What's behind all this technology? | UFOs / UAPs and how tiny we all are in this universe

This is not a new phenomenon, there are records and descriptions of these types of objects flying in our skies from thousands of years ago. From our egoistic point of view, it might seem that we are the only ones capable of evolving up to this point, but there are many things at play, and there's no interest on behalf of the elite for this information to become public knowledge because it will suggest the obsolesce of our current economic system which is a disguise for the modern slavery.

Correction at 5:58 The estimated Diameter of the Milky Way galaxy is 105,700 lightyears its radius is about 52,000 lightyears.

UFO [Unidentified flying object]
UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena]
It's been happening even before humans were here, here's one of the earliest detailed records bit.ly/3UtPb8W

What about Bob Lazar? it is my own opinion that he is telling the truth, in the documentary he was raided by the FBI, giving his story more strength, otherwise what else would the FBI be looking for? Not only that but many of the things Bob has been telling have been found to be true over time, his story has never changed in over 30 years.

New YouTube Channel bit.ly/3DFmrmU

The animations in this video were done with After Effects and Blender. Some stock footage from free stock footage like pixabay.com/ and www.pexels.com/
some 3D models from sketchfab.com/
Music from artlist.io
The sound design was made in Reaper.
The video was edited in Premiere pro.

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コメント (21)
  • Correction: The Milkey Way is 87.000 light years in diameter.
  • If what Bob Lazar has said is, in fact true. And I tend to believe him. Then why the govt wouldn't just release its findings and allow the scientific community to try and solve this problem together is beyond my understanding. We have the potential to change everything if we figure it out.
  • I saw a UAP with a friend when I was in the second grade. Classic flying saucer shape. It changed my life, and I will never stop investigating this topic.
  • Thanks for creating this video. It was intelligently conceived. We need more people like you creating quality content.
  • This is a well produced video. Good for introducing to those new to the UFO topic. Thanks for the upload.
  • @S1N1CAL
    Bob Lazar didn't go public because he thought the technology was important for the world to know about, he went public because they tapped his phones and found out his wife was cheating on him with her pilot instructor. Bob didn't know this but the government did so they booted him out of the project because they didn't want him to find out about his wife and become unstable. Bob was still being followed and monitored though so he started fearing they where gonna disappear him so he went public to preserve his safety.
  • @LuvHrtZ
    Another possibility is that these objects are objects from higher dimensions that are intersecting with our 3D space. This would explain their differing shapes, the transmedia capabilities and the fact they are isolated from gravity and its inertial side effects.
  • @Cade805
    Great video! I really love the music, sound effects, and general style!
  • Thanks! Honestly, this is another level of content. Mark my words, this is just the beginning of a new phase for Joyplanes RC. I am so happy to be one of the first to see it.
  • @rixfive
    This technology is definitely real. I've seen one a few years ago in plain daylight. Luckily, i wasn't the only one who saw it, I was, in fact, the second person. It was impressive to see the way that thing was moving. The best way I can describe it is like the fluttery flight of a butterfly. It was moving in one general direction but with in that path it was zigzagging in what looked like random directions. No noise what so ever and it was in a pretty close distance, I calculate it was within 3/4 of a mile from where we were standing. I have pretty good eye sight and was able to see its shape and it was like polished metal, no visible lines at all. Looked like one solid piece.
  • This is the best explanation of UFO and UAP I've ever seen. The imagery is amazing as well. Nicely done 😎👍
  • Using Element 115 as a fuel, the ship used an antimatter reactor to produce heat. This heat was then used by a near 100% efficient Thermo voltaic generator, to produce huge amount of electricity. This electricity was then used to power the anti-gravity/gravity emmiters that also used Element 115 but as a source for the strong nuclear force, which is what he said provided the gravity field around the ship.
  • Amazing. We've had soft disclosure so far. Putting ideas in everyone's mind at the end of the day. We won't know what to do unless we were all come together and find out. This is exciting. I watch the night sky alot closer these days
  • @a1day5150
    Only 2 min into the vid and already subbed!!! Great video so far and I’m sure all the way to the end. Good job!
  • Bob Lazar talked about gravity waves in 1989 and scientists thought he was making them up. Now is one of the main fields of study and investigation in astrophysics.
  • Excellent examination of possibilities, Joyplanes. Thanks for the ideas.
  • Bob Lazar is absolutely legit. I remember reading about Bob back in the late 80s and being struck by the simplicity and sincerity of his story. Now, thirty plus years later, technology (and chemistry) is starting to catch up to what Bob said. His story has remained consistent and credible. Element 115, toroidial fields, and anti-gravity generators will be commonplace ideas within twenty years. Maybe the space/time machines Bob worked on were from us in the future... Aliens, dimensional visitors, us from the future - whatever they are, they are (and have been) here.
  • I had a dream over 20 years ago I was inside an extraterrestrial craft. The walls were covered with a light sky blue carpet material. It also travel back in time to the late 1950s. There's no feelings of movement inside this craft. You need no seat belts. We flew over a large semi desert looking area in Texas at night. Then all of a sudden a couple of military fighter jets started upward toward us. The next thing in a split second we shot straight up into outer space looking down on a small planet earth. Then one of the extraterrestrials people said it's time to take you back home. Our craft shot down to my house at night and they put me in my bed room. For several days I experience jet lag. I believe they can travel back in time , and have to power to become invisible to travel through solid material.
  • @cognito7628
    Whether we are alone or not, both statements are terrifying