WHAT THE FREAK IS THIS GAME!? I LOVE IT! Black Myth: Wukong Official Gameplay Trailer Reaction

Published 2020-08-21

All Comments (21)
  • @andybru
    HEY EVERYONE!! The support on this video has seriously been UNREAL! Thank you guys so much 😭 for those of you who are new, my channel is mainly live playthroughs, reactions to either trailers or moments in games and typically just other videos revolving around gaming! I LOVEEEE games with a good story. There’s a bunch of playthroughs on the channel and there will be plenty more in the future, so if you like what you see, make sure to subscribe! Also, thank you all so much for the helpful comments explaining Journey to the West. I read all of them :) this is so cool that Journey to the West is what inspired sooo much of what we have today, like Dragon Ball and Naruto (for example). And just to be clear, I don’t really consider myself a Dragon Ball fan (PLEASE DONT HATE ME). It’s not that I don’t like it, I actually think it’s awesome, but I never really got into it. I just know a handful of the characters and that’s it lol. Same goes for Naruto. I felt like I needed to clear that up because there’s a good amount of people in here who are wondering how I don’t know Journey to the West if I’m a Dragon Ball fan. Well, I’m not. Lol. But now I gotta do my research on Sun Wukong and dive deep into the mythology 👀 Once again thanks so much for the support on this video and I hope some of you decide to stick around!
  • @papercat2599
    Chinese mythology is a very complex system. I can explain the basic concept of the chinese mythology. First the structure of chinese pantheon. Chinese traditional mythology is called Daoism. But after Buddhism come to China, it got absorbed by Chinese pantheon. The supreme god king governing heaven in daoism is jade emperor. But the one who created the universe was the ancient titan pangu. Pangu died from exhaustion soon after he creates the universe. The jade emperor and three pure one control most of the universe after him. They assigned king Yama to govern the underworld. Four great dragon kings to govern the sea. But they all pledge loyalty to jade emperor. Great goddess Nuwa creates humanity after the creation of the world. Buddha is technically the most powerful entity after the death of pangu. Because Buddhism believe he is one with universe. Therefore both Buddhism god and daoism god show respect to each other, and often work together. Second is the power structure of chinese mythology. The biggest difference between Chinese mythology and western mythology. Is the fact that in Chinese mythology, mortal can become god by practicing daoism or Buddhism. Which many western mythology can’t. This gives people more hope and give them reason to study daoism and Buddhism. However this freedom also give birth to demon(youkai). In chinese the concept of demon is not the same as west. Chinese demon were once mortal creatures who practiced daoism or Buddhism. They use the power in evil way and because corrupted. This goes for animal too. Both human and animals have possibilities of becoming demon. That’s why in journey of west there are tiger demon or fish demon. Due to the fact all youkai Practice daoism or Buddhism. In chinese mythology demon are considered very intelligent beings. Also most demon aim to become god, because in chinese mythology gods are the final stage of evolution. Now we can talk about monkey king wukong and journey of the west. Monkey king is the hero in chinese mythology. He’s just like Thor in Norse mythology or Hercules in Greek. Monkey king was loved by chinese people. But monkey king wasn’t a righteous figure when he first appeared. Monkey king was a stone monkey who came from the magical stone of goddess nuwa. He was a trickster and a morally neutral existence. He soon became the king of monkeys and learn daoism under a great daoist saint. During the process he learn immortality and become so powerful that almost no god can beat him. After he gain such strength, he went to the dragon king palace and acquired weapons and armor. Went to underworld and delete his name from book of death. He soon make alliance with demon kings in the mortal realm. Making him one of the greatest demon king in existence. When jade emperor discovered this, he give wukong a job in heaven. Which wukong gladly accept. But jade emperor still didn’t quite understand how strong wukong is. So he give him a position as stable boy for taming heavenly horses. Wukong feels extremely humiliated. So he quit the job and give him self the title of great sage equal to heaven in revenge. Heaven sees wukong’s refusal of the job as an insult. But after long discussion, they give wukong