Fade low quality small caps, says Charles Schwab's Liz Ann Sonders

Published 2024-07-24
Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab chief investment strategist, joins 'Closing Bell' to discuss the markets, the Nasdaq dipping and cracks showing across the economy.

All Comments (9)
  • @---md1zr
    Sounds like somebody missed small caps
  • @babakd9892
    They basically have the same price action. Zombie companies actually sounds cool, I like that they can’t be killed😂
  • I thought the Fed was supposed to be in a quiet period ahead of next week's meeting; why are we hearing from Dudley today?
  • @gen-X-trader
    You know people have been saying that about the Russell versus the s&p 600 for years. Put VTWO and SPSM on your watch list people. Because that's the Russell and the s&p 600. They have been moving virtually in lockstep
  • @dubbled7286
    Was Liz Ann welding before this interview? 💀☠👻