Luke Hahn's Testimony: God Had to Strip Me of Everything

Published 2018-04-04
Luke was lost with a false profession that lasted until God stripped everything away from him. Yet even after his traumatic accident, he continued on in his sin and refusal to trust Christ; until God opened his eyes to the finished work of Christ on the Cross.


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Spanish:    • El testimonio de Lucas Hahn: Dios tuv...  
German:    • Luke Hahn's Zeugnis: Gott musste mir ...  
Portuguese:    • O Testemunho de Luke Hahn: Deus Teve ...  

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All Comments (21)
  • @orlablacoe9808
    I had anxiety which was impossible to go away on its own, but then I prayed. It took a while but then it got cured without any therapist. God is real
  • @desigamer8598
    Ex Hindu here.... God saved this sinner from the death bed....All glory to Jesus....
  • @VideoBible
    "Religion will kill you. Relationship with Jesus will give you life." I can relate. Thanks for sharing!
  • @norasexinez6145
    The Lord stripped me of my PRIDE, like JOB it began with my engagement, my job, my house, my health and finally my family, I wanted to die, BUT THROUGH PRAYER and the LORDS MERCY and GRACE, I MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE, PRAISE GOD!!!
  • @AF1.Starcraft
    I was an alcoholic and drug addict from the ages of 14 to 22. I drank heavily, smoked weed, smoked cigarettes, did cocaine, did shrooms, did ecstasy, MDMA, Etc... I often found myself wandering the streets alone high or drunk at night like a nomad, a wanderer... looking for something to satisfy my emptiness. I tried to quit for more than 8 years and could never do it. Often at night, I'd come home and weep in my room because of my guilt. I hurt my parents and made my mother cry thousands of times. I was truly lost. But guess what? God never gave up on me. Jesus saved my life. On May 31, 2012, God miraculously delivered me from all my addictions in one moment. He gave me a new heart, just like He promised in Ezekiel 36:26: "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." (ESV) On that day, I threw all my substances in the garbage, and started a new life, reborn with the Holy Spirit. And I've been sober and clean, living a new life with Jesus as my King, for almost 8 years now. If anyone is going through something similar, don't give up. Pray to the Lord in the name of Jesus and humble yourself before Him. He will forgive you and give you a brand new start! It's been 8 years almost and I've never been happier! The joy of the Lord is my strength, truly. Alcohol and drugs will never satisfy you. But God truly will. Praise the Lord Jesus!
  • @paulbotello1289
    I was molested at the age of 7, I never processed it as a teenager, or even as a young man. My walk with the Lord revealed to me that the moment I chose to never speak of, could very well be responsible for the mentality I developed towards sex, women, perversion, and sexual immoral endeavors, like Pornography. I was always worried what it could mean to my family, speaking the truth, but no more. I stand here today Redeemed in Christ Jesus, I stand firm in his Glory, I stand tall in the redemption of my past transgressions. The Lord pulled me away from the worst things about myself, and the more I dove into Christ, the more those things began to fall away, by the sanctity of my Salvation. I’m not perfect, but I’m here to speak over any man woman or child today that stood face to face with that DEMON OF PERVERSION, and you walked out of that room, you walked from his or her grasp, you went on to live in confusion, and doubt. I’m here to tell you today, the Lord shall set you free!! Lean into his word!! Lean into his grace!! Lean into salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ Believe he died on the Cross, believe he died for you, believe in the blood that was spilt for you!! My name is Paul Botello, and I am a survivor of Child Molestation, and it’s only by God’s love and Grace. There is redemption for you, God has it ready to unleash upon your life, and all you need to do is access through your Faith in him. Glory be to God, Hallelujah!!🙏🏽🕊🙏🏽🕊 If you’ve read this far, God bless you, if you have a few minutes, go check out my music video “AK-Psalms47” on my page. I step foot onto the ground where the enemy tried to take my life from me, my childhood home. Join me as I go back to the place I came face to face with the Devil..”The shed with the Lime Green trim” Join me, as I take the memories of that land back, and place it at the feet of God...
  • @joybooks612
    My husband just passed away less than two weeks ago due to Covid. I know God is and will take care of me. Your testimony is encouraging. Thank you!
  • 4 years ago I was living a life of homosexuality, pornography, prostitution and bondage to multiple devils. I am now a new creature through Jesus Christ. I'm married to a wonderful man and raising my daughter to serve and love the Lord. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! There is no pit so deep that he is not deeper still. Thank you so much for your testimony of his power and might!
  • I've walked the denial road myself. Having been molested at 5 years old, Satan kept whispering in my ear the wonderfulness of sex. After years of random sex, I fell to God. I pray for everyone battling Satan's icy grip.
  • I don’t think God is responsible for the bad things that happen to us. He may use them to teach us lessons that will draw us closer to Him, but he doesn’t cause these things to happen. We live in an imperfect, sinful world that is full of trials and tribulations, but He has prepared a perfect place for us that we can look forward to if we trust in and surrender to Him. This world is not our home.
  • My testimony - I had a prayer and I would always cry and beg God. The day my prayer was answered was unbelievable! God gave me more than what I had ever imagined or could ask for. Please be patient. It’s hard, ask God for strength and comfort to help you but believe me remain in prayer. He asks you to knock he will open the door. He asks you to seek and he will give himself to you. The Power who created the world is on OUR side. Whats better than that? Have faith!
  • @lvteachme973
    Loving parents never stop praying for their children.
  • @adisciple9485
    The power of praying parents.🙏🏼 Never stop praying for the lost.
  • Boy do I need help from God!!🙏🏼🌈🙏🏼 I am at my breaking point mentally and physically. Anxiety, eating disorders and worry! Please God above forgive me for all my sins! And please don’t give up on me🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤦🏻‍♀️. Please Lord heal my home!!!! We need you badly!. I believe God can free me from all this distress. I have to surrender and trust him with my life!!! Please Lord help me surrender 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼☹️
  • Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!!!!!!
  • @Aya____jnr99
    I can relate to Luke. I am 72 and lost my life in a similar style to Job. Lost everything and currently am at the bottom but believe that God will pick me up again.
  • @kaobang7984
    Your testimony made me cry...and i am supposed to be a 64 year old hardened man who survived two wars and who fears nothing....but now, i fear God and eternal darkness...i hope he forgives me and gives me a new heart just as He gave you...Thanks Lucas for sharing...Jesus is Lord!!!
  • Forgive me for my sin’s please Jesus. Guide my life so I can live for you. Please keep my family safe healthy and happy. Please protect my loved one. Thank you for everything you did & will do for myself and everyone I know. Please ease the pain in the world a little if it be your will Jesus. In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit in Jesus’s sweet name Amen
  • There are so much people that is going through pain, I am Not alone, you are not alone God will never leave us nor forsake us, may God use you more.