An Astronomer Responds To Flat Earth Theory

Published 2018-01-09
Business Insider UK sat down with Dr Stuart Clark, who spoke to us about a range of subjects regarding astronomy and astrophysics. We asked him what he thought of flat earth theory, a school of thought which believes that the earth is not spherical but flat.

"All our physics is constructed now, the physics of orbits of things going around the earth is all constructed with this three dimensional world. And the pictures from space show our world as a globe and yet somehow there are some people that still seem to believe the earth is flat."

"My own pet theory is that they’re doing it for comic effect."

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All Comments (21)
  • @Orc-icide
    You don't need an astronomer to explain why the earth is round, you need a psychologist to figure out what's wrong with flat earthers
  • @Ecray121
    Thats why we have an atmosphere not an atmosflat
  • It's so stupid, that I don't even think you can use the word "theory".
  • It is hard to win an argument against an intelligent person but it is impossible to win against an idiot.
  • @idontcare3202
    Mercury? Round. Venus? Round. Earth? Flat?? Moon? Round. Mars? Round: Jupiter? Round. Saturn? Round. Neptune? Round. Hotel? Trivago.
  • @snowman2116
    "Welcome to the Flat Earth Society, we have members from around the globe."
  • @ArAr-rd2qj
    I work as a seaman for almost 18 years.i think i have traveled from over 46 countries from around the world. and if you think the earth is flat then i pity you.
  • @PeterSven10
    Flat earther: “The earth is flat.” Normal person: “What proof do you have?” Flat earther: “The earth is flat.”
  • @auriteem8757
    If the earth is flat, why is my life going downhill?
  • I've determined the earth is round while flying in an airplane, seeing eclipses, and looking through my binoculars at the moon and planets. I even saw Jupiter's four moons. You don't have to be an astronomer to come to the conclusion the earth is spherical.
  • @msa7933
    Things that flat earthers have never attempted to explain. 1) If gravity isn't real then why objects with different densities fall at the same time in the vacuum? 2) If water always finds its level then what shape oceans are supposed to be on the globe model? 3) Why cohesive force can bend water but gravity can't? 4) If the moon is very close (which supposedly explains rise and set) and it's moving right above our heads, then why its shape or face never changes duringthe night?
  • @sk00411
    When I was a kid a very few of my classmates believed chocolate milk comes from brown cows.. They grew up n became flat earthers
  • @Justwantahover
    I have observed stars right on the sea horizon at night. So why can't we see city lights from hundreds of miles away on a flat earth?
  • @oralevato7848
    A drop of water is made spherical by tension applied equally along it's surface, when you want to form clay to a sphere you roll it equally on all sides, when the pebbles wash ashore they are usually spherical in nature because the oceans punished each of their sides equally. When force is applied equal from all sides in 3 dimensions, you mold whatever it's acting on into a sphere, this is not a disputeable fact, but a mathematical truth. No looking at horizons or sending ballons into space needed, this you can know is true simply by thinking about it. Considering this, how could the earth ever be anything but spherical, when a sphere is the only shape it could take to equal out the forces acting on it? If it's not a sphere then how come my feet carry me just as easily in Europe as they do in Asia? How can the force I feel be equal everywhere in the world, but the shape of it not uniform? It's constant upwards acceleration on a disk shaped world? But then we forget orkham razor, and is the world being a sphere, as a result of its' forces acting eqaully upon itself, not an endlessly more simple and beautiful solution? I've never been in high enough altitudes for the curve to reveal itself, or bothered to watch a ship disappear over the horizon. Yet from watching the world around me, I can without a doubt say that the world being a sphere, is a much more rational solution, than it being a disk.
  • @beta722
    Mars: Round Moon: Round Sun: Round Earth: flat There is 1 Imposter among us
  • @Historybluff1986
    The real question is what would be the reason nasa would lie about the shape of the earth. There is nothing in it for anyone to try and convince us the earth is round Instead of flat. so a conspiracy seems unlikely.
  • @Naseem25
    If Earth was flat, you could see Burj Khalifa in America.