Woman In Coma Has Near-Death Spiritual Awakening & Realizes WHY WE ARE HERE | Anita Moorjani

Published 2024-04-02
In 2006, after a long battle with cancer, Anita Moorjani went into a coma, her doctor told her family that she had only a few hours left to live. During the 30 hours she spent in the coma, she had a profound near-death-experience where she was told the purpose of her life. In this episode, André sits down with her for an in depth explanation of what went on and the insights she gained from the experience.
They discuss the root of all disease (and how we can heal ourselves with this knowledge), Anita’s perception of God and our true essence, reincarnation and much more. Anita provides practical tools and knowledge to help you live your most authentic life today and experience a more vibrant way of being.

André's Book Recommendations: www.knowthyself.one/books

0:00 Intro
1:26 Life Before Cancer
4:37 Facing Her Cancer Diagnosis
16:56 How Inauthenticity Leads to Illness
23:42 Is It Your Fault? Taking Responsibility for Disease
25:19 Facing Death & Going Into a Coma
28:36 Leaving Her Body & Awakening in the After-Life
35:28 What the 'Other Side' Is Like
41:30 The Moment My Purpose Was Revealed & Choosing to Come Back
47:27 Waking Up & Fully Recovering From Cancer
50:48 Sharing Her Experience with Others Afterwards
55:34 Reality of God & Our True Essence
59:08 What Happened After: Entering a New Way of Being
1:04:24 Actualizing Her Purpose Afterwards (Wayne Dyer, Book Deal, and Speaking)
1:11:15 Most Important Lessons I Learned in Death
1:16:23 How to 'Die' Before You Die
1:25:54 Truth About Time, Past Lives & Reincarnation
1:30:15 Secret to Overcoming Chronic Illnesses
1:32:58 Who You Are at Your True Essence
1:37:06 Making Choices from Love, Not Fear
1:39:50 Conclusion

Anita Moorjani was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and lived in Hong Kong until she moved to the United States in 2015. Anita worked in the corporate world for many years before being diagnosed with cancer in April 2002.
Her fascinating and moving near-death experience (NDE) in early 2006 tremendously changed her perspective on life, and her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm. She, and her miraculous story, were discovered by Dr Wayne Dyer who fostered her entrance into the world of public speaking, and urged her to write a book about her experience. And following his lead, Anita wrote her first book, Dying to be Me, and it reached the New York Times Best Seller list. Since then her two other books "What if this is Heaven" and "Sensitive is the New Strong" have reached significant acclaim. As a result of her NDE, Anita is often invited to speak at conferences and events around the globe to share her insights. From her Social Media channels to her live workshops, Anita demonstrates that she is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even the most adverse situations.

'Dying to Be Me' Book: amzn.to/3HvGSTy
Join Anita live ~ anitamoorjani.com/upcoming-events
Join Anita online: amsanctuary.com/


