LOOK AT ME!! | Lethal Company - Part 9

Published 2024-01-12

All Comments (21)
  • I love how Bob’s giggle sounds so sweet and jovial until it’s the only thing you can hear echoing in a dark hallway.
  • @willg955
    Incredible. I think Mark missed every single hit on that hoarding bug.
  • @hedera1332
    The disembodied 'Had a terrible run of luck' from the mimic after both Bob and Wade died was hilarious, like Mark was having a flash-back during a psychotic break.
  • @davidci
    21:30 What's funny about this part is that Wade actually DIDN'T have a key, it was bugged to show a key for some reason. He was telling the truth while looking so blatantly lying
  • @bobbybansan442
    You can observe that Mark is hesitant to go through Fire Exits and waits for Bob or Wade to go first, it shows that he was very traumatized from last time
  • @BootlegGreg88
    Mark's frustration after warning Bob not to run into the same hallway that Wade had just died in and seeing Bob die to the same turret was comedy gold...
  • @MadlyMesozoic
    Mark yelling "FREDDY??" like meeting an old friend had me rolling
  • @lampylightbulb
    The amount of mimic voices when Mark was left alone in the mansion was mildly terrifying ngl
  • @tamashii2921
    I love how Mark was playing SCP foundation while Bob and Wade were playing Lethal Company
  • @thatguy133
    Mark trying so hard to kill the lootbug at 4:20 but missing every single time and not realizing hurt me so bad inside
  • @z.m.stewart1996
    “…we’ve just had a terrible run of luck…” has the be one of my favorite mimic lines so far 24:49
  • @kaniamia
    6:37 The dog mimicking Mark’s “Wee woo wee woo!” seconds before killing Mark is gold.
  • @taliacho6537
    The fact they're running for their lives from Freddy meanwhile Bob is holding a giant photo of Ryan Reynolds is hysterical
  • @laughwliz
    Ok but Mark successfully escaping death from the earth leviathan AGAIN without even knowing what it is truly astonishing.
  • @meanya4687
    When Mark ran back to the ship with the painting but flew off WITHOUT TELEPORTING THEIR BODIES BACK TO THE SHIP I finally understood how sports bros feel when someone fubs the ball and they scream at them through the TV screen
  • @StrattonSmith
    I actually require this series to continue indefinitely, so that I can meet my quota of laughter
  • Mark patiently hittin the griddy while waiting for his friends to spawn is so funny to me.
  • @dcbandit
    It's both eerie and hilarious hearing the dim ghostly echoes of Bob and Wade laughing at Marks predicament after they both die to the ghost turret.