My Experience Taking Elvanse | Xaggitin Comparison | Lisdexamfetamine ADHD Medication

Published 2022-06-27
How I've found making the switch from Xaggitin to Elvanse.

Since filming this video I've been on Elvanse for 6 weeks in total. The only thing that I would add is that my appetite is completely unaffected!

Disclaimer: Please be aware this is my personal experience and you should speak to a professional before making any decisions.

You can follow me on Instagram @she_has_adhd 🤍

Leave me a message if you have any questions x

All Comments (21)
  • @mrtommyP80
    I was a person that I had lots of energy and struggled to focus my energy to one task without feeling rushed, elvanse has helped me feel calm and let's me off load the right about of energy to a task, helped with my highs and lows,
  • @onehiccup
    Thank you for the video. Will be starting Elvanse soon, and it's nice to hear your experience with taking it (pros and cons).
  • @Godshole
    Ollie Edward is documenting his journey and he makes quite a few very informative videos of what to expect. One thing he talks about it the euphoria (honeymoon period) for the first weeks, or even months of taking Elvanse and how you can find yourself chasing that feeling by upping the dose. It's important to live with a dose for a period of time before you chop and change so that not only can your body get used to the changes but your brain chemistry and neuropathways have time to adapt as well as your behavioural adjustments. I am 3 months in and for the last month have been on 40mg, starting with 30 for 2 months. There is a change but what is completely baffling me is as it wears off about 4 or 5 hours after taking it I get cravings for SOMETHING / ANYTHING and believe me if I knew what that something was I would be at it by the bucket full!! Hoping when I see the Psyc in September I can up the dose, or even split the 40 /20 (or30) later in the day and not be chasing this craving round the house for half the day. Hats off to you for all the other things you are working on for yourself to improve and manage your life. Keep at it Sian. Linking to Ollie Here
  • @lizcaddy6316
    Thank you so much for your videos, it’s really helpful as I’m on the start of my journey with ADHD in finding the right medication.
  • @martinogold
    What you have said gives me hope, I started taking Elvanse today. Thanks.
  • @kenzashenna
    Whilst I felt like nothing really happened to me with methylphenidate (medikinet), the first day of elvanse adult i finally had the "medicated" experience so many youtubers spoke about.. A clear head, focus, no rushing thoughts of worry, anxiety and ideas... Oh, and thirst/sweat lol. But it's also summer. Sooo. I had work that day, and my job is pretty redundant. Type in data, interpret that data, write a report. I work in psychological diagnostics (which is how I discovered my adhd btw). So like the least stimulating, and a very attention/concentration focused task. That never bothered me though since I work in a small office with very nice colleagues so we usually chat throughout the day, and when we don't feel like it, we each put in headphones and listen to audiobooks, podcasts whatever. That makes it enjoyable and I get to finish my reading goals, and my focus is better when multitasking. And today, after an hour of work, I suddenly realised that I wasn't listening to anything!! Hadn't started a podcast, was just working. All that was in my head was the numbers as I was typing each one in. I think that counts as a successful medical trial 😅 as I'm typing now I'm realising im having a hard type replying to my friend in the phone. Usually I do three, four things at once. I type, think, listen... Now I need to actively do one thing or the other. It's like I'm a horse wearing those flaps that cover their eyes so they can only look straight ahead. I hated being interrupted at work today because I was so scared of loosing my flow as I usually would, but I could go straight back in, no inner conflict bc of lack of dopamine. Whaaat. It wasn't like that on methylphenidate at all. I just felt normal, and jibbery with a racing heart 😅 Honestly the biggest benefit is the focus. I'm still forgetful, but I finally have energy to get up and do something, and not stop until I'm done, no matter how far away the deadline is. I am usually overzealous, taking on anything else I want, not being able to say no to others for new projects. Today I JUST wanted to do one thing, and finish that thing. So that was amazing. But I am TIRED. My body has to get used to it I guess, and I'll try to update you all here how it goes the next few weeks. I have exams coming up and the library environment might be different to workplace. 😊🎉 I also have the jaw clenching and dry mouth issue and I hope that will subside.. The dry mouth was worse with methylphenidate though. And I don't chew my nails anymore like I did unmedicated which is amazing! Aside from that I have huge cravings for dopamine after 8-10 hours (I re-downloaded tiktok which is shouldn't have, kept me up til 6 am.. 😢 Adhd's worst frenemy). And my hunger is COMPLETELY gone. I've eaten twice in the past 48 hours, a lunch that I had to force myself. It's so weird. I love food but I don't feel like it anymore. Then again I know elvanse is used to treat binge eating disorders... But logically I had thought that would come back when it wears off haha. I'm waiting for my menstrual cycle still, interesting to see how that affects it.