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André Duqum
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All Comments (21)
  • @bilalkhan4168
    My sweet sweeeeeet MOM passed away from Cancer, bacterial meningitis, lungs infection, kidney failure, fits,strokes internal bleeding and finally heart failure. She was only 48 year old ,but I know she’s in Heaven!!! She wasn’t just my mom, but my best friend. Please pray for her.
  • @anitamoorjani
    Thank you so much, Andre @knowthyselfpodcast for hosting me on your show and for conducting an amazing interview. Your questions were so thought provoking. And thank you to everyone who is watching and providing heartfelt responses here. I have read some of them, and they bring tears to my eyes! I would not want anyone to go through what I went through - so nothing makes me happier than to know that what happened to me is helping others! ❤
  • @justinlee6031
    In 2021 i thought i was having heart problems, one day at work the pain got to me so i drove myself to the hospital. They run test and do imaging. Then the dr comes in and says your heart is ok, however you have several masses in your chest. You need to have a scan done. At the time i didnt have insurance so i was hesitant to do it that day but my wife made sure it was done. So i got it done and the dr said the biggest was 2.5 in size. At this point i go to highland oncology and see the leading specialist on lymphoma there. This was in Fayetteville Arkansas. He says this looks like lymphoma but we cant say for certain until we do a biopsy But first lets do a scan to see if it is anywhere else. And if it is maybe we can take the biopsy from somewhere other than the chest. Well we get the scan done and go back for the results and my wife and i could tell that he was about to tell us something life changing, judging by the look in his eyes. He asked if i was ready, i said as ready as i can be. He said unfortunately it is everywhere, you have a spot in your right lung, your splean, esophagus, to many to count in the chest and one in your left groin. I just went numb after he said it was everywhere. My worst nightmare just played out in real life. My wife had just given birth to our youngest beautiful daughter April of 2020. And i knew something was wrong before this because i was in so much pain. So after he tells me all of this i looked at him in his eyes and asked him to be up front with me. Can you keep me alive long enough for my daughter to remember the man i was. He told me "well we still need to do a biopsy but i am 99% certain this is lymphoma. And even if its stage 4 we still have a fighting chance depending on what type, but if this is a more rare fast moving type of cancer then we are going to be looking at keeping you around as long as we can". At that moment yes i was terrified of dying, but not because of the thought of dying, but the thought of what is my family going to do without me? What man will love my babies the way i do? How will my wife do this. I guess you could say i was more heartbroken than scared. So anyway Dr. BLAKE LOCKWOOD gives me more pain pills for the pain. Which did not help at all and i was on 15mg oxycodone 6 times a day and i would still set on the edge of my bed at night afraid i was going to die in my sleep. The pain was so intense in waves. Constant pain but worse in waves. So we get set up for the biopsy and im in the preop room and i meet everybody who is going to be working on me. Then my wofe kisses me goodbye and they give me a shot. But i remember being taken into the cold operating room and i remember them helping me scoot over to the operating table. I even remembered the little blue things that my neck and legs layed on. Then i remember a guy asking if i was ready. Then he put a mask on me and said take big deep breathes. But i guess it didnt work fast enough because he said maybe take bigger deeper breathes, lol. Then right when i was about to say i think it is working it was like a light switch for reality. Instantly i was surrounded by white light as far as i could see. But i had the sense i was in a room. I was setting up and i felt at peace with no fear, then a man appeared in front of me, wearing all white with fire red hair and red mustache and red beard. And he spoke to me but without using words. It was like as soon as he thought something i understood him and as soon as i thought something he understood me. I do not remember what we spoke about but i feel im not supposed to remember right now. But while he was communicating with me he would reach his hands to my chest and then take a step back. The whole time i never took my eyes off of him. I just felt a complete love from him that i have never experienced before. I felt safe and i felt like i had been there and knew this man. Then i hear my name and open my eyes and i am now in the recovery room. I instantly felt sad that this nurse had taken me out of this place i was in. My wife came in and i told her about what i had experienced. Then on our way home i realize the only pain i am having is from my groin where they took the biopsy from. So i tell my wife and she says , its probably from all the medicine in your system from being sedated. Well 3 days goes by and still no pain. We go back to highland oncology for the biopsy results, and we are waiting on the dr to come in. The whole time waiting we are hoping its a less aggressive type of cancer and not a rare really aggressive type. Then in walks Dr. Blake Lockwood and hes wearing a mask but i can tell he is smiling, and he says well our you ready for some good news? My wife started crying and i said absolutely. He begins to tell us, "this is not cancer" in fact every single test they ran came back negative. To which i replied thank God above. And he said i have been doing this for many years and i see cancer every day, I had no doubt that you had cancer. He said all i can say is this is a miracle. That was the longest almost full year of my life. Even my family Dr. was shocked when i called and told him. So much so he did more imaging and found that some masses had gone away and the others had shurnk and here i am in 2024. So if you are going through something remeber these words, "there is a God and he is still performing miracles and healing people of sickness."
  • @Kellycreator
    My mum died at age 43. I knew she didn’t want to die with me and my sister there. She died early next morning when nobody was there. It made me sad but I knew she didn’t want an audience. A month to the day of her passing I had a dream she was sat at the back of her cremation service. After the service she came up to me and told me she had to leave, she couldn’t tell me why but she told me she loved me and held me so tight. I woke up crying still feeling her arms around me and the gentle beat of her heart. It faded quickly but left me with such a feeling of peace. I’ve felt my mum around me many times since, weird times like when I’m preparing food, hoovering, when I’m walking around the woods and every time I see a horse ❤❤❤❤ Our energy doesn’t die.
  • @sharonshrum8693
