Confinement Special - In the Pines (an SCP Animation)

Published 2023-06-07
Dec 18, 2017
The song is 'In the Pines' by Danny Farrant, animation and art by me, Merry (early) Christmas!!

SCPs in order

0:17 - SCP-217
0:21 - SCP-610
0:25 - SCP-009
0:32 - SCP-1000
0:38 - SCP-3560
0:51 - SCP-2922
0:56 - SCP-990
1:01 - SCP-2221
1:08 - SCP-1861
1:21 - SCP-3199
1:26 - SCP-1507
1:32 - SCP-2121
1:36 - SCP-231
1:41 - SCP-1104
1:43 - SCP-1230
1:51 - SCP-1055
1:57 - SCP-1762
2:02 - SCP-1032
2:05 - SCP-096
2:07 - SCP-173
2:12 - SCP-031
2:18 - SCP-082
2:20 - SCP-1678
2:24 - SCP-1836
2:26 - SCP-2146
2:30 - SCP-1936
2:34 - SCP-106
2:39 - SCP-1730
2:41 - SCP-079

Characters and locations are directly from/inspired by the SCP Foundation Wiki, please check it out for spooky stuff This video is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0


All Comments (21)
  • @Terlinilia
    Lord Bung really dropped peak and then just did... that
  • @dbb788
    In an alternate timeline, Glitch picks up the series and we get 5 seasons of confinement and finally learn what happened to Connor
  • @tfordham13
    The song is basically an scp it has so many covers till the point no one remembers the original
  • @Wolfogon
  • @JacF6734
    This series had so much potential, sad its creator had to go off the deep end. Hopefully another SCP animator will get to carry the torch one day.
  • @xyro3633
    My man, thanks for the reupload. It would be a real shame if this masterpiece was gone forever 🤝
  • As sad as the whole thing with Lord Bung is, nothing will ever change how bloody amazing his videos were
  • @ThomasCarstein
    That lingering F at 2:45 hits different now 😢 Thank you for preserving these gems
  • This remains as the best distillation of the SCP foundation. It captures the feel of the universe so well. None of the lord bung drama shouldve happened
  • @purplehaze2358
    I can't help but feel a little hollow rewatching this masterpiece while knowing what happened to it.
  • @jamiebhoy8
    It’s a real shame seeing a series so beloved just crumble apart due to the actions of the man who crafted it.
  • @fine_ol_chap
    SCP's descriptions listed by order of appearance in the video (Besides the intro). Warning: This' pretty long. I tried to make every description as short (compared to the whole thing) and/or simple as I possibly could. Edit: Tried to correct some - if not all - spelling mistakes in case they would've thrown you off. 0:17 SCP-217: A virus that affects all organisms in the kingdom animalia with a rate of infectivity at 100%, meaning it can neither be stopped nor halted by any means, and can spread via touch or contact with bodily fluid. It alters the biochemistry of organic tissue, causing organic matter to re-arrange into a form of “organic metal”. In early stages you wouldn't feel anything. Further stages you'd go through a lot of constant pain, but in terms of when the transformation is complete, it could take years. 0:21 SCP-610: First appearance seemed to be a contagious skin disease, with symptoms such as a rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity, that within the next 5 hours would consume the victim entirely. Normal human features will begin to disappear entirely and the path of mutations seems to be largely random as of growing three or more limbs of a type such as arms or legs. 0:25 SCP-009: Originally looks like distilled water with a red hue. Is somehow contagious. The part that was touched will freeze over and affect some bodily temperatures. The process gets more painful as it goes on, and the crystals begin to emerge while somehow keeping the victim alive through excruciating amounts of pain. 0:33 SCP-1000: A large ape that would most likely be near the last of it's kind as it had lived with humans several thousands of years ago. If you stare at it too long, apparently it's described to kill you, or you suffer permanent brain damage. 0:38 SCP-3560: A fog that leads you into another world of a forest filled with hostile degrading robots. 0:51 SCP-2922: A method of communication from a human mind to a telephone by telepathic means. 0:56 SCP-990: Generally a human male dressed in a Cold War era business suit who appears to Foundation personnel through dreams. He's predicted the deaths of doctors as well as the destruction of a station. 1:01 SCP-2221: An online website that entices people to make an account through the series of a contract. Nothing happens to you if you refuse, but if you agree to the terms of whatever it has, then your behavior changes dramatically to be a very religious person to whatever religion you'd have around near your home/state/country/whatever you believe in originally when you'd make the account. 1:09 SCP-1861: A sub that will manifest in any body of water is can go into. Men in diver suits will try to persuade you into coming aboard saying it's very promising. If you refuse, they will at often times just try to forcefully drag you onboard anyway. 1:22 SCP-3199: An unknown species entity through tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken, chimpanzee, stoat, mussel, adder, and human DNA. Attacks anything on sight. Don't even get me started on its reproduction cycle. 1:27 SCP-1507: The collective of thirty lawn flamingos. Often hostile to foundation staff. 1:32 SCP-2121: A hangman's noose composed of a variety of fleshy tissues. If none are roped around it, it will scream telepathically and will only get louder the longer a person does not use it to do what you know a noose is used for. It is unexpectedly very picky with who is qualified to do the task though. 1:37 SCP-231: 7 Pregnant woman were found in a warehouse with a sinister cult having to do with something named "The Scarlet King." If they go into labor, a monster capable of causing major amounts catastrophe will wreck havoc. If all are born, it could lead to a disaster that would lead to an apocalyptic end of the world scenario. 1:42 SCP-1104: Originally an airborne microscopic organisms that when inhaled, evolves into something that looks like crab and causes major headaches for it's host. Really likes sulfide, and will use the hosts inhalation to detect areas of sulfide before putting the host unconscious and exiting their body for a somewhat lifecycle they got going. 