Who is polluting the ocean with plastic?

Published 2023-10-11
Plastic pollution is destroying ocean life and coastal livelihoods. With small island states suffering most, what do they reveal about how to solve this global problem?

00:00 The plastic problem
00:43 What challenges do small islands face?
02:48 Where is the plastic coming from?
07:47 How are small islands combating plastic pollution?
11:13 How is plastic waste managed? / Where does plastic end up?
12:30 Future solutions
14:31 The global plastic treaty

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All Comments (21)
  • @christopherx7428
    The source is rather obvious: Countries with poor waste management. As I recall it, the BBC showed that 90% of all plastice in the oceans come from 10 rivers, 8 in Asia plus the Nile and Zambesi or possibly Kongo.
  • @cashbonanza963
    The problem is at the top. Oil companies want to produce as much plastic as possible and our politicians and regulators allow it to happen, for a fee.
  • @dluzyn
    Recycling is NOT a solution. It's just a temporary retardant and greenwashing method. It's the overuse of plastic for single use food packaging that's the problem.
  • @ianfowler2652
    I am in Vanuatu at the moment and yes there are no more plastic bags in the shops. However i see many many times a day where they just discard rubish into the street or sea. After it rains the amount of plastic washed into the sea is massive. They have no feeling of pride in their country at all. Until this is reversed there is no hope. In the capital Vila there are thousands of very expensive stainless steel waste bins that some country must have gifted them. They are cleaned often, but only in the town, outside just forget it. But if you go up to Porto Santo you hardly ever see a waste bin and if you do it is over flowing and has not been emptied in months if ever.
  • @alisonburgess345
    We're sh**ting in our own nest. We can and must fix this urgently.
  • @henrysikora1408
    No one mentions the problem of shipping containers containing used plastic going from Canada to India to the Philippines. Of course when a hurricane or tropical storm hits a island the garbage is taken off the island where it ends up in the ocean. There should be a ban on large countries shipping their garbage to smaller countries.
  • @IslandBlaze8
    i live on la digue island in seychelles and I and my father pick up 3kg every morning on our walks on the beach every morning.
  • @UQRXD
    Tell it to the people who make all the plastic. Go back to tin cans, glass and paper. I can sum it up in one word GREED. Greed is a natural thing in the human mind and doubt it can ever be stopped.
  • @MRTonyt8868
    I first saw this many years ago and it was a very big deal back then humans need to understand how to deal with this problem now
  • @timidpeter
    I wonder why a part of plastic waste isn't turned into a layer/sheet which covers all plastic waste not to be blown away by 'bad' weather
  • @mbarker1958
    I was in a ship repair yard at Guangzhou in 2019, the yard workers' lunch was delivered in plastic bags with plastic bottles of water, when finished, all of it went in the river and then the cigarette butts; I was at the port in Abidjan not long before and the whole surface of the water was discarded plastic bottles. There is a lot of work to do and not just in the 3rd or 2nd world, just look around the average British town...
  • @joenisnapje712
    Fiji used to be some of the most beautiful places in the world. Just horrible there’s so much plastic everywhere
  • @lil----lil
    "Yep, Son, We've met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo
  • @vp2008
    Why was the video so vague in saying where those plastic pollution come from? Just shame them already!
  • @tobywebb6452
    Net Zero resources should be diverted to the plastic issue, this is impacting our entire biosphere and will cause far greater damage