Amazing Bible Facts #1 Why did Samson use a Jaw bone of a donkey to kill 1,000 Philistines?

Published 2021-10-29
The Bible brought to life through God's Spirit. Amazing Facts help us dig deeper into the deeper symbolism in the Bible making the Bible so very interesting. The message of the Donkey's Jawbone is is that God will provide the provision in the most humble way that only those humble in spirit will be able to recognize. In Jesus Day, how many people recognized that Jesus was King? Was it the clothes he wore or the Donkey he rode in on? Why would Sampson use the Jawbone of a donkey to deliver his people and take vengeance in regard to his wife? A Jawbone of a Donkey? Really? Is that possible? The Answer is in FACT, YES!

All Comments (14)
  • @BibtoonsGO
    God always provides what we need at the right time 💪🙂
  • @pdxeddie1111
    I think he probably broke the thing at the front in half and had basically had two battle axes one for each arm and swung and killed everything that came close to him. Native Americans used bison jaws which are fairly similar as battle axes for thousands of years and they are quite effective at delivering deadly blows.
  • @Rockonymous
    That jawbone was stronger than their swords. But even then it wasnt his weapon, and it wasnt his strength. It was God taking control of his body.
  • @noguile2737
    Samson was a Nazarite though so he should’ve stayed away from dead animals . The story comes down to that men can only do so much, nobody was perfect expect Jesus Christ.. All scripture points to the fulfillment of Christ, so with the several mistakes Samson made God still used him for His good purpose However, in His perfect will Samson was supposed to be separate from the world and dedicated to the LORD. But Samson repented just at the right time to kill many more philistines. God wants all men to repent for he are not worthy, but God be the Glory for His great mercy and love! The story is about repentance, just as you seen in Revelation 11 with God's 2 witnesses dress in sackcloth.. God bless 🙏
  • Watch your six ,when the BEAST START TO TELL YOU ABOUT BIBLE, SHALOM đź•Ž
  • @bartercoins
    Samson was a shadow of the destroyer , not of the Savior. The destroying angel dishes out divine retribution, not the Savior. However, at the Second Coming of Christ, the wicked will be destroyed, because Christ will return as THE BRANCH, which is a destroyer mode, so the Samson shadow can be applied to Jesus at His Second Coming, however it specifically points to the destroyer . Elias the restorer is the very destroying angel, and he is the one who prepares all things as the forerunner of the Lord's Second Coming. Samson possessed that miracle known as the strength of the Lord, and Elias will also possess that miraculous strength, only only it will be scaled up, for all things will be scaled up during the end times. Isaiah says: "I will divide him [Jesus] a portion with the great , and he shall divide the spoil with the strong " (Is. 53:12.) The great and strong in this passage refer to the end-time Elias (who is the destroying angel) and all the other Eliases (or Elias types) that preceded him. Jesus turned the other cheek, whereas Samson operated on the tit-for-tat principle, just as Elias will. Jesus was as gentle as a lamb, whereas Elias will be like a ferocious wolf, just as Samson was. So, although it's perfectly okay to try to apply the ancient types to Jesus, in truth many of the types actually point to the divine destroyer and not to the divine Savior.
  • Lord,I'm the worst!.The Worst!.Like a beast I was! .You left me in charge of your kingdom till your return. What did I do?! I drank,I did drugs.Took pleasure in fornication.I was a wild man.I made a ass of myself.A real donkey,Lord. You made me a king, and I acted like a Jester.The joke is on me!. How can you forgive me? I'm just a foolish servant. Why would you restore me back into the same position, and give me even more my King?!. Use me,please! Like the donkey that I'm. I'm a pack mule, and a good worker.I will hear your voice with what you have given eyes are forward facing,and my back legs are so strong,I will stand for you, and walk in your ways with them.I can smell your presence in the darkness. Use me like Samson Lord.I want to open my mouth and slay many,upon many.Thousands, and thousands, with the knowledge, and wisdom you have given me. For they were just like me in my wasted youth.If they are convicted,You will rise them up from the dead.Like you did me. Also you made me loving.Because I'm in your presence. You made me this way for your glory.Let me carry you into the city with shouts of Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
  • @monadamus42
    I was raised Christian. I've since done a ton of truth seeking and the Bible is not full of facts for those of us who have sought truth over dogma. Who wrote the Bible should be legally required viewing for all Christians to start. Really embarrassing stuff, just to begin with.
  • @paulmint1858
    This is the problem with the literal interpretation of the bible…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣absolute nonsense … and this narrator calls it fact…. Because all impossibilities are possible with the little fairy in the sky. Talk about pathos.