I'm trying to get my house back from THE WORST I have had it on YouTube. I am interrupted by life constantly so it takes me over three days to try to get it under control. I get so close to the end and am hit by a terrible rug pull...... You'll see me try to overcome adhd decision paralysis, start and stop in zones, and finally find the ability to focus and get it done. #cleaningmotivation #cleanwithme

コメント (21)
  • First time viewer. I’m noticing that with each task you successfully complete, you say “I’m lazy, that was disgusting, I should have…, etc.”. You accomplished so much…give yourself the credit you so deserve.
  • @Chrissyhappy
    I watch a man called Midwest magic. He is fantastic explaining things. He has autism and explains how his brain works. He explains the best way to clean. He cleans professionally too. I watch him for motivation and help. Good luck to everyone on their journey.😊
  • You are doing way too much, you are going to burn yourself out! Your kids are all old enough to help you, and to clean their own rooms. I’m so sorry your husband is having serious health problems. All the more reason for your kids to start immediately helping you out. You can’t be expected to do everything by yourself. Really you husband will most likely need you to in the near future. Therefore the kids need to start helping you around the house. Assign chores to each one of them, and have them clean their own rooms.
  • I’m coming from a caring place here. I recommend a family meeting. Your kids are old enough to take some of the responsibility in keeping an uncluttered house. Maybe new rules about clothes shoes and putting dishes away. You could give them each aage appropriate list of chores and create a reward system for accomplishments. Otherwise Beth it’s like you’re digging a hole in the sand that just keeps falling back in the hole. You deserve help and the kids will learn at the same time. You deserve joy! 🌷💛
  • @helloworld441
    I have some tips for keeping the house somewhat tidy; 1. Everything should have a home and everyone should know where things belong 2. Never cook in a messy kitchen and clean as you cook 3. To help motivate the kids, make cleaning a group activity- music playing, set a timer to race against. 4. really build up the sense of ownership of the house and accomplishment when cleaning ie. This is OUR home, we are so lucky to have it. Encourage them to style the cushins/decor etc.. Hope this is helpful
  • @singerjo5791
    One time I enlisted my daughter and husband for a 15 minute cleaning session. They could pick kitchen, bathroom or living room. We all worked for 15 minutes and it made a Hugh difference. I also used to have everyone clean during commercials of whatever show we were watching. You would be surprised at how much can be accomplished in just a few minutes at a time. And, the kids didn’t complain so much.
  • @MrsJilly
    Hi 😊 Could you go around the house and just collect the trash everyday? And then go back to doing a 10min tidy in each room everyday? I genuinely come from a place of wanting to help 🫶 I’m a perfectionist and I had to overcome the high standards I would set to myself and change my mindset to, it’s good enough. My perfectionism would stop me from even beginning the task. You are doing amazing! Try not to be so hard on yourself ♥️
  • @shinetta87
    Thank you so much for posting this content! This video came into my feed the same day I looked around at my own house and immediately felt overwhelmed and ready to give up. You’ve given me hope ❤
  • @belb5091
    Omg you remind me so much me. I feel exactly how you feel. I feel so burnt out. But i try not to give up. My house looks just like yours and i get no help. I am here for you. Thank you for sharing and making me feel like I'm not the only one going through.❤
  • @leem200
    It is not as bad as it looks. It is putting garbage in can, and dishes put in sink, and clothes taken care of as you go. The problem I see is not cleaning as you go. Which is nothing but a bad habit. Do dishes as you use them. Had a family of 8 in 900 square feet. Never had that because we cleaned and picked up after ourselves from a small age on. No dish washier, no dryer. You do it as you go. When you cook wash dishes as you go. Put all dishes you eat from or drink from in empty dish washier. NO large bowls or pans, wash them in sink. Dry put a way. Children need to help, have a clean and pick up twice a day, morning, and evening. Kids can rinse dishes place in dish washier, like glasses. no drink unless you put can in trash. Assign everyone a cup and they can rinse it and reuse it during the day. Have kids put away things as they go. You'd be surprised how it doesn't get bad with good habits. Stop letting it get that way to begin with no reason for it. Grandmother had 13 kids in a small three bedroom. Everyone cleans and helps. Beds made daily; clothes taken care of. Everyone is responsible for dishes they use.