the title of great sage equal to heaven and invite him once more to live in heaven. As guardian of immortal peach garden. But monkey screw up his job again, because he end up eating all the peaches and even steal some pills of immortality. That finally angered the jade emperor. He dispatched the entire army of Heaven to arrest wukong. Monkey king was unrivaled in power even for gods. Only the great warrior god Erlang could fight him in equal strength. They eventually did capture the monkey through trap, but can’t find any way to kill him. Because he’s so bloody immortal, nothing can hurt him. He eventually break loss again and causing even greater havoc in heaven. Jade emperor finally calls the buddha himself to fix the problems. Buddha being the strongest beings in existence, easily subdue wukong, and trap him under a magical mountain. 500 years later Buddha send a chinese monk name Xiang Zang to retrieve the holy scripture from India. He choose wukong as one of monks body guards. Finally wukong was freed from the prison. But this time he humbly protect the monk in his journey to the west. During the process he starts to respect the monk. Also becoming a more humble and righteous person. He eventually was reworded by the Buddha and become a Buddha himself
  • @zhangqiwang3152
    For these that doesn't know, the writer from dragon ball was inspired by the book journey to the west (written in 16th century) Sun wun kong (which is the real name of son goku), has the ability which is with his own fur he makes clones of himself. Some of the Naruto story was also inspired by the book
  • @fxbear
    So thrilled to see him riding the cloud in the clip at the end. Dragonball took its inspiration from this story
  • @xxHotSpicyxx
    This is the OG Chinese story that inspired/influenced other East Asian cultures, notably Japan. That's why some of the creatures and visuals look original.
  • @cyseren524
    Forwarded message: spoiler alert an over-simplified explain here: This game is a re-creation of "journey to the west", and in ancient china myth world which WUKONG lives in, humans can get supernature power to become a "god/神仙". Practicing Buddhism or Taoism is a way of becoming "god". Animals can also receive supernature power, and they become "monster/demon/妖怪", not "god". Here, monster/demon is not always evil, they are just different from humans. In many stories, the monster can live with humans or even have a marriage with a human. in those stories, humans are often more evil or stupid or greedy or coward... The rank or class of this world is roughly like this: god > monster > human > animal. This rank is a metaphor of ancient china society, but not enough room to explain it here, knowing the rank is ok. So monsters want to live in the form of a human, or at least act like a human because they are in the hope of becoming a "god". WUKONG is a monkey born from a stone who finally become a "god", he is not a "pure" god(human -> god), he remains some monster/demon characteristics. This contradiction is the source of many re-creations including this game. Back to this trailer: This trailer shows a monk tells a story that happens in a temple relic occupied by a group of monster gangsters. The giant wolf boss at 7:38 is their leader, he identifies himself as a Taoism priest, and get a Taoism name "灵虚子" or "灵虚真人" he has a friend who is a black bear. but not shown in this game. the minor boss at 2:53 is also a wolf. check his feet, you can see that he is a wolf wearing human cloth, not a human with a wolf head. the little potato-like guy at 4:49 is "土地公/local earth god", a kind of minor god. like a nymph in Greek myth, but not that pretty. you guys may be confused why there is another monkey king with better weapon and better armor stop us from finishing the boss. and spend several seconds showing shining gold characters on his stick. We Chinese guys are quite excited seeing this scene because it gets to the most suspenseful part of the story: whether the monkey king who finally becomes the god is the real monkey king who born from the stone? (Is the hero at the end of the journey the same person when he starts the journey?) (are we still us when we grow up/old ?) yes, there are multiple monkey kings and multiple explanations. you can even take them as the "ego", the "id", the "superego" of the monkey king. but it is best to let the game itself to explain it. if you look carefully enough, you will find that the storyteller(at the beginning and end of the trailer) himself is an old "monkey" too. the floating belt behind him indicating that he is a "god".
  • @hobbes3380
    Also known as "The Great Sage Equal of Heaven" and "Victorious Fighting Buddha."
