How Epic is killing Rocket League

Published 2023-10-14

All Comments (21)
  • @kflip11
    What's worse is that Epic's CEO made a tweet about 3 months ago shaming companies that have greedy principles... and then has rocket league follow his own greedy principles
  • @drmz_
    Epic never disappoints when it comes to disappointing.
  • @PastorSkeptic
    For the first few minutes I was genuinely worried that they were taking away training from the game and didn't realize sunless was just goofing around.
  • @DarkSansTV
    I personally can't throw my money at in-game items so the fact that this is leaving means the one way of getting items is being deleted from the game. In my eyes this is the most selfish move that could've been done and is very reminiscent of extreme corporate greed, the game should've remained in psyonix's hands because the game is now only a shell of it's former glory...
  • @Vaaltor
    it just sucks because the potential with this game has been seen and showcased for years by all the great content creators and the community. has the biggest potential for comp esports due to the casual watch ability across the world (as its car soccer). and they just have slowly killed one of the most simple yet beautiful games
  • @adams5116
    Had me in the first half. As a casual gold/plat player I was absolutely gutted there but knew they couldn't have possibly done that.
  • @PlutoC17
    To be honest I've never traded even once in thousands of hours of play so I won't miss it, but I am still concerned though because it just feels like the game is in an overall dive. For like a year it's just been grind ranked and sometimes they might actually put in a fun LTM that you only see for a few days and then not again for months. The thing that has kept me wanting to play has been the Esports/content creators but even that is starting to get stale for me. I wouldn't mind the lack of content if we had updates for UE5 but its just getting hard to believe that its anywhere near done. I get epic is a business and they want money but it just isn't sustainable for them to remove features while pushing profits.
  • @MrB0MB3R
    you had me in the first half with epic removing training i wouldnt even be suprised 🤣
  • @Quakke_RL
    Its really heartbreaking to see rocket leagues downhill. I hope this doesn't actually happen.
  • @dpackerman4203
    To me the problem is not so much that they’re removing trading and more so that Epic does absolutely nothing positive for Rocket League. No new game modes, no new unique maps, no new content. They just let the game sit and marinate while adding new items every season.
  • @liammeistre1
    Had me in the first half. I was like did i miss something
  • @Adriono100
    Becoming a goat farmer doesn’t seem like such a bad option now
  • @SammichLS
    I love how sunless can turn such a heartbreaking bit of news for Rocket League and still find ways to laugh and have a good time
  • An incredibly terrible decision on Epic's end.. how am I supposed to warm up without freeplay? And how do we know they won't just randomly decide to remove player-to-player trading next?
  • the first 4 min had me geeking bahahhaha i thought it was about TRADING to begin with.. then i heard TRAINING might be taken away i was like no wayyyy. then you pulled the most ultimate prank youtube has seen bc at this point mine as well get rid of training too hahahah
  • @ebreezy4x
    Bro really had me perplexed thinking I misread trading for training for the first few minutes
  • @Nickname1557.
    This update is one of the only updates everyone in the rl community has agreed on
  • @TripppsTV
    It’s completely unbelievable how tone deaf they have been. And I don’t think anyone should expect ANY further communication from them about this. They’re going to do it. It’s sad. They genuinely don’t care about us anymore. They haven’t communicated with us in a Long Time. GGs, I’ll miss this game.
  • @Rythums57
    You really had me thinking I read it completely wrong😂
  • @Casta2
    One of the responses to the tweet said they were hoping for trading to be replaced with an in game auction house so you could set up trades and they could get accepted anytime with no risk of scam since the trades would be set up in advance. This is sadly too optimistic, if Epic had thought of a way to remove scams, make trading easier and automatic as your trades could get accepted anytime, they would have said something about it.