Ambient Acoustic Guitar for the soul one and a half hours

An hour and a half of relaxing original acoustic guitar music by Sheldon King played live for study, sleep and atmosphere.

コメント (21)
  • @anoshya
    I reflected on parts of my life when listening to this..I’m 72 on Thursday and have found a lot of peace in later life after a turbulent past..thankyou for this beautiful music
  • @ckris4446
    Also amazes me you can sit like that for 1+ hours - my soul thanks you
  • Too often my guitar work has had a deadline of some kind, which has always seemed to push creativity to the side, exchanging music's beauty for clunky utility. But every so often, if we're fortunate enough, some musician finds themselves in this serene state -- where it seems they're tapped into the universe somehow, and pluck melodies out of the cosmos like fruit -- and they fortuitously record it for the rest of us to catch a glimpse of their bliss. Thank you, sir, for taking us along on the ride.
  • How calm and warm my soul is... It is drizzling outside the window, the rustle of leaves is heard...My heart is pounding calmly, the day's stresses have passed. I'm sitting in a comfortable armchair with a glass of wine, delicious smells are coming from the kitchen, my wife is preparing dinner for us. I watch the children playing with the cat, it's his birthday today and he's waiting for a pate cake.. This is happiness...
  • thank you, this is very beautiful, took me on a journey, I truly appreciate you sharing this gift of yours with us
  • This music is a real infusion... It brings fresh life...I am born again... This music is like the wings of a condor... It takes me to heights and distances...through space and time...
  • I just meditated to this lovely music on my little porch "sanctuary" filled with plants and flowers. First time I was able to meditate since my husband died in January. This was the catalyst for me, a new step of self-care for me that has been so desperately needed, as there is so much I'm dealing with now. Thank you for allowing this stunning music to flow through you to my soul. 🕊
  • My hands won't let me play so I will listen to yours. Thank you for sharing.
  • Been suffering from anxiety lately. This is just so calming and soothing. Thank you. The way music is supposed to be, just makes you feel something, in this case, peace.
  • This is incredibly beautiful, and it’s so cool that you are sharing this. I love that you are just sitting there playing, without anything really fancy. Thank you so much.
  • Absolutely beautiful, contemplative music. I sat down at my home office to catch up on a mountain of paperwork. I was feeling anxious but your music has given me a space to breathe. I will be a frequent visitor.
  • 5 secs and one can notice this dude can actually really play. Gorgeous manouche guitar model, solid hand positioning and finger work, announcing decades of Classical maybe Flamenco background, genuine musical maturity shown through a rather sobber work. Thank you for this rendition, a true oasis in youtube.
  • Listening while studying for a big exam tomorrow, work is kicking my butt, puppy got hit by a car (but he is ok), and aint got no man at home. Thank you for feeding my soul to me keep going, god bless!!!!
  • @NYtoNC
    I literally exhaled audibly after your first 10 notes 😢❤🙏🏼...and then cried.
  • Sheldon, many of the videos you have here remind me of when I used to just sit, back over 40 years ago, sometimes with other musicians, with no plans and just see what came out. We rarely recorded our impromptu sessions. Lots of magic on our journeys, sometime someone or two might start describing their thoughts, or their day, or of a time from the past and the music would wrap itself around the words, enhancing and amplifying the mood. Your music is the closest thing I've found to those times. Thank you for making these videos and recordings. I have already told some old friends to tune in to what you're doing. Best wishes.
  • I felt pretty low today. This soothed me somewhere deep inside like a stream of cool water. I want to move my family back to Scotland after 15 years working in Taiwan, but I need to wait until next spring. I need to grow roots again. The comments showed me that you reach a lot of peoples emotions. You have a gift man.
  • I like to put this on repeat and let it play while I'm outside in my garden. It really sets the scene. Thank You
  • Unashamedly had this on repeat for the last few days after stumbling upon it through a recommendation when listening to Alan gogoll. This piece and your talent are incredible. Thank you for this
  • @howardcox2918
    This reminds me of when I was a kid I would listen to my parents Windham Hill albums,guys like William Ackerman