McBLOG: No more offensive school urinals and boy/girl signs

Published 2024-06-30
Do you remember when NZ First and Winston Peters suggested that toilets should get back to basics of male and female because women simply didn’t want biological men in their toilets – no matter who they thought they were - and he was told that nobody is thinking about toilets. They were wrong and Winston was right. The Ministry of Education are obsessed with school toilets – and with urinals – and with signage - and most importantly, with gender ideology. Their latest policy document proves that.

All Comments (21)
  • @Mislandlife
    NZ women may not stand on a stage or march down the street screaming and yelling, but we do vote. The change of governments around the world is because we are the silent majority and National should remember that.
  • @onelen
    Thank you Bob and team..
  • Wish the Education Ministry would focus on education, not ideology.
  • @firequeen7872
    Why has this dangerous woke rubbish not been dealt with yet!?
  • Seems to me the ministry of education is more interested in children's bodily functions and sexuality more than their education.
  • Good to hear that some sanity can still be found here and there.
  • @Laedeydra
    Schools and other places need to realise that most people like privacy when it comes to their body. The fact that we still design spaces like open changing rooms shows we still live in the past. Teachers wonder why girls take forever to get changed after swimming lessons but it's because we're busy holding up towels for our friends so they can have privacy. As a kid, I hated that I had to strip naked in front of strangers, even if they were a bunch of other little girls. Toilets are no different. No one wants to hear and smell their neighbour in the next stall taking a dump and vice versa. So many kids have issues because they don't want to defecate at school and hold it in till they get home. There's no consideration for SA survivors or the self-conscious who don't want to share their body and it's functions with the world. Every human deserves toilet and changing room dignity. If that comes first safety is a given.
  • Luxon is an incredible squish. Two nouns that should never, ever appear together - Luxon and courage.
  • @webocoli
    There's your Democracy - Down the Toilet!!!
  • Adult males who wish to go into young girls' spaces are there for their own grooming or desire needs, the officials who allow it or endorse it, should be asked if their children should go FIRST with these individuals.
  • @Phil-oj5nr
    Winston is always on the money. As for Chippy, he must be on another planet!
  • Ministry of Education should be a first priority for. Massive budget cut. Need to get back to 1989 when the old Dept of Education was disbanded and replaced by a very slim Ministry of Education. That was done by Labour. Since that time successive govt. have bloated it up to 1000s of civil servants who have too much time on their hands so push woke agendas to justify their employment.
  • @LittleAsian_
    Thank you! As I woman I would feel scared if a man was in my bathroom. Thanks for standing up for women and young girls. ❤ You give me hope.
  • Lux Flakes is fluent in Reo so he’s not going to be confused which shitter he should use. and when did Tonto get his facial tattoos?
  • It will be a criminal offence next not to lift the seat. Recommendations will be all boys to sit when urinating.
  • I've been emailing the coalition and Min of Education about this issue and other gender madness eg women's sport etc for a long time, looks as though it will never be resolved with commonsense moral values again until there is a change in the institutions that push the ideology, and I pray that happens.
  • Luxon is such a ‘fence sitter’ , why doesn’t he grow a pair ?