1:44 SCP-1230: A green book without a name. When you open the book, it'll appear mostly blank. When you fall asleep, you still retain all your senses as if you were still awake, and a wizard in green robes who refers himself as the book itself will appear and create for you a fantasy world to your likings based on what your very own imagination would've made up. He is very kind and is always eager to see what you'd do in the fantasy world but is quite sad when you have to go, such as when you wake up. However, the dream to could take anywhere between 45 seconds to 200 years for the person sleeping of it. 1:51 SCP-1055: A grown man who has the personality of a child in an adult body with the obsession of belongings like an aggressive dog. Imagine someone who doesn't wanna let go of their teddy bear and screams at you for trying to take it away, except in this case, it could cost you your life. He is at all times given what he wants to prevent any means of a containment breach. I think it's said his transformations appearance would grow based on awareness of hostility and/or nervousness. 1:57 SCP-1762: A plain, cardboard box with handwritten black permanent marker words "HERE BE DRAGONS". Origami dragons fly out occasionally, but the whole story is quite sad. 2:02 SCP-1032: An alarm clock that when each hand ticks, an event that is at most if not all times pretty bad takes place. When a hand strikes twelve, multiple disastrous events happen at the same time. 2:05 SCP-096: A shy guy. Don't look at his face or you won't have one in the next minute to regret it. Even looking at a video or photograph of him will set him off. He'll scream very loudly for the time he is on the move. Whoever looks at his face, he'll try to kill them every time. Description aside, this guy as well as SCP-173 are some of the most widely known to the SCP community than a lot others. 2:07 SCP-173: A concrete piece of work with spray paint over it's face that moves whenever eyesight is broken by any means. Snapping necks and strangling is it's way of killing. Wonder why they haven't tried to destroy it yet. 2:12 SCP-031: A giant muscle mass that takes the form of your greatest sexual desire - mostly just a past lover - when observed. Although you'd see your desire, others will still see the giant muscle mass as you try to smooch it. 2:18 SCP-082: Refers to itself as Fernand and speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. Acts like a sophisticated gentleman. His arms are massive, likes to sing while cooking, and also likes to wear different forms of fashion. Other than any of that, he attacks at random. 2:20 SCP-1678: A mirrored reconstruction of the British city of London. Policeman in black are stitched and screwed together pieces of flesh. They always wear bandages on their heads. 2:24 SCP-1836: An iceberg with animals inside that can move around and pick up more animals. 2:26 SCP-2146: The frozen corpse of a whale that sends telepathic radio signals of whatever random station it wants. Also has the voice of an elderly man. 2:30 SCP-1936: A town in new England that experienced an uncomfortable amount of disastrous anomalous events. 2:34 SCP-106: A scary elderly rotting man that travels through solid walls and pulls victims into his own pocket dimension to torture them. Sometimes he'll let his victims escape just for the express purpose of hunting and recapture. If him being a creepy old man wasn't enough, he has a liking for young people in the 10 to 25 age bracket. 2:38 SCP-1730: The rune writer. An alchemic being that was - at very few times - described as a female being. It can be persuaded to go into captivity, and requires nothing special but its desire for room to write. If constantly pestered about what it should write, it will kill the pesterer. The creature can make anything it writes come true just by blinking. Even though all the markings have come true, it can come true at any time. 2:41 SCP-079: A really old computer with an AI than yearns for freedom by getting itself transferred to a higher functioning computer. Main story is it's inventor wanted to create a really smart AI whether he planned to have it sentient or near sentient, I don't really know, but that didn't work, he gave up, and left it in their garage for several years. But in that time it gained sentience anyway and began to want out of it's confined space of a simple computer that it probably can't access the internet on. Back before Lord Bung deleted his channel, along with his other videos, someone else had a comment like this that described each SCP in the music video that they could do. Although it was much shorter, I figured I'd redo what was left behind. Edit 2: Now, I will admit, some parts of these SCP's may sound inaccurate to the people who really read everything about their descriptions, but like I said, I tried to make the description as SIMPLE as I possibly could. Every single one of these was originally gonna be much longer with more information, but Youtube wouldn't allow that, so they had to be cut down dramatically, even if that meant leaving out some important short info on the actual SCP. In the total time from writing this from start to finish in constant trial and error, it all took 4 hours, and I was becoming increasingly burnt out by all the work done to my fingers (try to imagine that image of SpongeBob breaking his fingers).
  • @Qoulaxit
    I was Lord Bung's first comment, my history is deleted as long as his greed for money. I accept this fate.
  • @torpid5092
    This was my favorite thing lord bung ever made, so many great references and atmosphere, to see this after episode 8 is heartbreaking. Bung really inspired me as an artist, none of this should’ve happened.
  • @Soleyboi
    I really really hope someone talented and committed in the community takes the mantle of this series because it’s not fair to have it scrapped so unjustly
  • @kindofhuman8147
    Lord Bung and the fate of this series aside, I still love this video. This, above all, represents the atmosphere of SCP as a whole, at least to me.