Fireside Chat: Marc Andreessen & Sebastian Thrun

Published 2018-03-29
Watch as Sebastian Thrun, Founder & Chairman of Udacity, talks with Co-Founder & General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, Marc Andreessen. Thrun and Andreessen talk about failure, Silicon Valley, Bitcoin, ideas, the future, and much more!

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All Comments (12)
  • This is honestly the best goddamn interviewer I've ever seen. I didn't even notice him ask any questions. He's just sooo relaxed, throws in a few great jokes and let's Marc rant on about mindblowing next level stuff. Great job!
  • @MassimoTodaro74
    Marc Andreessen is a mind who has skipped couple of generations
  • @ltrinhmuseum
    Just incredible, the insights and wisdom. After this you ll be operating at a different level.
  • @setoelkahfi
    23:23 It’s not about any particular skill, it’s about combining skills. The world is becoming an ever more complicated place everything is slamming together. It feels it used to be discrete or not combining.
  • @sayfami3927
    The internet the Global city indeed! 👍🏾👌🏾💯
  • two skulls of eggs remaking the world with yes with the raised points make me say that I love the world in which we live, and where did Jeff go ?
  • @setoelkahfi
    16:17 The wrong question of venture capitalist is is this going to work. The right question is if this does work, how big could it get? The resin for that is basically nobody knows how to do what we do without having a high failure rate so you’re gonna have a certain percentage that just simply don’t work and the ones that do work have to work so big that they pay for all the ones that fundamentally don’t work and hopefully generate some profits so you can keep the whole thing going. And so you need the winners to be big which means you need the markets to be large. And then you look for a technology or economic change kind of you know in the core of the company where it’s like a significant advance like it’s something where it’s just not obvious how a big company could easily do it because there’s something about it that’s a discontinuous step change in the technology, and a step change in the economics.
  • My disappointment is less with the video than the cult the media creates around these people. I constantly heard how brilliant & full of leadership Marc is, and after some research I discover that he's another rich tech Guy, who is always selling something... besides his image. If you look at the company's of silicon valley listing on the stock market in 2020, you see mostly entertainment companies, nothing about cold fusion or Renewable revolution. Personally I hate Facebook, Twitter is hard to bear... It's unproductive.and yet we put our fragile future into hands of these guys and trust they'll lead us out of terrible American violence and poverty. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. You are so better off reading some Nassim Talib, who is wonderfully skeptical and won't lead us into billions and billions of wasted government /private spending
  • @setoelkahfi
    One of my life changing hacks is to speed up YouTube video by 1.5x. Not for Marc Andreessen
  • @lavenderl9731
    The interviewer's sense of humor was kinda cringe-y...