    After my Grandpa died, he visited me in my dreamstate. He told me that LOVE is the most important above all ✨️
  • @alanaadams7440
    My son who was killed in a car accident came to me in a dream state in the form of a yellow light and said he was ok just then a warm feeling flushed through my heart
  • @user-sh5fx6gr1t
    At 11 yrs old I had surgery. I jumped out of body & flew up & into a corner of surgery room. I could see 360° without turning my head. I saw Angels behind me. Then to my left were my Ancestors. I look down to the operating table & saw myself. The surgeon whip his head back & forth. The Dr was harshly indicating I died or was near death. At that moment I went back into my body. I temporarily opened my eyes looked up & saw the Dr. He gently spoke, & told me to shut my eyes & go back to sleep .. so I did. Its was the greatest, wellness, feeling of my life, to be out of body. There is life after death. Im not afraid. Healing is my inheritance from my Creator.
  • My husband was diagnosed with a tumour 5 years ago and the oncologist said he had terminal cancer. Anita Moorjani's book helped him to heal. After reading her book, my husband said he had been healed. He's been fine ever since. He has a CT scan every 6 months and the tumour is there but it doesn't do anything. Just because you have a tumour it does not mean you have cancer (as it may not be malignant) and it doesn't mean you cannot live on and enjoy life for another few decades. We are SO GRATEFUL to Anita for writing her story, we're sure she's saved thousands of lives. Thank you.
  • I truly appreciate this story! I too experienced a NDE when I was 24 I was Crushed by a mobile Home and my entire Body was pinched almost in half, I was approximately 2” thick across my right shoulder across my chest and down to my left buttock the metal frame broke my shoulder in 3 places and dislocated my ribs and broke 5 ribs I suffocated but was conscious through the pain and the Death of my body, I pleaded for my life, I watched my life story play out in 9 seconds I was very saddened by not being able to finish my life purpose, I discovered that my life purpose was to love, that was my mission, Before I came back into my body the Air came to me in millions of air particles with one spokesman asked me for permission to breathe into my body, I thought how incredibly intelligent they all were and how each air particle knew exactly where they were going and doing, I was flabbergasted when they asked for permission the second time to breathe into me because at the time I said to myself that only humans and animals and living things only needed to breathe, Once I had the second breath I realized I was human, I was then told that it would be as nothing had happened, I dared to test my limbs to see if they would respond after that, This happened 30 years ago March, I have lived a life without pain, I desire to share my story,
  • After my mom passed over, I was obsessed with her suffering before she passed & worried she was still suffering. A week later as I was slowly coming awake, a brilliant, soft, white light appeared, I sensed it was my mom. It was complete weightlessness, timelessness and profound joy and love. I knew then she was OK & I was to go forward and love my life.
  • @deec411
    Less than a week before my dear mother passed, she was sitting in the dining room of the nursing facility on what would've been my father's 100th birthday. she was with her wonderful hospice nurse, Petra, when she said to her, "My mother's here, I want to go to her, she's leaving" That gave me such comfort when I came to visit her the following Sunday and she was actively dying. being a hospice nurse myself I saw it right away. I said into her left ear "I love you, mom!!" she whispered, "I love you too" those were the last words she ever spoke. 😢 Love you Mom, always and forever ✨💖✨
  • Stories like this give me hope that consciousness continues. I lost my wife of 30 years last year and it has been 15 months of heartbreak for me. I have no idea of what my purpose may be anymore and as a youngish guy of 51 years old, life as a widower feels like a prison sentence imposed on me by me. Grief holds me tight in its grip and won’t let me breathe. I thought I had been grieving all this time but only starting to realize that the last year has been trying to survive my own reaction to trauma. Survivor guilt is powerful and completely suffocating. I hope my beautiful wife is waiting someday for me.
  • @marshafortin6093
    What impacted me the most is #1 when she said that it is important to love ourselves first and #2 not living our lives from a place of fear, but being true to ourselves and creating the life that we love and enjoy. ❤
  • @BluenoteBoy
    Beautiful. 2 years ago I was given 6-12 months to live due to stage 4 cancer, my life felt like it was falling off a cliff and the prognosis and treatment was very difficult to deal with both physically and mentally. Fortunately it has gone into remission with no visible signs which is a miracle in itself. The experience has taught me LOVE is the most important and powerful thing we have. Love for each other, nature, all living things and the whole of creation. I feel blessed to have so much love in my life. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • @57nv
    I understand For several generations in my family the woman that were diagnosed with breast cancer passed within 5 yrs of the diagnosis. My turn came..i was diagnosed..oerated on and died. I refused came back. The others went thru chemo after..it didnt work i was told i had 2 yrs to live if i didnt follow the same process.. again i refused..i decided i was going to live a long happy life, learn to really play my guitar, make life happy for my family. Its been 20yrs since and my life is wonderful im cancer free!! I believe you can be what you want by living a happy life
  • @aniqabano1582
    Can we take a moment to appreciate the oratory of both the host and the speaker. Both have vast vocabulary and are fluent in spoken language. Moreover, their expression of thoughts is clear. It makes such a charm to listen to both. Thank you
  • I am a follower of Christ. I cannot unite in words my theology with your words, yet in my heart, with a clear conscious before the Holy Spirit, I believe you experienced the truth. We too often put God in a box. He is love, and light, and dwells in us. We are his image bearers. Thank you!!
  • @yuliianedoruba
    I saw my father who passed away last year in a dream as well and he was happy! I asked him:"How are you?"😊 And he answered me smiling :"I'm working". And I don't know what exactly he is doing now but he is happy😊And it comforted me so much...❤Thank God for everything ❤❤❤ 😊😊😊
  • @Lovethyself88
    I just lost my Mom a few days ago and watched this a month ago and this video has brought me comfort in knowing the light she’s transitioned into.
  • @melyndacole4172
    Anita’s book Dying to be me was one of the best books I’ve ever read. It helped me see life a beauty instead of fear. I no longer fear life or death anymore and that is worth so much.