  • @vs4006
    You guys feel some Sekiro vibe, no strange because of the building styles, the temple, the ringing bell-----buddhism elements everywhere in both games. The spreading of Chinese Buddhism has influenced Japanese culture greatly since Tang Dynasty, 1400 years ago. No doubt Sekiro is a great game, and of course Sekiro vibe is a good word. However, it sounds a lil bit pathetic to Chinese gamers. Chinese historic culture is so deep and long and rich, but we never created even a single game to make the world know about such culture. As a comparison, Japan does this job so well. Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, etc., so many great games showing Japanese culture to the world. And that's why Black Myth: Wukong made so many Chinese people crazy. We have been expecting it so long.
  • @rj8184385
    Highly recommend to read the book "The journey to the west" before playing this game that helps you to know the story and all the characters.
  • @finley7175
    English sub: (the monkey transforming into a cicada sneaks on monsters' camp…) 狼兵甲:居然有几个酒坛 The first werewolf: there were a few wine jars 狼兵甲:不知道里面还有没存酒 The first werewolf: I wonder if there is any wine in it 狼兵乙:别馋了 The second werewolf: being gluttonous is forbidden when working, damn it! 狼兵乙:误了事,小心咱们两个被灵虚真人拿去下酒 The second werewolf: We will be eaten by the super monster wolf Lingxuzi once making mistakes on our jobs 狼兵丙:大哥,山门口那边好像传来些响动 The third werewolf: bro? there may be any anomalies from the entry gate 狼兵丁:别疑神疑鬼的,有大哥在把守 The forth werewolf: take it easy man! our captain is guarding here 狼兵丁:哪个不识相会来找死啊 The forth werewolf: Nobody except those seeking death dare to come here (captain of monsters penetrates the cicada are transformed by the monkey, the battle begins…) 山匪头子:那些狼崽子看不见你 Captain of monsters: those men cannot see you, but I can 山匪头子:别以为就能过了老子这关 Captain of monsters: getting through me is just a delusion (captain of monsters is defeated, move on…) 狼斥候:不好啦,有毛脸和尚闯进来了 Werewolf scout: damn it! A monk with hairy face is breaking in (after defeating the werewolf archer, move on…) 刀狼教头:来者何人? Head coach of monsters: who is that coming? 刀狼教头:敢来此处扰我清修 Head coach of monsters: how dare you bother me during my exercise? 刀狼教头:唔?又是只猴子 Head coach of monsters: Uhhh? Another monkey 刀狼教头:施主不如放下棍棒 Head coach of monsters: you’d better put your stick down 刀狼教头:也同我学点佛法 Head coach of monsters: and learn Buddhist doctrine from me 刀狼教头:如何 Head coach of monsters: how about you? (start battle with the head coach, move on after defeating him…) 刀狼教头:你…莫非就是大王说的那个 Head coach of monsters: you… are you the man mentioned by our king? 刀狼教头:天…命…人 Head coach of monsters: the...man …owning…destiny (monkey takes head coach’s weapon, a fire stick named 赤潮(Chichao)…) (地下的声音)小猴子,你惊动了这儿的妖怪 Underground sound: hey monkey, you have alerted monsters here (地下的声音)再往前走可要万万小心 Underground sound: look out the around once moving on (地下的声音)小猴子,来这边 Underground sound: monkey, come here (地下的声音)这儿,看这儿 Underground sound: I am here, look here (the NPC Earth God appears…) 土地公:小神是黑风山的土地,在此处等候你多时了 Earth God: I am Earth God of the Heifeng Mountain, and wait you for a long time 土地公:像 Earth God: Oh… 土地公:真像啊 Earth God: you are really like him(maybe the true monkey Wukong) 土地公:再往前走,就是观音禅院 Earth God: you will see the Avalokitesvara Temple if go forward 土地公:当年也是香火鼎盛 Earth God: In those years, believers are in an endless stream here 土地公:只可惜那场大火 Earth God: till a fire burned out everything… 土地公:后来,禅院又被重建了 Earth God: Although the temple was rebuilt later 土地公:可人心若是烧没了 Earth God: belief was burned out… 土地公:修好一座破庙,又有什么用 Earth God: what does an empty temple matter? (a wolf whistling spreads out…) 土地公:小老儿先走一步 Earth God: let me walk the first step 