  • Thank you for this realistic video. You have got this. We are in this same transition of getting our home decluttered and children completing chores.
  • @maryrizzo9127
    OMG! I’m not even half way through your video. And your thoughts are so comforting. Just plain normal. I can’t explain how you make me feel. We can’t be perfect. Keep striving.❤
  • You would probably find it easier to tidy one area in the house at a time. Only move on to another area when its finished. You are doing lots of cleaning and tiding but because no area is complete, it looks like you haven't done much. Once you see an area completely done, it will give you the motivation to finish another area.
  • Hello, just watching this for the first time to get some motivation to clean and declutter my own house and I just wanted to offer some kind advice and support. Firstly, you are not just cleaning your house, you are doing three things (cleaning, organizing and decluttering) at once! Girl, no wonder you're tired anyone would be, so give yourself some grace! I agree with the other commenters about getting your family involved as much as you can but until then try setting smaller goals, for example: 1) before bed spend 10 minutes removing just the trash, nothing else, and do this every night, this is will automatically reduce your visual clutter and the emotions that come with it 2) pick a day or time and give yourself 10 minutes to declutter/organize a room or space each day, also a way to reduce visual clutter 3) use a basket system on the first floor (each person get's one) and as your organizing, put items into that persons basket so that they can be put away by that person at a later time, this gives a landing space for things on the first floor without you have to expend energy/time to put things back where they belong and 4) separate deep cleaning from regular cleaning, deep cleaning is much more time consuming when sometimes just a good wipe down is all you need. When we separate cleaning from organizing/decluttering it allows us to focus on smaller tasks and the cleaning becomes easier because we are not trying to do it all at once. I think this will help with the overwhelming feeling. Also, it's important to remember life has seasons and sometimes what we could accomplish in one season is not what we can do in the current season and that's ok. Blessing to you, you are more than enough and you will get through this.
  • @alisonm2257
    Oh yes. Get the kids involved. From the age of 9, i had routine chores. My mom wasnt a Nazi or anything, but I was expected to put everything back in its place. If I left my shoes or book bag in the living room, she would tell me to get it. My mom cooked, and we (kids) did the dishes.
  • I have 2 ADHD / ASD kids and get overwhelmed with my cleaning too... and my house is tiny in comparison to yours! My kids do simple chores and it helps SO much. Eg. Rise dishes after eating and put straight into diahwasher, pick up ALL shoes around the house and put in 1 cupboard, pick up ALL dirty clothes from around the entire house and put in laundry basket etc. Nothing too hard - but i tell you, it makes life SO much easier! I wish you luck finding a solution within your family to help your day to day cleaning routine. ❤
  • @BBG2911
    Let me preface by saying, you are putting in the effort to clean your home. You're doing great! My only thought is you don't finish cleaning an area completely. You get side tracked, and move to another area. You were making progress in the living room, and moved to the patio. I'm not an expert, but if you can see an area completely clean, maybe it will give you motivation to move to another room. Idk, thats my two cents.
  • I’m here to reassure that what you are showing is REAL and RAW! Most content creators DO NOT show that! With that being said congratulations for keeping it real! As a momma of 7 kiddos I assure you our house gets out of wack a lot also! No matter how much I clean! I feel like I go through cycles! I’ll be so on top of the house for so long that I feel like I burn myself out then there is a period I “slack” then get overwhelmed and have to start all over again! It’s amazingly comforting when mommas share REAL overwhelming situations! I feel “Not alone”! And not so much like a failure, because the truth is, we are just busy moms and can’t do it all perfectly all the time! I subscribed! Enjoyed your content! Thank you! ❤
  • @cleanwithmimi
    I am so looking forward to seeing the before and after of this! Trust me, my home gets out of control at times too. Don't be embarrassed! This is the best kind of content... the after is always so amazing! Your face when you took a sniff in that bottle 😭😭🤣🤣. I know how you felt! Love your videos! Have an amazing weekend! ❤❤❤