EECE 251 - A BJT tutorial/recitation with a quick review of theory

Published 2013-11-02
Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A LECTURE. This is only a tutorial/recitation which includes a neck-breaking review of some of the theory seen in class with an emphasis on the topics that are covered in the three numerical examples presented. One in linear mode, the second one in saturation, and the third one in cut off. It is NOT a new video. It is the merging of four old videos from two years ago (when the YouTube time limit was much smaller) into a more coherent unit. Less than half an hour in the video would be a 50 min tutorial session in a classroom.

All Comments (21)
  • @RedRaven326
    A couple of things that make you a genius at teaching: (1) You assume nothing (2) You already know what the student may miss or misinterpret so you point it out. Thank you very much for being the best.
  • @SchdII
    This guy's videos should be called "The Joy of Circuit Analysis", he's the Bob Ross of circuit analysis.
  • @In2legos
    I learned more from this 26-minute video than I have all semester in my electronics 1 class. Thanks for the help! :)
  • @TechBuilder
    Never have I watched an EE related tutorial with such a soothing narration. Job well done! ♥️
  • @Verence
    It takes talent to make things simple.  Thank you for the video!
  • There aren't many people who qualify as true educators.  But you my friend, raised the standards of teaching.  Awesome, methodical, great humor, articulate, good pase, nice accent, everything to grant you an excellent teaching abilities...  Thank you Roliny.
  • @krisyum
    The best narration in electronics ever!
  • @zetaconvex1987
    The best BJT tutorial I've seen so far. You took it nice and slow, and didn't skip over any crucial details.
  • @AndrewKoala
    Takes me back decades to when I was with Philips and studying Electronics Engineering. My mentor then was a very tough task-master and I could have easily strangled him in those days. However he taught well and was also patient. He did me a favor by hammering knowledge into my head that I remember to this day. And though he retired some 14 years ago we remain good personal friends. You sir remind me in many ways to my one time boss and mentor. And there's great reward in passing on one's knowledge to those that wish to learn. After retiring from the Military, I now teach English and History ( as my primary subjects ) Electronics will always be in my blood, and continue to have involvement in it, yet I am lucky to be alive after poking my mothers crotchet needle  into an AC mains power point when I was 2 years old  ( Must have acquired a taste for electricity then )
  • @freechoas
    Been searching like crazy through the internet to find a simple, clear explanation to the transistor's 3 modes,. But once I found your video, Man!, I got my sanity back. Amazing instruction, and clear examples. You're the BEST !
  • @yashshrinegi
    I had been teaching the same subject,then left my job, after seven years thought of brushing up with my basics and came across this video. thank god i found explanation given....covered everything from start to finish, and still short and precise. u r a great teacher sir. thankyou
  • @pirateman1966
    Wow.... I have watched many videos and read many books on transistors. Your explanations are the best. Bar none. Your voice is hypnotic, and your explanations transcends all barriers, to reach deep in to the brain. My light bulb went on over my head, after your wonderful explanation. I thank you. Respect.
  • @Drtsaga
    This video is precious!! No joke. In all my days-worth of online reading on BJT and voltage divider common emitter amplifiers, I have never come across somebody explaining how to identify the mode of operation. Thank you thank you thank you so much for this tutorial. Excellent contribution to my knowledge and motivation.
  • @capsbr2100
    Your video is worth days and days of reading books from different authors. You are an incredible professor.
  • @llewellyn0304
    The best BJT theory video i would say. I love the part which asks (why this?) (why that?) (a what?) (what you say this again?) . Helped a LOT in my report.
  • @JoKaganator
    Awesome video! Saved me tons of time trawling through text books, thank you so much!
  • @khabaloo82
    Thank you Dr. I am still learning from you many years after I learnt from you in a classroom. Thank you for doing this and thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I never forget your classes and how you made it easy to learn.
  • @racsem762
    The most clear, concise, and helpful lesson I've seen in my 3+ years of electrical engineering. Many may know this information but most cannot teach it to others. You did a wonderful job. Thank you.
  • @jmangel2011
    I love the way you teach us about BJT it is simplier and much much better than my professor //plus! Your voice is very soft and calming thanks!!!