
Published 2023-05-24

#學姐愛武俠 #古偶 #古裝武俠 #功夫大師 #ChineseDrama #玄幻 #EngSub

【歡迎訂閲 「學姐愛武俠」!
   / @user-bc7ep5iw8l  

為逃避做隋珠公主的駙馬,「天下第一紈絝」的北椋世子徐鳳年(張若昀 飾)在父親徐驍(胡軍 飾)的安排下褪去錦衣華服,初進江湖,和馬夫老黃苦中作樂,結識了眾多江湖人士。三年遊歷歸來,韜光養晦的徐鳳年洗去浮塵,始終不想按照老爹鋪好的人生軌道走,更不願接手北椋,因為成為北椋王,就意味著要成為一個沒有感情的孤家寡人。
但當徐鳳年雪中冠禮,得知一個個至親離他而去,為他犧牲,經歷人生的至暗時刻後,終於下定決心,要當一個和父親完全不一樣的北椋王,再難也不能妥協,遂苦學武藝,憑藉赤子之心和勤學苦練,成為武者,而後率丫鬟姜泥(李庚希 飾)、劍仙李淳罡等護衛,二進江湖,用悍刀鬧得武林勢力雞飛狗跳,看似按老爹的套路下棋,實則踏雪獨闖,力抗命運安排,漸漸培植了願為自己效忠的武當、江南文壇、西楚、徽山軒轅等武林新勢力,也通過種種線索發現母親吳素之死的真相。漫天飛雪,徐鳳年一人一刀一腔仇,用自己的身軀扛起北椋戰旗,最終長成為北椋王合格的接班人

#張若昀 #張天愛 #李庚希 #胡軍 #楊祐寧 #文詠珊 #白澍 #張天陽 #蘇青 #何泓姍 #于榮光 #黃奕 #沈曉海 #邱心志 #呂良偉 #朱珠 #高泰宇 #曾一萱 #劉美彤 #孟麗 #馬雅舒 #劉玉翠 #徐冬冬 #王婉娟 #朱曉漁 #孫雅麗 #學姐愛武俠 #中國電視劇,#Chinese Drama #大陸電視劇 #古裝 #Costume & Period #字幕 #Eng & Sub #天龍八部 #武俠 #動作 #中國功夫 #家國情懷 #打臉 #虐渣 #金庸 #小說改編 #喬峰 #段譽 #虛竹 #王語嫣 #阿朱 #阿紫 #天山童姥 #黃奕 #chinese drama eng sub #功夫 #功夫片 #fight scene

——進入「學姐愛武俠」的《一人一刀一腔仇》播放列表,觀看更多超爽片段→   • 經典小說改編——功夫小子一人一刀一腔仇  


All Comments (21)
  • @FurryEskimo
    Kid: “I want Magneto!” Mom: “We have Magneto at home.” Magneto at home:
  • @diegosolis9681
    Stuff like this is why I love asian fantasy. It's always such a beautiful madness. Very scarcely one sees something so insane look so freakingly cool. When I was a kid I dreamed of flying and controlling swords with martial arts because of movies like this
  • Dude: "I have all the power over iron swords" Magneto: "So, You are like me? Manipulate everything made of iron?" Dude: "Aaah nooo... just the swords"
  • @sagebiddi
    This is ridiculously awesome and hilarious that someone has thought of this and amazingly got other people who thought it was cool and put it to film
  • @user-wk9cr9qz6c
    Обожаю произведения про боевые искусства древнего Китая. Мурим восхитительный мир. А также люблю произведения вроде боевого континента или пика боевых искусств
  • @cp3253
  • @JRF777
    With this scene it is demonstrated that the legendary Chinese past surpasses the most incredible fiction.
  • @sipise01
    1:16 翻譯:到我這境界欠一把劍跟欠無數劍已沒什麼區別 看!還劍啊
  • @pin73113
    「道之真意,不過自然。自然,不過是眾生生命...」 『求道者散離意志,盡化元神,放棄入道兵解的機會,這是你的覺證嗎?』 「守護生命,便是道之真諦,這便是..吾之道!」 散血灑劍,意志寄劍,劍化虛影,守護盤隱
  • @dabarcher2781
    Some of the best wuxia tv series cant wait for season 2
  • @Mofesen
  • @powerbar1981
    That's the last time I saw the flying sword grandmaster after many people and warriors were asking for compensation for their sword and he dissappear 😂🤣😂🤣
  • @rodon265
    And all i'm thinking is "They are never getting their swords back are they? What a shame. So much iron wasted and lost."