Explaining my situation RANT i relapsed and I’m done trying

Published 2023-07-01
I love you guys y’all support me more than my real family. Honestly even just a comment saying y’all are rooting for me keeps me going. I can’t get that out of anyone else and sometimes all you need to hear is your worth it. I love you guys thank you for supporting me, I’ve always been honest, im not trying right now to do better because I don’t have a reason. My life sucks, the people in it fucking suck and I’d rather be dead than sober so fuck it hopefully this last binge really takes me out. I know a lot of y’all will say y’all can relate but like man I genuinely leave the house everyday praying I hit a guard rail doing 85 and wake up somewhere better.

All Comments (6)
  • @artisticbloodflow
    I hope you can stay safe man. You never deserve to be treated like that, and it is completely understandable that you’re done. You don’t need this. You deserve so much better man and I hope you can live to prove to not only him but yourself that you are capable and worth so, so much more. Please stay safe, I know it is so fucking hard man and I wish it didn’t have to be like this. Keep the dream alive in your mind, know that you can get out and live so much healthier and happier without any abuse, you just gotta hang in there man. I am so sorry. I have been following you on here and Reddit for a minute and think of you often man, especially am always hoping the best for you.
  • @SissyMchill1
    Idk 🤷‍♀️ why this video ended up in my feed? Your following is low and not interaction on this video. So I can tell you two stories of two men I knew in my life. Being as idk what you relapsed on. Not even asking. The first guy was a heavy drinker and loved the nose candy. He was a multi millionaire but died at 28 on welfare due to cirrhosis of the liver. Then there was my cousin a heroin addict. He had such a high tolerance for the heroin that when he got cancer he suffered cause pain medication wouldn’t work due the heroin use. I haven’t finished the video and I’m about where you are ranting about your dad. I can say as a parent they are probably more concerned about your health the road you’re taking. I believe you said you’re 23 and loving with your folks or I read can’t remember. Not being rude at all but you can move out then you won’t have to listen to them yell at you. It’s hard for a parent to watch their child go down a dead end street. Best of luck to you kiddo. Drinking never helps when you’re mad, upset or frustrated it makes shit worse.
  • @Yourmommais
    You're 23 bro, you haven't even seen the worst...You have parents and a place to stay? Food poisoning and throwing up? You'll be ok my dude
  • I get I come off disrespectful. This is just how I feel and I’m expressing myself in this video. I didn’t curse at my dad, I didn’t get aggressive, I was sober so I told him I’m just making soup to help my stomach because last night I couldn’t even keep anything down. I was nursing myself back to health and he yelled at me to get the fuck out his face. I swear I didn’t curse or anything I just say in this video how I felt, I’m a country boy I respect my parents but when I’m actually sick and I get yelled at like this it makes me want to go crazy. Like I should be resting and chilling out but instead I’m getting drunk because I’m fucking pissed. I had a puke bucket in my room, my mom and down saw the moldy cheese and know I got food poisoning and still my dad makes me the bad guy. My mom always takes his side too, she’s just submissive and won’t stand up to him so I try my best to show her he’s just a little bitch without stressing her too much. She’s came to me crying multiple times recently talking about divorcing him because like I said he wouldn’t get a fucking job, we were going broke, and he just sat around drinking. 2 months into his first job in 5 years and he’s already losing it. All I will say is the job I left to go to Walmart and make more money I held for 3 fucking years. 3 years I busted my ass and the one time I get food poisoning I’m the bad guy. Times like this I really want to pop myself in the head and if I do it would be in front of my dad. Live with that sight lol