土地公:等你过了前面的栈道,咱们自会再见 Earth God: we will meet again after passing through the plank road (keep moving util encounter a group of monsters, they are defeated after transforming into a giant monkey, then enter into the Avalokitesvara Temple…) 土地公:嘘…别出声 Earth God: keep silent please 土地公:小心惊动那条大狗 Earth God: don’t alert the big dog! it is in the yard now 土地公:后院那厮是黑风怪的道友 Earth God: he is the friend of the Black Wind Monster 土地公:自称灵虚子 Earth God: and name himself Lingxuzi 土地公:以你现在的道行 Earth God: you cannot defeat him with your strength (wolf whistling comes one again…) 土地公:糟了 Earth God: Damn it! 土地公:小猴子快逃,还来得及 Earth God: leave here, there is still time! (monkey moves forwards…) 土地公:你若进了这道门,便回不了头了 Earth God: there is no way back if you enter the door (the Boss battle with Lingxuzi begin. It is very interesting when the monkey release some magic skills, like 定身术(dingshenshu, i.e. the target will be frozen while the skill fails on fighting with the boss) 猴子猴孙(houzihousun, i.e. monkey make copies of himself from his hairs) and 七十二变(countless changes of tactics, i.e. monkey can transform into any materials including cicada, giant monkey even the head coach defeated before); finally monkey transforms into the head coach and end the boss Lingxuzi . Apparently, these skills are totally from the Ancient Chinese Literature-Journey to the West) Thanks for watching! 😊
  • @cloudtx
    "That was an experience" You got that right man! This is easily one of the best trailers for games I've seen in my life. I haven't been this hyped since I was a kid watching the trailers for God of War 3!
  • China's been around so long, you could say they have an entire world's worth of history/culture and mythology lol Two thumbs up for listening to the end, the song at the end means a LOT to us who grew up with Journey to the West Live action and cartoon shows.
  • @ARMYALEX1869
    to some who don't know, Son WuKong is a character from a Chinese myth novel 400 years ago called Journey to the West. In the myth, some of his powers include riding clouds, transforming (72 forms), that magical staff he wields can lengthen and shorten, he also hides it in his ears when it's tiny. When he tears off strands of his hair, each strand can turn into a clone of himself. Oh, and let's not forget he can freeze people with words. that's all i remember for the moment. but he's pretty dope.
  • @geese8860
    "He taking on a whole army" yup buddy that wu kong for ya
  • @jetli4696
    Wukong is a character in Chinese mythology. He has a lot of magical abilities, I said his three basic skills. His weapon is an iron that weighs more than 10,000 tons and can become bigger or smaller and put into his ears. His flying tool is a cloud, and a single somersault can fly 54,000km Wukong can be transformed into 72 different forms.
  • @leejinPro86
    This is JOURNEY TO THE WEST: THE MONKEY KING a Chinese Mythology Dates Back The Year 1592 Novel Publication As Sun WuKong as The Protagonist_ Dragonball Was Inspired By Journey to the West & Goku In Chinese Translation is WuKong _ Japanese Anime Creator Akira Toriyama Stated Plenty Times He Created Dragonball & Goku Inspiration of That
  • @duyson5632
    I'm too hyped about this game I went and watch every reactions there are. So far, this is the best reaction 👍👍👍
  • @user-ot2nh8qb7d
    That's him, who he was or the legend he will become. This is an inwards journey as much as it is an outward one. The mythology and lore of Wukong is an awesome and lengthy one that dates back hundreds of years.
  • @Xemorym
    It's been a while since i've felt this hyped about a game
  • @hieubeo1202
    I like your reaction, you look so surprise and so excited at the same time, like “ohhh” and “helloo” lol