I Tried SWAT Academy

Publicado 2022-11-06

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Will having to explain to SWAT experts what a stress boner is made me realize that these men are just always hard.
  • as a marksman enthusiast, and american... will at 8:18 was very impressive even for lucky shots at closer range. "am i being trolled right now?" is an accurate response
  • @wideopenmx850
    Will has a legitimate talent for shooting. That was extremely impressive
  • @inunkag4ever
    As a police officer who has been through some of this exact training, it's refreshing that they are also going through the legal part of this job. Great job, Will! That challenge coin is a great honor!
  • Will saying "please don't move" to someone he's apprehending (even if it's just a simulation) really goes to show how much of a genuinely good person he is.
  • @meghanhauk8198
    This was a great video. Honestly the best part for me was the end, how you couldn’t explain or process what happened. It goes to show how the mental health of first responders is so damn important and we should ensure they have the resources they need. Thanks for doing this Will.
  • As a police officer this was definitely fun to watch. Watching Will with firearms was quite hilarious. Great shooting 💪 those rifle rounds in the same hole was ridiculous and nowhere near as easy as it looks 😂
  • @jay17386
    As a police officer and someone who goes through this training yearly, pretty awesome job. It definitely is an intense experience and “tunnel vision” is a real thing. You were very confused at the end of the hostage situation 😂
  • @marvinsequera
    Congrats to Will on pushing himself outside the conform zone, not only physically but also creatively with this one, outstanding work.
  • @Ghost011
    Seeing what it felt like for Will at the end of that Hostage rescue was quite eye opening, people don't realise that it really is a toll taken on your mind and emotions being in a situation like that, real or not.
  • @conro7003
    That confusedness at the end is a crazy but true phenomenon. Even when I occasionally play paintball or airsoft with buddy’s I’ll get a bit of it, but nothing compares to real life danger. I’ve never been in a shooting, but I have been in a situation where a drunk guy at a New Year’s Eve party threatened my life with a gun when I was 15. The memory becomes so fuzzy when you calm down. I definitely remember a few things very vividly, but a lot is unclear. I do know one thing for sure though, that was the fastest 40 meter sprint of my life, and I kind of wish it was recorded.
  • The banter and communication between will and the soldiers was both wholesome and informative, very entertaining video
  • @ImaFroglmao
    No surprise Will is always getting awesome feedback and cool vibes from every person hes asked to come and take part on a video, Phil, Greg, the swat dudes, that says a lot about him, and thats one of the big reasons why hes more and more successful everyday, our youtuber is an awesome guy
  • @bl0nd3tim3s6
    I love how the one guy matched your energy and humor the whole time. Absolutely brilliant
  • @Everarmed89
    Will never ceases to surprise us. And that’s why we love him
  • @jimmyscyoc4358
    One of your best videos Will! Thank you for allowing us BTS of SWAT and learning the mental toll it can take to protect and serve.
  • @dangderek
    I've successfully watched every video on your channel. It's crazy how far the editing has come and how much more fluid the content has become. It's flows so well. Props to you.
  • This was really cool, Will. Thanks for shedding light on how hard these men work and how they legitimately do it all to save lives. I’m a firefighter in San Antonio, Tx Would love to see you do some firefighter training next