  • Interesting video, thanks for sharing. I’ve just taken my last 50mg Elvanse today and I’ll start on Xaggitin XL tomorrow. I’d noticed some benefits on Elvanse but I still have a busy head and still can’t start tasks. The dry mouth was awful but subsided quickly. The first few days I was also so sleepy, as if I took sleeping pills but again that subsided too. I have overall had better sleep. Looking forward to Xaggitin, fingers crossed this is the right fit for me.
  • @sharkeys
    Have gone from 40mg to 60mg (which I pick up tomorrow). After a whole month or so on 40mg I can honestly say it actually works, whereas Xaggatin did nothing for me. However the effects are so short lived for a slow release tablet that it still isn't much help for me. Fingers crossed. Keep up the vids you've helped me a ton already and its a great resource for people yet to go through medication for ADHD
  • @louiseanne830
    Thanks for making I just started Xaggitin with Psychiatry UK too and have seen other good reviews of Elvanyse so curious whether to try both
  • the jaw lock is bad yeah, but what u expect when taking a stim ey....ive been on 70mgs since MARCH this year, and its changed my life. but hurt my tounge, teeth, and jaw mainly, so i wear a mouth guard now at night, all is well :) !
  • @asniffer6532
    My personal opinion is that Jaw clinch is one of the signs that the dose is a bit more than you need for your body. The drug should be subtle. Even if you think it's not working, it's. After a while using the drug they will go away but all you are doing it's making your body adapt to already an higher dose. Anxiety also is another sympton. Racing heart as well. On people with AHDH, the amphetamine works differente, in neurotypicals, they get a rush, as for us who have the disorder, we feel calm. I can even lay down on my bed and chill with Elvanse, while on no Med, my whole life and thoughts keeps popping non stop in my head.
  • @georgiacopley
    I just came across this video whilst researching xaggitin. I have been on it for 3 weeks now and was wondering if elvanse is worth asking about as I'm experiencing a couple of debilitating side effects. Your video has validated so much of what I've been experiencing! I'm also with psychiatry UK so that's a bonus. Thank you for sharing your journey!!
  • @NoName-ug9hf
    Hi Sian, I’m switching to elvanse tomorrow (from Xagattin) and wanted to understand if you’re experience of using elvanse was overall better than the other? I ask because the effect of a new drug for first few weeks while on titration might be different to the effects of it after taking it for a sustained period of time. Do you personally prefer one more than the other for focus and distract-ability?
  • I've just started Xaggatin XL 27mg. I find it really helpful until it feels like it wears off late afternoon and I start feeling depressed! I hope this gets better. I may ask for a dose increase
  • @GoADHDGo
    I’m on Vyvanse and I do the jaw clinching thing and I get the anxiety feeling. I fixed that my “splitting” my Vyvanse. I take half when I wake up and the other half a few hours later. I made a video about it. Best ADHD medication decision that I’ve made. :)
  • Iv just taken my first 20mg been using weed since 16 I'm now 35 was on ritalin to start with as a child then went on to concerta I stopped the meds at 16 I'm now fed up with using weed as it only keeps me chilled I'm hoping this medication will help me come off weed and better my life and make me want to do more as I realized the weed made me do less but at the time it was my rage that I couldn't control and weed just help so much with that but the ADHD is so much more than that and it's taken me a long time to even acknowledge it I used to think I grew out of it and ignored it thinking back on my life I see now the effect my ADHD has had on my life and Iv decided I need to do something about it so I called the doctor and got diagnosed again and they have started me on Elvanse 20mg so I'm now looking in to the effects I like the sound of it so far from what you've said how long was it till you noticed the drug take effect
  • @mccannger
    Would definitely be interested in hearing how you go to with 50mg. Also curious if you’ve noticed any difference in emotional regulation on Elvanse? Of course it might not be an issue for you. For me I’ve a hair trigger and am hoping it really helps when I start it in near future. Thank you for these videos, they’re very interesting 👍