not a runner but I know several women who are. They take their races and training seriously. He's a POS. He absolutely tried to sabotage her race. He also put the children in unnecessary danger. šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ
  • @mekialovedat
    I asked my ex to watch our daughter every day after he got off work for a couple of hours so I could go to the gym and he refused. Mind you I was 230+ pounds. He left me and now Iā€™m less than 170. They really do love to sabotage us.
  • He absolutely did that crap on purpose.šŸ˜” You can see him pushing the kids out there, then looking confused when she runs past them. He would be served with divorce papers. A true partner celebrates with you.
  • @rgirl1243
    Did you see that he look annoyed that she didn't stop for the children, he didn't look happy for her?
  • @dharma6481
    He had to push those kids out there because the literal toddlers knew better than to run out into the race. He was trying to ruin her achievement. Since she dodged his sabotage you know heā€™s going to berate her all week for ā€œhurtingā€ her kids by ignoring them.
  • @queenlovek
    Oh he tried to sabotage her accomplishment. He's her biggest damn hater. He intentionally used the kids to stop her shine. I'm glad she ran past and completed the race. He would have been on the other side of the finish line if he truly supported her. He's big mad that she took her well deserved moment. Good for her šŸ˜Š
  • @Hopdog230
    The finish line is right there. Why not walk past the finish line. Literally a couple of feet away.. and you push them in front of the finish line. Iā€™m sure there are other instances of him being a hater in the marriage. He doesnā€™t support her really. Heā€™s resentful and trying to dull her shine.
  • @justacutie5201
    He wanted to remind her that she's a mother and wife before anything else.
  • @Tanaka1168
    As someone who's dated a narcissist, I can tell the man thought of exactly 3 things: 1. If my wife stops for the kids, we won't have to celebrate her victory tonight, and I get to play good husband by comforting her through a loss. 2. If she doesn't stop for the kids, I get to pick a fight on the ride home, so we won't have to talk about her victory. 3. If I get chastised or the kids get injured, I get to blame my wife for not stopping, and the limelight will shine on me instead of her victory.
  • @cpproduction325
    A girl I met in nursing school had this loser boyfriend. She was Armenianā€¦he was Black. He barely worked and drove her car & lived in her apartment. He was always dropping her off at clinical right at the wire. Three (3) tardies, youā€™re out of program. Repeat more than two (2) classes, youā€™re out. Students could NOT be late for clinicals. The evening before finals, he left HIS sick 1yr old child with her. Mind you, he was not an active parent to begin with. He went out with his friends to do poetry. Yes, he was an aspiring poet. That was his half azz job. She came to exam late and frazzled. Those exams are obviously timed. She came out in tears because she did not complete it. She failed and had to repeat the class. She had to graduate two semesters later due to rotation classes are offered. She left her motherā€™s home on bad terms because her mother did not approve of the guy, baby, underemployment, living togetherā€¦the entire mess. Iā€™m olderā€¦I told her that her mother loved her. In spite of their differences. I advised her to go to her mother and humble herself. Apologizeā€¦tell her you need to come home to get yourself together and to finish school. Your mom wants the absolute best for you. She return to the safety and solace of her mother, completed her program, and is a SINGLE rockstar labor and delivery nurse.šŸ˜Š I was married at the time. My husband was quite needy. I would stay at a hotel two days prior to my exam to study and calm my nerves. I knew not to leave it to chance. It is okay to have something for yourself!