Published 2024-04-25

All Comments (20)
  • @Crazyfayze
    Make sure you go to the dojo and train against fukizawa( the Japanese doctor that is against killing) he gives you a the third martial art. Max out your bond with him. Its honestly the best stance for defense and countersparking. (Tatsumi stance)
  • @dancooke8811
    I went Anti-Shogunate because it opens up more opportunities for Western influenced items and bonds. Also there is one key character that you can learn how to fight like - thats right Kenshin Himura he was a Samurai fighting against The Shogunate, well he was based off of a historical figure who fought exactly like him and interacted with key figures who were fighting for step forward towards Western Civilisation influencing change in Japan.
  • @maxm.m.7219
    When I saw you fight the Jujutsu master kid, it was pretty cool, because I practiced Jujutsu for 4 years (it's not the same as Jiu-jitsu, btw, for people who don't know. It's a system of throws, strikes, and locks. Although we were also taught groundwork when I was a Jujutsuka).
  • I mean if you want to have more options available in terms of more combat styles & companions to bond with along with more bosses to fight for their quests. Go pro-shogunate. You can still bond with others in the anti-shogunate in some aspects from bond missions. However, what you decide to go with here will determine how some missions are played out in view. The shinsingumi members have pretty bad ass combat styles & plus Soji in my opinion the best companion to have to take on missions……the dude is mad OP has katana combat styles while wielding an odachi……like how OP is that 🤷🏻
  • @boebie5052
    The makes u think ur choosing but ur not. Ur choice won't change anything.
  • @cbgalaxy1010
    How you don`t have more then 2k subscribers blows my mind. you have super funny commentary and skill too... NOT GLAZING lol but ima be a regular now!
  • @Heavenly___9
    Haven't played this game yet, but damn it makes me wanna play nioh 2
  • I’m a master In the Tatsumi-Ryu style and it’s by far the best style in the game. Work on your bonds and you will max it out in no time. I had this style maxed out in Edo im 70+ hours into the game and I’m not even 50% done yet. I clear all the areas before I move on to side stories and main story.
  • @-U__U-
    Damn breathe, you dont stop yapping
  • @StealnSoulz105
    No way you’re playing on twilight cuz the shogun busted my ass a few times lol
  • @depresespres4214
    You gotta work on your bonds man. Read the styles to see who gives what, and fight them at the dojo to get the third martial skill for each and upgrade all their bonds. Then you get tons of stuff to choose from.
  • @rudsims
    Bruh, How you get that hair style You on PS5 right? I love this game but i hope we get hairstyle and clothes updates
  • @ginomack3831
    Tatsumi combined with Gikei, most op thing of the game